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Submitted By sweetys101
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Operational Laws and Mean Value Analysis Nirdosh Bhatnagar 1. Introduction Operational technique can be used to analyse both computer and networking systems. We …rst introduce basics of operational analysis. This technique is then extended to open and closed queueing networks. The closed queueing network considered has single servers at its queueing centers. 2. Operational Analysis Basics

The word operational means measurable. The analysis presented in this chapter assumes that the performance metrics of a computer can be directly inferred by measurable quantities. The measurable quantities are called operational quantities. The laws which relate operational quantities are called operational laws. Operational laws for computer systems will be studied in this note. We …rst introduce some notation. Notation: M =Number of queueing centers in the network. T = Finite observation period. Ai = Number of arrivals at queue i (device i) during observation period. Bi = Total busy period of queue i during observation period. Ci = Number of service completions at queue i during observation period. Di = Total service demand by a customer at device i. Qi = Queue length at device i (including the job in service) Ri = Response time per visit to the ith device. Si = Average service time per customer visit to queue i during observation period. Ui = Utilization of queue i during observation period. Vi = Average number of visits to queue i by a customer before it leaves the system during observation period. Xi = Throughput of queue i during observation period. i = Arrival rate of queue i during observation period. pij = The transition probability of a job moving to the jth queue after service completion at the ith queue. The following variables correspond to the entire system under observation. D = Sum of service demands on all devices. Dmax = Service demand on the bottleneck device. N = Number of jobs in the system. Q = Number of queued jobs in the system. R = System response time. X = System throughput. Z = Think time.


Operational Laws and Mean Value Analysis



Observations. The following relationships can be readily noted. Arrival rate Mean service time Utilization Throughput = = = = Ai T Bi Si = Ci Bi Ui = T Ci Xi = T i =

Utilization Law: The utilization of device i is also given by Ui = Xi Si Forced ‡ law: If during the observation period T is such that the number of job ow arrivals at each device is the same as the number of job completions, that is, Ai = Ci we say that the device i satis…es the assumption of job ‡ balance. If the observation ow period T is long, the di¤erence (Ai Ci ) is usually small compared to Ci : It will be exact, if the initial queue length at each device is the same as the …nal queue length. Let each job make Vi requests for the ith device in the system. Let C0 be the number of completed jobs which go outside the system, then Ci = C0 Vi Let the system throughput be X: Then X= Then Xi Xi Ci T = XVi = C0 T

This equation is the forced ‡ow law. It is applicable whenever the job ‡ balance ow assumption is true. Also Ui = X i Si = XVi Si Di = Vi Si we have Ui = XDi


Operational Laws and Mean Value Analysis


Di is the total service demand on the device for all visits of a job. Consequently, the device with the highest Di has the highest utilization and is the bottleneck device. Let Dmax be the service demand of the bottleneck device, then Dmax = max fDi g i Visit ratios and transition probabilities: Visit ratios are one way of specifying the routing of jobs in a queueing network. Another way is to specify the transition probabilities pij of a job moving to the jth queue after service completion at the ith queue. The visit ratios and transition probabilities are equivalent in the sense, that given one we can always …nd the other. In a system with job ‡ balance, ow Cj =
M X i=0

Ci pij

where M is the number of queueing centers in the network. The subscript 0 is used to denote visits to the outside link. Thus, pi0 is the probability of a job exiting from the system after completion of service at the ith device. Dividing both sides of the equation by C0 ; we get M X Vj = Vi pij i=0 Since each visit to the outside link is de…ned as the completion of the job, we have V0 = 1

The above two equations are called the visit ratio equations, and can be used to get visit ratios from the transition probabilities. A unique solution is always possible provided the network is operationally connected, that is each device in the system is visited at least once by each job. Little’ law: This law holds under the assumption of job ‡ balance. Let Qi be the s ow mean number of jobs in the device i: Then Qi = i Ri

= X i Ri

Response time law: Let Q be the total number of jobs in the system. Then Q = XR Also Q =
M X i=1


