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Obese In Honduras

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Introduction Honduras is part of Central America; it is located between Guatemala and Nicaragua, and El Salvador is right next to Honduras. Guatemala is north of Honduras, Nicaragua is south of Honduras, El Salvador is west of Honduras and the Caribbean Sea is located southeast of Honduras. The capital of Honduras is Tegucigalpa. The official language of Honduras is Spanish. The most popular sport is football, but we in America referred to it as soccer. People that originated from Honduras are known as Honduran. The 2007 census shows that there are approximately 7.5 million people inhabiting Honduras, but the CIA World FactBook estimate the population to be around 8.6 million as of 2013. The majority of their population is between 0-14 years (34.8%) and 25-54 years (35.3%). Meaning that the median age is roughly about 22 years old. About 52% of the population lives in an urban area. The life expectancy is 70.9 years. Honduras’ ethnic groups consist of mestizo or mixed Amerindian and European, Amerindian, black and white. The majority of their population is part of the mestizo ethnic group – 90%. The dominant religion is Roman Catholic; 97% of the population is Roman Catholic and other 3% is Protestant. As of 2008, 18.4% adults fall in the category of being obese. As 2011, 85.1% of the population …show more content…
As of 2013, health care professionals report the main food or waterborne diseases are bacterial diarrhea, hepatitis A and typhoid fever, while the main vectorborne diseases are dengue

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