...Executive summary This report draws attention to the current remedies used by Raffles Medical Group (RMG) to deal with obesity – standard consultations and surgical treatments – and how they are ineffective as the obesity is still prevalent in Singapore. This report also provides recommendations to improve the existing remedies in RMG to curb adiposity in Singapore. The recommendations are: creating a weight management package and instilling a more empathetic approach in their treatments. The report includes the benefits of these recommendations to RMG. The benefits include allowing RMG to gain a better reputation in Singapore healthcare system, and attracting more obese patients to seek treatment in their hospital thereby leading to increased revenue. Introduction Rising obesity rates have posed a huge problem in Singapore, as obesity brings about severe health detriments. One viable method to prevent obesity is when people manage their weight effectively, through means such as controlling their calories intake and exercising (Goh & Pang, 2012). Such efforts, however, are hindered by the external factors of obesity such as lower prices of unhealthy food (Tomer, n.d). This is further aggravated by the bad behavioral patterns of individuals due to their low endowments of personal and health capital as depicted by Tomer (n.d). According to Tomer, “[Personal capital]…reflects the quality of an individual’s psychological, physical, and spiritual functioning” while...
Words: 2229 - Pages: 9
... Instructor: Professor Dawn I declare that this Assignment is my original work and all information obtained from other sources has been cited accordingly. 1800 16% Signature Assignment Word Count (words) Turnitin Similarity Index (%) 06/04/2013 Date April 4 Application of exergames and technology-‐based weight loss intervention in reducing obesity among Great Eastern’s employees and increasing other benefits To Board of Directors Human Resources Manager Marketing Director Nguyen Huy Phuc Table of Contents Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Benefits .................................................................................................................................................. 5 Increased productivity...
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...which causes the researcher to only make questions that are common enough so that its negligibly appropriate for all respondents and maybe causing many respondents to miss out on what is most suitable for them (CSU, 2012). Survey methods are disadvantageous as some respondents might have difficulty remembering some information or to be even honest about a provocative question (CSU, 2012). 3) The benefits of this study are that it can help to observe health trends much more effectively (CNA, 2012). It also helps to keep watch and understand the different patterns in important physical conditions and physical conditions behaviour (CNA, 2012). The benefits of this study also helps researchers to quickly understand how health issues like obesity and smoking are...
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...1. According to this article, what do you think is the purpose of the study? (25-30 words) The purpose of this study is to allow the researchers to observe health trends more closely and get latest information about Singaporean’s health, lifestyle and their habits ("NUS to conduct Singapore Health 2012 survey," 2012). (27 words) 2. In paragraph 2, the “Singapore Health 2012” survey “aims to reach more than 3,000 participants”. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a survey method? (150-250 words) There are many advantages and disadvantages of a survey method. The advantages of a survey method are that it lets researchers to gather a significant number of data in a short period time and is less expensive compare to most of the other data collection methods. In addition, survey can also collect information on variety of things, including personal facts, attitudes, past behaviors and opinions (Cherry, n.d.). Moreover, if there is a very large sample size, it will make the results statistically important even when exploring several variables (CSU, 2012). The disadvantage of a survey method is that it must be properly managed; the result of poor survey construction and administration can render the survey useless. Also, the answers provided on a survey may not be accurate of how the person truly feels. The response rates of a survey can bias the results of it (Cherry, n.d.). Besides, it may be hard for the person to remember information or to state the face about...
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...deals with problems like overwriting rules and regulations due to health implications of fast food. Political situations in Singapore are not problematic for McDonald as it requires to monitor the rules and regulations which is handling fine. In general, McDonalds are affected due to regulations of fast food industries set by the government policy for example health consciousness and cleanliness policy. Health problem have been a main concern for most people. people are having diseases such as high cholesterol because they are consuming too much oily food and not doing any cardio activities. They are also facing a backlash from parents as a result of the rising in obesity and eating habits. The restaurants are bringing in healthier choices to cater to customer’s needs. For example, McDonald’s recently brought in grilled chicken wraps and Salad Chicken McGrill which are a better and cleaner choice compared to the rest of the items available. 2.2 Economic Singapore has a rising turnover for Food and beverage sector estimated to be S3.6 billion annually. Even though a small part which only contributes about 1% to GDP; it is a important aspect to the tourism industry. According to a latest survey done by Sydney-based Research Company, BIS shrapnel, an average Singaporean paid about $1900 eating out. Eating out is a common habit among Singaporeans. Singapore has also been rank as one of the three top eating capitals in the Asia pacific region. 2.3 Social McDonald’s aims the younger...