XR Since Xi = XVi ; we have


M X i=1

X i Ri


M X i=1

Ri Vi

Operational Laws and Mean Value Analysis


This equation is called the general response time law. The law states that the total time spent by a job at a queueing center is the product of response time per visit and the number of visits. Further the total time in the system is equal to the sum of total times at various queueing centers. Example. Problem Statement: We consider a time sharing system. See Figure 32.8 of the text-book by Raj Jain. In a time sharing system, accounting log data produced the following user pro…le for user programs. Each program requires 5 seconds of CPU time and makes 80 I/O requests to disk A and 100 I/O requests to disk B. The average think time of the users was 18 seconds. From the device speci…cations, it was determined that disk A takes 50 milliseconds to satisfy an I/O request and disk B takes 30 milliseconds per request. With 17 active terminals, disk A throughput was observed to be 15.70 I/O requests per second. The average queue length was observed to be 8.88, 3.19, and 1.40 jobs at the CPU, disk A, and disk B respectively. 1. Compute the CPU visit ratio. 2. Determine the service demand of all the devices. 3. Find the system, the CPU, and disk B throughput. 4. Find device utilizations. 5. Determine the response time of jobs at CPU and disks A and B. 6. Compute the response time for the timesharing system. 7. The transition probabilities form CPU to other queueing centers. Solution: We will …rst list the information which is given. DCP U VA Z SA N XA Also QCP U = 8:88; QA = 3:19; QB = 1:40 1. Since the jobs visit the CPU before going to disks and terminals, the CPU visit ratio is VCP U = VA + VB + 1 = 181 2. The service demands of the disks A and B are: DA DB = VA SA = 4 seconds = VB SB = 3 seconds = = = = = = 5 seconds 80; VB = 100 18 seconds 0:05 seconds, SB = 0:03 seconds 17 terminals 15:7 I/O requests per second

Operational Laws and Mean Value Analysis


3. Since XA = XVA ; we have X= 15:7 = 0:1963 jobs per second 80

Also the relationships XB = XVB and XCP U = XVCP U yields


= 0:1963 x 100 = 19:6 requests per second = 0:1963 x 181 = 35:5 requests per second

4. The utilization law yields UCP U UA UB = XDCP U = 0:1963 x 5 = 0:9815 = XDA = 0:1963 x 4 = 0:7852 = XDB = 0:1963 x 3 = 0:5889

5. Using Little’ law, the device response times are s RCP U RA RB = = = QCP U XCP U QA = XA QB = XB 8:88 = 0:250 seconds 35:5 3:19 = 0:203 seconds 15:7 1:40 = 0:071 seconds 19:6 =

6. The system response time is R = RCP U VCP U + RA VA + RB VB = 0:25 x 181 + 0:203 x 80 + 0:071 x 100 = 68:6 seconds

The system response time is 68.6 seconds. It could also have been computed from the following equation N = X (R + Z) where N = 17; X = 0:1963; and Z = 18: This equation is actually the Little’ law s applied to the complete system. 7. The transition probabilities are now computed. Denote the outside node by 0: In this example pA;CP U pB;CP U Trivially p0:0 = 0: Then 1 = V0 = = = 1; pA;0 = 0 1; pB;0 = 0 X i Vi pi;0

Operational Laws and Mean Value Analysis


In this equation i takes on values 0; A; B; and CP U: We have 1 pCP U;0 = VCP U pCP U;0 1 1 = = = 0:005525 VCP U 181

pCP U;0 is the exit probability. Also p0;A p0;B Then VA = X i = pA;A = pB;A = 0 = pA;B = pB;B = 0

Vi pi;A

= VCP U pCP U;A yields pCP U;A = = Therefore pCP U;A = 0:442: Similarly VB = X i VA VCP U 80 = 0:442 181

Vi pi;B

= VCP U pCP U;B yields pCP U;B = = VB VCP U 100 = 0:552 181

In summary pCP U;0 = 0:005525; pCP U;A = 0:442; and pCP U;B = 0:552: 2.2. Bottleneck Analysis of an Interactive System. An interactive system consists of a set of terminals, which issue requests for service at the di¤erent queueing centers, and the responses come back to the terminal. After a think time of Z, the users submit the next request. Let the mean system response time for these requests be R: Also let the number of users be N; and the system throughput be X: Then using Little’ law, we have s N = X (R + Z) We will obtain bounds on the system throughput and the response time. Let the number of queueing centers in the system be M: Let the total service demand, at each of the queueing centers be Di ; 1 i M: The utilization of device i; is Ui ; and Ui = XDi :

