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Nwa Contact Zone


Submitted By i31603
Words 454
Pages 2
Fuck the Police written by NWA is a great modern representation of the contact zone. The contact zone is defined as “social spaces where cultures meet, clash, and grapple with each other contexts of highly asymmetrical relations of power, such as colonialism, slavery, or their aftermath as they are lived out in many parts of the world today”(Pratt 34) by Mary Louise Pratt in her writing titled “Arts of the contact zone”. This song has been helpful and caused huge issues within the communities. The song shows the struggle that people of color go through in society and how different races portray each other based on stereotypes.
NWA, which stands for Niggas With Attitude, wrote this song as a parody. I believe that they presented themselves with such vulgar because they felt like everyone saw them in a negative way. They became what the public thought they were. In doing so they caused a lot of commotion with the FBI and police. The song is from the view point of the 3 attorneys; MC Ren, Ice Cube, Eazy-E and the judge Dr. Dre. Each attorney shares their story about the struggle of being a person of color living in Compton.
The first verse is by Ice Cube who mentions “and not the other color so police think/ they have the authority to kill a minority”(NWA 5). What Ice Cube is saying is that cops think because they are white, they are superior to people of color. The cops assume they have the right to kill them and abusing the authority they have. Instead of protecting the civilians,they are harming them. Later on Cube says “searching my car,looking for the product/thinking every nigga is selling narcotics/ you'd rather see, me in the pen/ than me and Lorenzo rolling in a Benz-o”(NWA 6) The police will stop these young black makes assuming they are thugs and demanding to search their cars hoping to find some type of drug. They think that in order for them to be successful, they have to do illegal things. As Cube stated, the police would rather see them in jail than be achieving their goals. Towards the end Cube says “and on the other hand,without a gun they/can't get none”(NWA 7). Cube is mentioning how they feel more comfortable attacking people of color with guns by their side. If they don't have their fun they won't treat them bad because they are afraid. Ice Cube is talking about his side of the story that the police refuse to listen to. By raping this verse he points out the flaws about the police and the hardship he goes through everyday.

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