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...Effects of electronic gadgets on children Gadgets - Yes or no? With the advanced of modern technology nowadays, electronic gadget has become part and parcel of our life whether at working place or at home. Without knowing,our children has been exposed to gadgets very early in their life. Experts have warned that parents who allow babies and toddlers to access tablet computers for several hours a day are in danger of causing “dangerous” long term effects. A study done by Dr Nirmala Karuppiah from the National Institute of Education’s (NIE) in Singapore in 2013 looked at how pre-schoolers in Singapore use gadgets such as computers, tablets and smartphones. The study found that 65% of the children started playing with electronic devices before they turned three.Most of the children – 95 per cent – played video and simulation games on the devices. Half of them said they used them to play educational games such as spelling quizzes. Other uses include surfing the Internet and social networking. Personally,i am not against gadget usage among children,but having said that, we all as parents should aware that its usage should be done with moderation. Children should be supervised and there should be rules on 'how much' time can be spent on gadgets per day. There are always risks involved if the children misuse or use it without supervision and limitation. The bad effects of unsupervised and excessive electronic gadget usage are as follows: Child become addicted to gadgets and...
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...And I am certain that the experience was not unique to me. Fast food has been hailed for its speedy service. It has made it possible for countless people who are rushing to grab a full meal while. However, fast food is more than just about fast service. It is championed for its affordability too. In Singapore, a McDonald's Big Mac costs a little over $4 on its own. Get it with fries and a drink and the cost would go up to no more than $8. Admittedly, it is a tad pricier than a meal at the hawker centre. But for that $8, you will get to enjoy a clean dining table in an air-conditioned room too. Critics of fast food however, would be quick to argue that the cost of fast food is beyond dollars and cents. Fast food ranks among the top causes of obesity in the developed world. Fitness For All, an independent, non-profit health and fitness organisation in the United States revealed that fast food is the cause of obesity for over 30% of overweight children in the country. According to a report they published recently, working parents no longer have the time to cook proper meals for their children and the most convenient meal is fast food. This has led to the increase in obesity among young children as they get hooked on the saturated fats and sugars that come with...
Words: 492 - Pages: 2
...Slim Wave in Singapore Motivation occurs when a need is aroused that the consumer wishes to satisfy. In this case, the motivation is to be skinny based on the need of social acceptance. Once that need has been activated, a state of tension exists that drives the consumer to attempt to eliminate or reduce the need. Diet pills are an easy way to satisfy the need of acceptance by helping make someone skinny. This reduces the tension without much effort. Needs may be Utilitarian or Hedonic. The need here is to fit in (social acceptance) and to feel good about oneself, which are sort of a blend of utilitarian and hedonic needs, but in the case of Singapore lean more towards hedonic, because it involves the emotions more than practicality. However, it could be utilitarian if someone were overweight but considering that Singapore has an obesity rate of only 4.2%, it is clear that there is no real need to lose weight artificially. The desired end state is the consumer's goal. The goal is to be thin like the models in the glossy magazines. Magnitude of tension a need creates (or degree of arousal) is called a drive. The tension is the feeling that one is not already skinny enough, so to resolve this tension, one is driven to find a solution (such as diet pills). Personal and cultural factors combine to create a want which is a manifestation of a need. Diet pills satisfy the want to be skinny without having to put in the hard effort such as eating healthy and exercising...