Operational Laws and Mean Value Analysis


Response time

Slope = Dmax Bounds

D 0 Number of users Bounds Slope = 1/(D+Z) -Z 1/Dmax Throughput

Number of users

Figure 1: Typical asymptotic bounds

Therefore, the device with the highest utilization will be the bottleneck device. This will happen to the device with the highest total service demand Di : Denote this highest value by Dmax . Let the corresponding device be denoted by b: Therefore Dmax Ub = max fDi g i = XDmax

The highest utilization of a device is equal to 1: Therefore XDmax This implies X Observe that Ri Vi we have Di ; 1 i 1 Dmax D; where D = N (D + Z) PM i=1 1

M: Then R N (R + Z)

Di : Consequently


Therefore X min

1 N ; Dmax (D + Z)

Operational Laws and Mean Value Analysis


A lower bound on throughput X; is next obtained. Smallest throughput occurs when a total of N D time units is spent for servicing N users. This implies N (N D + Z) These two inequalities can be written as N (N D + Z) X min 1 N ; Dmax (D + Z) X

Inversion of the above relationship yields max Dmax ; Simpli…cation gives max fD; N Dmax Zg R ND The above discussion can be summarized in the following observation. Observation: Suppose, we have an interactive system with N users, each with a think time of Z time units. There are M queueing centers, each with a total service PM demand of Di time units, where 1 i M: Let Dmax = maxi fDi g ; and D = i=1 Di : Let the system throughput and the system response time be X and R respectively. Then N (N D + Z) max fD; N Dmax Zg Example. X R min ND 1 N ; Dmax (D + Z) (D + Z) N (R + Z) N (N D + Z) N

Consider the con…guration described in the earlier example:

1. Compute bounds on the system throughput and the response times. 2. How many terminals can be supported on this timesharing system, if the response time has to be kept below 100 seconds. Solution: 1. Recall that DCP U = 5; DA = 4; DB = 3; and Z = 18: Then D Dmax Then the asymptotic bounds N (12N + 18) max f12; 5N 18g For example, if N = 30; then 0:0794 X X R min 12N R 360: 1 N ; 5 30 = DCP U + DA + DB = 12 = 5

0:2 and 132

Operational Laws and Mean Value Analysis


2. The speci…ed bound on the response time is 100 seconds, then 100 That is 100 23:6 (5N N 18) R max f12; 5N 18g

Therefore the system can support no more than 23 terminals in order to meet the given response time constraints. Algorithms are developed for open and closed queueing networks. 3. Open Queueing Networks

Open queueing network models are used to represent transaction processing systems such as airline reservation systems or banking systems. 3.1. Assumptions. The transaction arrival process is a Poisson process, with a mean arrival rate of : The queueing centers are single server systems with exponentially distributed service time. The delay centers have in…nite number of servers and have exponentially distributed service times. Assume job ‡ balance, that is the throughput of the system ow is equal to the arrival rate. 3.2. Notation. The input and output variables are:

Input variables. The following are the input variables. X = External arrival rate, or system throughput. M =Number of queueing centers in the network, excluding terminals. Si = Average service time per customer visit to queue i during observation period. Vi = Average number of visits to queue i by a customer before it leaves the system during observation period. Output variables. The output variables are: Di = Total service demand by a customer at device i. Qi = Queue length at device i (including the job in service) Ri = Response time per visit to the ith device. Ui = Utilization of queue i during observation period. Q = Number of queued jobs in the system. R = System response time. 3.3. Algorithm. Under the assumption of job ‡ balance, X = : Total service ow demand Di ; the device utilization Ui ; and device throughput Xi are given by Di Ui Xi = V i Si = XDi = XVi

Operational Laws and Mean Value Analysis


The device response times are: Ri =
Si (1 Ui )


Fixed-capacity centers Delay centers

The device queue lengths are: Qi =
Ui (1 Ui )


