Submitted By: Dawar Ali Peerzada Hussain Imran Hina Rao
Submitted To: Mrs. Mariya Nadeem INTRODUCTION TO BANK ALFALAH
Bank Alfalah Limited was incorporated on June 21st, 1997 as a public limited company, under the Companies Ordinance 1984. Its banking operations commenced from November 1st, 1997. The bank is engaged in Islamic banking, commercial banking and related services as defined in the Banking companies ordinance, 1962. The Bank is currently operating through 115 branches in 36 cities, with the registered office at B.A.Building, I.I.Chundrigar, Karachi.
Management of Bank Alfalah accepted the challenge to transform this bank into a highly professional, most efficient & service oriented institution. The management has been successful in fulfilling the undertaken challenge. It has been successful in making a significant contribution to both corporate and retail banking in Pakistan.
Over the years, its emphasis on growth has resulted in a strong entity capable of offering high quality services to a wide spectrum of clients, in a highly challenging business environment. Its strategy is to maximize the synergies of branch network through an optimal allocation of financial resources in the face of dynamic challenges of present financial environment. Strengthened with the banking of the Abu Dhabi Group and driven by the strategic goals set out by its board of management, the Bank has invested in revolutionary technology to have an extensive range of products and services.
This facilitates their commitment to a culture of innovation and seeks out synergies with clients and service providers to ensure uninterrupted services to its customers. The bank perceives the requirements of its customers and matches them with quality products and service