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...Curbing Food Wastage in Singapore Focusing Introduction * Analysis of Food Wastage By Walter Sim Every day last year, each person in Singapore wasted an equivalent of one packet of economy rice or nasi padang. All this added up to an astounding record of 796,000 tonnes - the weight of about 1,420 fully loaded Airbus A-380s - of food waste, according to National Environment Agency statistics released this month. This marks a steep 13.2 per cent rise from the 703,200 tonnes dumped in 2012, and is the sharpest spike in at least six years. Before last year, food waste had typically gone up between 1.6 and 6.7 per cent year on year since 2007. "It's an extremely steep rise and it's rather disturbing that there is a distinct lack of awareness and nonchalance to food security issues," said Singapore Environment Council chief executive Jose Raymond yesterday. - See more at: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/singapore/story/more-food-going-waste-20140319-0#sthash.CRyz0dZB.dpuf http://www.nccs.gov.sg/climatechallenge/issue05/ask-dr-green.html http://www.savefoodcutwaste.com/2012/11/05/new-campaign-to-reduce-food-waste-in-singapore/ Question – Outline Your report should make use of appropriate frameworks and mechanisms from the module and include the following: An analysis of the social issue (600 words) A critical evaluation of a current, contemporary intervention designed to address the social issues (900 words) An appraisal of the outcomes of...
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...………………………………………………………………………..…………………………….5 d. Industry…………………………………………………………………………………………………………5 e. Market analysis……………………………………………………………………………………………..6 f. SWOT ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………8 g. Landscape……………………………………………………………………………………………………..9 3) Entry In Singapore: Market Feasibility Study……………………………………………………………10 h. Design …………………………………………………………………………………………………………10 i. Bold and Loud Brand Promotion …………………………………………………………………10 j. Rapid Growth of High-end Female Market………………………………………………….10 k. Price Barriers and Distribution Channels……………………………………………………..11 l. Overview…………………………………………………………………………………………………….11 m. Market Challenges and Opportunities…………………………………………………………11 4) Setting Up Retail Outlet In Singapore……………………………………………………………………..12 n. Documents Required for Registration……………………………………………..………….12 o. Registration Procedure and Timeline……………………………………………..……………12 p. Retail Outlets – Key Facts and Requirements………………………………………………13 q. Licenses for Setting Up a Retail Outlet in Singapore…………………………………….13 r. Hiring Staff…………………………………..……………………………………………..………………13 s. Taxation of Singapore Branch…………………………………..…………………………………14 t. Annual Filing Requirements…………………………………..……………………………………14 5) Market Entry Strategy………………………..…………………………………………………………………14 6) Recommendations ………………………..………………………………………………………………………15 7) Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
Words: 3268 - Pages: 14
...can be a competitive advantage in the future. Based on this strength, the positioning strategy will focus on health to build awareness in Singapore’ market. Product Quality & Safety Assurance • Hershey Product Excellence practice is equips Hershey with an effective product quality and safety practice. This wide practice assures that all products from manufacturing, to supply chain including ingredients, packaging, products, processes, distribution and the environment, and purchasing progress have the feature of safety and high quality. Product quality and safety had helped the company to create a core advantage, by instilling the consumers with this concept, they will more and more trust the brand and company, and become loyal customers in the future. Those features accelerate the steps of building brand awareness and equity for Hershey expand in Singapore’ market Strong Experience on Chocolate Business • The Hershey Company, which was founded in 1894; one of the oldest chocolate companies in the United States. With over one hundred years of experience in the chocolate industry, Hershey’s products have long been well known and well respected. Hershey Company is the largest North American manufacturer of quality chocolate, accounting for over forty percent of the chocolate market; therefore it’s strength for Hershey to grow in Singapore. 2.2 Weaknesses...