Fixed-capacity centers Delay centers

System response time R; and the number of queued jobs in the system Q is: R =
M X i=1

Ri Vi

Q =

M X i=1


3.4. Example. See Figure 32.1 of the text-book by Jain. It represents a queueing model of a …le server consisting of a CPU and two disks, A and B. Measurements on a distributed system with 6 clients system making requests to the …le server produced the following data: Observation interval = 3,600 seconds Number of client requests = 10,800 CPU busy time = 1,728 seconds Disk A busy time = 1,512 seconds. Disk B busy time = 2,592 seconds Number of visits (I/O requests) to disk A = 75,600 Number of visits (I/O requests) to disk B = 86,400 Solution: X = 10800=3600 = 3 client requests per second VA = 75600=10800 = 7 visits per client request to disk A VB = 86400=10800 = 8 visits per client request to disk B VCP U = 1 + VA + VB = 1 + 7 + 8 = 16 visits per client request to CPU DCP U = 1728=10800 = 0:16 second of CPU time per client request DA = 1512=10800 = 0:14 second of disk A time per client request DB = 2592=10800 = 0:24 second of disk B time per client request SCP U = 0:16=16 = 0:01 second per visit to CPU SA = 0:14=7 = 0:02 second per visit to disk A SB = 0:24=8 = 0:03 second per visit to disk B The utilizations are UCP U = 1728=3600 = 0:48 UA = 1512=3600 = 0:42 UB = 2592=3600 = 0:72 The throughputs are XCP U = XVCP U = 48 CPU requests per second XA = XVA = 21 disk A requests per second

Operational Laws and Mean Value Analysis


XB = XVB = 24 disk B requests per second The response times are RCP U = SCP U = (1 UCP U ) = 0:01= (1 0:48) = 0:01923 second RA = SA = (1 UA ) = 0:02= (1 0:42) = 0:03448 second RB = SB = (1 UB ) = 0:03= (1 0:72) = 0:1071 second The server response time R = VCP U RCP U + VA RA + VB RB = 16 x 0:01923 + 7 x 0:03448 + 8 x 0:1071 = 1:406 seconds 4. Closed Queueing Networks

We discuss closed queueing networks. Closed queueing networks with single server queueing centers can be solved via a technique called mean-value analysis (MVA). This technique computes mean values of the performance metrics. It is assumed that the …xed capacity service centers and delay centers have exponentially distributed service times. In a closed queueing network with N jobs, the response time of the ith device is given by Ri (N ) = Si (1 + Qi (N 1)) where Qi (N 1) is the mean queue length at the ith device with (N 1) jobs in the network. This equation suggests that, since Qi (0) = 0, the Ri (:)’ can be computed s recursively. After computing Ri (N ) the following quantities can be computed R (N ) = X (N ) =
M X i=1

Vi Ri (N )

N (R (N ) + Z) Xi (N ) = X (N ) Vi for i = 1; 2; 3; : : : ; M Qi (N ) = Xi (N ) Ri (N ) = X (N ) Vi Ri (N ) If a device is a delay center (in…nite servers), there is no waiting before service, and therefore the response time is equal to the service time. The queue length in this case denotes the number of jobs receiving service. For such devices Ri (N ) = Si : The meanvalue algorithm is now described. 4.1. Notation. The input and output variables are:

Input variables. The following are the input variables. M =Number of queueing centers in the network, excluding terminals. N = Number of jobs in the system. Z = Think time. Si = Average service time per customer visit to queue i during observation period. Vi = Average number of visits to queue i by a customer before it leaves the system during observation period. Output variables. The output variables are: Qi = Queue length at device i (including the job in service) Ri = Response time per visit to the ith device. Ui = Utilization of queue i during observation period. Xi = Throughput of device i:

