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Object Oriented Data and Processes


Submitted By joejoe
Words 290
Pages 2
Main Module Call get materials module Call microwave module Call mix materials module
End Main Module
Get Material Module Get coffee cup Get Instant coffee Get cream Get sugar Fill coffee cup with water
End Get Material Module
Microwave Module Set coffee cup in microwave Set microwave temp=High Set time=2min Start Microwave While Microwave = not done Wait patently End While Remove coffee cup
End Microwave Module
Mix Materials Module Set 1 pack instant coffee+ 2 tbs cream+ 2 sugar cubes= CupofCoffee While CupofCoffee = Black color Stir coffee counter clockwise End While
End Mix Materials Module
An example of how to write this program in an object oriented way would be,
Class Make cup of instant coffee Subprogram Get Material Get coffee cup Get Instant coffee Get cream Get sugar Fill coffee cup with water End subprogram Subprogram Microwave Set coffee cup in microwave Set microwave temp=High Set time=2min Start Microwave While Microwave = not done Wait patently End While Remove coffee cup End subprogram Subprogram Mix Materials Set 1 pack instant coffee+ 2 tbs cream+ 2 sugar cubes= CupofCoffee While CupofCoffee = Black color Stir coffee counter clockwise End While End subprogram
End Class

I am using the cup of coffee as the object and the components that make the coffee as subprograms within the object. The difference between object oriented and structured is structured follows a series of steps laid out in order of importance. An object oriented program focuses on the object and how its data and operations make up the object. To me structured makes more sense it is easier for me to visualize a step by step order rather than focusing on one object and how other operations and data affect that object.

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