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...Singapore’s Healthcare System Singapore is an island country located in Southeast Asia, between Indonesia and Malaysia with a population of 5.3 million. Recognized and praised for their electrical manufacturing industry, finance and healthcare, Singapore was named the third wealthiest nation in the world by Forbes Magazine for 2012. Singapore has established and received acclaim for a remarkable healthcare system. With government intervention, private sectors and programs that promote healthy living and prevention for citizens, Singapore’s Healthcare System has set a standard and model for the world to rival. While Singapore’s population is only 5.3 million people, a small country compared to others, citizens have a longer life expectancy, on average 84 years. In Mercer’s 2011 Quality of Life survey, Singapore placed 25th in the world. In determining quality of life rankings, focus is brought to political and social environment, housing, education, health and sanitation. There are three government branches that govern Singapore’s healthcare system, Minister of Health (MOH), which promotes health education and prevention, monitors accessibility and the quality of healthcare services. Second, Central Provident Fund (CPF) is responsible for Singapore’s social security savings plan. CPF safeguards working Singaporeans in their retirement, making sure they are able to sustain themselves after retirement. Workers are required to make contributions into three separate...
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...Running Head: MCDONALD’S AND OBESITY Case Study #1: McDonald’s and Obesity Monica Cassetta Central Michigan University-- MKT 560 February 1, 2014 Introduction Obesity is an ongoing problem not only in America, but seen all over the world. There are many assumptions in regards to why this has been on the rise in recent years, and who is to blame for this. Obesity and over-weight adults, as well as children, has become increasingly common, as well as seen. With over 1 billion overweight adults with 400 million of them being obese, and with 155 million children being over-weight worldwide (Cateora, Gilly, Graham, 2013), this issue needed to be addressed. With that said, the big question is, how do we stop this rise as a whole. An ongoing issue and example to today’s obesity is fast food chains i.e. McDonald’s, and how they advertise. And though McDonald’s is one of the leading companies in the fast-food chain industry across the globe, people have been outraged with their marketing and campaigns to eat their unhealthy menu items. Thankfully, even with the bad publicity McDonald’s had and has received on numerous occasions, they are still able to have a constant growth within their company. Question #1: When it comes to fast-food industries, marketing and advertising is the key to their success. They typically use the 4P’s of marketing which are, product, price, place, and promotion. “Having accurate research is essential in creating the right marketing” (Business...
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...working schedules they often choose fast foods because it’s cheaper and easy to prepare. That’s not all, inventions like cellphones and computers are the trends for faster communication, and some use their cars for convenience even if their destination is just a walking distance. Doing this may cause us to be mostly sedentary and weak because of lack in physical activities. You see, the problem is we can be more prone to overweight because of our daily lifestyle and living in an urbanized society where in all the bad foods, hi-tech gadgets and vices are in. Based on the National Nutrition Survey last 2008, most of the overweight among adults that aged 20 years and above are in Metro, Manila with 32.2%. We all know that overweight and obesity are one of the serious problems that even other countries are experiencing. Take note, it is the fifth leading risk to global death. For us individuals this signifies that we need to change our daily lifestyle. That we need to become more aware of what we are eating, doing and taking. We need to become more sensitive especially when it comes to our health. As a BSHRM student I would like to find out: 1. What other related disease overweight can give? 2. How can we prevent ourselves to become overweight? 3. What are the possible reason why this problem occur? II. THE ISSUE: Based on this term paper, the problem or issue that needed to be tackled is the fast growth of...
Words: 1711 - Pages: 7
...concept behind fast food was a good idea, but the results were catastrophic in the health aspect. Now that fast food has become one of the top industries in the world, everything has gone awry. The fast food industry has drastically changed the way people view food, how convenience is rising and the cost for products. Fast food restaurants first started as drive-ins with carhops, but in the 1980’s drive-thru windows began. McDonald’s was one of the first ones to convert from carhops to drive-thru windows. The idea of fast food service brought about a whole new concept to how we view food. Without proper education in the health field typical Americans would not know what their body needs and what they consume. Maybe if that was the case the obesity rate and rates of chronic heart disease would plummet and we could focus on more important problems. When these restaurants began to spring up, it spread like wildfire. Sonic, McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy’s and etc. all became multi-million dollar companies. They discovered they could mass-produce products that were cheap and that could make them money faster than what they had to been doing before (Super-Size Me). Fast food has sprung up and become a leading industry because they are focused on quick, cheap food for people. Despite how bad it is for them it is cheap and fast to produce. They are extremely convenient due to the drive-thru windows that are being incorporated into any and all fast food restaurants. The food that you buy is...
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