Operational Laws and Mean Value Analysis


R = System response time. X = External arrival rate, or system throughput. 4.2. Mean Value Algorithm. The MVA in pseudo-Pascal. The comments are speci…ed inside brackets in italics. Initialization: for i = 1 to M do Qi = 0 Iterations: for n = 1 to N do begin for i = 1 to M do begin Si (1 + Qi ) (Fixed capacity) Ri = Si (Delay centers) end (end i loop) (Compute system response time and system throughput) PM R = i=1 Vi Ri X = n= (Z + R) (Compute the average number of jobs at the ith device) for i = 1 to M do Qi = XVi Ri end (end n loop) (Compute device throughputs and utilizations) for i = 1 to M do begin Xi = XVi Ui = XSi Vi end (end i loop) 4.3. Example. Refer to Figure 32.8. Each user makes 10 I/O requests to disk A and 5 I/O requests to disk B. The service times per visit to disk A and disk B are 300 and 200 milliseconds, respectively. Each request takes 2 seconds of CPU time, and the user think time is 4 seconds. The number of clients is 20. Analyse this system using MVA. Solution: We …rst list the given parameters. N SA VA DCP U = 20; Z = 4 = 0:3; SB = 0:2 = 10; VB = 5 = 2

The following quantities are readily inferred. DA VCP U SCP U Initialization: Number of users: N = 0 = 3; DB = 1 = 1 + VA + VB = 16 DCP U = 0:125 = VCP U

Operational Laws and Mean Value Analysis


Device queue lengths: QCP U = QA = QB = 0 Iteration 1 : Number of users: N = 1 Device response times: RCP U RA RB = SCP U (1 + QCP U ) = 0:125 (1 + 0) = 0:125 = SA (1 + QA ) = 0:3 (1 + 0) = 0:3 = SB (1 + QB ) = 0:2 (1 + 0) = 0:2

System response time is: R = VCP U RCP U + VA RA + VB RB = 16 x 0:125 + 10 x 0:3 + 5 x 0:2 = 6 seconds System throughput: X= Device queue lengths: QCP U QA QB = XRCP U VCP U = 0:1 x 0:125 x 16 = 0:2 = XRA VA = 0:1 x 0:3 x 10 = 0:3 = XRB VB = 0:1 x 0:2 x 5 = 0:1 1 N = = 0:1 (R + Z) (6 + 4)

Iteration 2 : Number of users: N = 2 Device response times: RCP U RA RB = SCP U (1 + QCP U ) = 0:125 (1 + 0:2) = 0:15 = SA (1 + QA ) = 0:3 (1 + 0:3) = 0:39 = SB (1 + QB ) = 0:2 (1 + 0:1) = 0:22

System response time is: R = VCP U RCP U + VA RA + VB RB = 16 x 0:15 + 10 x 0:39 + 5 x 0:22 = 7:4 seconds System throughput: X= Device queue lengths: QCP U QA QB = XRCP U VCP U = 0:1754 x 0:15 x 16 = 0:421 = XRA VA = 0:1754 x 0:39 x 10 = 0:684 = XRB VB = 0:1754 x 0:22 x 5 = 0:1929 2 N = = 0:1754 (R + Z) (7:4 + 4)

The iterations can be continued for higher values N: This can be easily implemented on a spread-sheet.

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...when and where they were…for me it was 8th grade math class and we had it on television. It was a huge deal because the first female school teacher was onboard. The commission found that the Challenger accident was caused by a failure in the O-rings sealing on the right booster rocket housing. This caused hot gases from the pressurization to blow out, or snap the O-ring. (Wikepedia, n.d.) With the O-ring failure, this caused structural failure. On the day of the launch, it was delayed over six hours due to cold weather. This was addressed prior to launch, but it seemed that everyone ignored this vital piece of intelligence. Cold temperatures affect O-rings in every bit of aviation. In the P-3 if the weather is below freezing, a hot start shall be used so O-ring seals won’t split in the propeller which would cause hydraulic fluid leaks in the prop. The key factor besides the O-ring was the supervision and safety councils who oversaw this launch. The night prior to the launch, a meeting was held to discuss scenerios to delay the launch the following day. No one was in attendance from any safety councils and the O-ring theory was not mentioned again, until it was too late. The findings on the commission added an extra O-ring to each side of the motor and the interior insulation and sealant was updated to new materials for better temperature resistance. This mishap happened due to lack of supervision, communication, and the urge to hurry up and go! References ...

Words: 344 - Pages: 2

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Marie O Pioneers

...Willa Cather depicts in O Pioneers the life of a family who starts off poor, living on a farm. The daughter, Alexandra took over the farm when her father died and they told her that she should not, and just to let it go. But she wanted them to trust her, and they ended up having a huge farm with a big house. Although Cather does a great job making all the characters fit, Marie draws my attention because she is passionate, friendly, and vivacious. Marie is characterized to be a passionate young girl. She was forced into marriage with Frank Shabata, and an unhappy marriage is all she has to show for it. She is constantly craving a passionate, physical love that she knows is unattainable in her current situation. This want, or need rather, is what lead her into the arms of Emil. Although, she may feel guilty for wanting another man, she realizes that her own happiness is more important than what others may believe. She longs for Emil’s passion but persists in the self-torture of being with her husband. So why does Marie continue to torture herself? Marie believes that it is her own fault for taking the vows to live an entirety in an unfulfilling, passionless marriage. Not only is Marie a passion seeking individual, she is also depicted in the film as being a friendly human-being. An example of her friendly effervescence is the insistent cheer that made her an easy friend for her neighbor, Alexandra. Marie was constantly there to help Alexandra with the many troubles she had...

Words: 512 - Pages: 3

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Right Guard

...Here is an ultimate Jello shot list, all in one post! Derby or Memorial Day party?? :) 1 *JAGER BOMB* boil 1 cup red bull (in place of water), add black cherry or orange jello, 1 cups jager. 2 *MARGARITA* boil 1 cup water, add 3 oz pkg lime jello, 4 oz tequila, 4 oz sweet & sour margarita mix. sprinkle with salt just before firm. (substitue watermelon jello for lime for a melon margarita) 3 *RUM & COKE boil 1 cups coke, mix in dark cherry jello add 1 cups light rum 4 *MIMOSAS* this one varies from the normal method Since champagne isn't as strong as liquor, cut the water out of this one. boil one cup champagne, mix orange jello 2 min, add one more cup champagne and a splash of OJ. 5 *SILK* Boil one cup champagne, mix in jello for 2 minutes, add one cup champagne and splash of lychee juice from the can. 6 *ORANGE TIC TAC* Boil two cups red bull, mix jello two minutes, add two cups mandarin orange vodka 7 *LEMON DROP* (boil 1 cup water, add lemon jello, citrus vodka, top with sugar sprinkles just before its fully set up) 8 *GRAPE CRUSH* (boil 1 cups water, add grape jello, 1/2 cup plain vodka, 1/2 cup chambord) 9 *HAWAIIAN* (boil 1 cup water, add pineapple or blueberry jello, 1 cup coconut rum) 10 *GIN & TONIC* (boil 1 cup tonic water, add lime jello, 1 cup gin) 11 *LEMON LIME* (boil 2 cups sprite, add lemon and lime jellos, 2 cups citrus vodka) 12 *BLUEBERRY* (boil 1 cup water, add blueberry jello, 1 cup blueberry vodka) 13 *FRUIT...

Words: 2609 - Pages: 11

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Smart Cookie - Oreo

...Smart cookie - OREO Executive Summary: For most of its 100-year existence, Oreo was America's best loved cookie, but today it is a global brand. Faced with stagnation in the domestic market, Kraft Foods moved it into emerging markets where it made some mistakes, learnt from them and ultimately triumphed. This case study looks at the strategies used to win over customers in China and India. On March 6, 2012, the famous cookie brand, Oreo, celebrated its 100th birthday. From humble beginnings in a Nabisco bakery in New York City, Oreo has grown to become the bestselling cookie brand of the 21st century generating $1.5 billion in global annual revenues. Currently owned by Kraft Foods Inc, Oreo is one of the company's dozen billiondollar brands. Until the mid-1990s, Oreo largely focused on the US market - as reflected in one of its popular advertising slogans from the 1980s, "America's Best Loved Cookie". But the dominant position in the US limited growth opportunities and spurred Kraft to turn to international markets. With China and India representing possibly the jewels in the crown of international target markets due to their sheer size, Oreo was launched in China in 1996. The China launch was based on the implicit assumption that what made it successful in its home market would be a winning formula in any other market. However, after almost a decade in China, Oreo cookies were not a hit as anticipated, according to Lorna Davis, in charge of the global biscuit division...

Words: 1905 - Pages: 8

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The Last Leaf

...Biography of O.Henry Early life William Sidney Porter was born on September 11, 1862, in Greensboro, North Carolina. He changed the spelling of his middle name to Sydney in 1898. His parents were Dr. Algernon Sidney Porter (1825–88), a physician, and Mary Jane Virginia Swaim Porter (1833–65). William's parents had married on April 20, 1858. When William was three, his mother died from tuberculosis, and he and his father moved into the home of his paternal grandmother. As a child, Porter was always reading, everything from classics to dime novels; his favorite works were Lane's translation of One Thousand and One Nights, and Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy.[2] Porter graduated from his aunt Evelina Maria Porter's elementary school in 1876. He then enrolled at the Lindsey Street High School. His aunt continued to tutor him until he was fifteen. In 1879, he started working in his uncle's drugstore and in 1881, at the age of nineteen, he was licensed as a pharmacist. At the drugstore, he also showed off his natural artistic talents by sketching the townsfolk. Move to Texas Porter in Austin as a young man Porter traveled with Dr. James K. Hall to Texas in March 1882, hoping that a change of air would help alleviate a persistent cough he had developed. He took up residence on the sheep ranch of Richard Hall, James' son, in La Salle County and helped out as a shepherd, ranch hand, cook and baby-sitter. While on the ranch, he learned bits of Spanish and German from the mix...

Words: 1507 - Pages: 7

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Pearl S. Buck's The Good Earth

...the hut... he cried out to the women “tell me, were you beaten in that great house?” This happened after they had moved temporarily to another town. Which happened after winter and the famine started up again. This shows that his greatest value becomes family because after talking about selling his daughter with his wife, he decides not to because he obviously loves the daughter. This also shows Wang Lung’s greatest value has changed to family because he asks about whether or not his wife was beaten as a slave. Showing that he doesn’t want his daughter to get beat, so he is clearly protecting his daughter. Also in the book it states “and when he was gon Wang Lung went to where O-lan had spent most of his life for the most part... and turned his face to a blackened wall and wept” This happened after O-lan had become gravely ill, and the doctor had raised the price to try to keep her alive. This shows that Wang Lung’s greatest value near the end becomes family because his wife had just died, and he is crying. Showing that he is grief-stricken, and that if he had a chance he would want his wife back. Also this had happened after she had fallen gravely ill, and the doctor had raised the price.After the doctor had raised the price he tried to pay the doctor the money. This shows Wang Lung’s greatest value had changed to family because even after the doctor had raised the price to ten times the original amount he still was going to try to pay him to treat his sick wife. In conclusion...

Words: 902 - Pages: 4

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Sc300 Unit 6 Project Kaplan Univ.

...prices than most of the larger chain stores. I have never really understood why. For my family, buying all our food locally can be a challenge sometimes. My husband is Asian and he refuses to let go of some of the Asian food items he loves. For example, he has to have bok choy instead of green cabbage from right here. Rice is another issue for us. It has to be jasmine rice from a South East Asian country. He swears there is a difference. In my opinion, it all tastes the same….bland. List all of the components of two of your meals. Meal 1: For breakfast I had eggs, Conecuh sausage, peaches, and iced sweet tea. Meal 2: For lunch I had a ham sandwich with Sargento Colby- jack cheese, Lays brand sour cream and onion potato chips, and a Jell-O pudding cup. I had a bottle of Aquafina water to drink. A. Where did each component of your meal originate? List the country that each part of your meal came from. (i.e., Did that glass of red wine come from Australia? Is the cheese from France?) Meal 1 – Breakfast My eggs Eggland’s Best eggs came from Jeffersonville, PA. My peaches came from Clanton, Al, which is about an hour north of my home in Montgomery, Al. Georgia is known as the “peach state”, but Alabama can give them a run for their money *wink*. My Red Diamond sweet tea came from Birmingham, Al. Birmingham is 75 miles north of Montgomery, just north of Clanton. My sausage came from Conecuh County, Al, which is an hour and a half south of Montgomery. Meal 2- Lunch My Hillshire...

Words: 1093 - Pages: 5