...Occam’s razor William of Occam was an English Franciscan philosopher who lived in the 13th and 14th century. His most famous concept is his theory of Occam’s razor. Occam’s razor stated that “entities should not be applied unnecessarily” It says that when you have a couple of different possibilities to the same problem, the simple solution is usually the correct one. Now, Occam’s razor is used daily and most people don’t even know it. An example of a casual situation in which William of Occam’s theory would be applied is this: someone wakes up and he notices that one of his socks is missing, so he thinks about how this happened. Either he got hot last night and kicked it off while he was sleeping, the dog came and pulled it off, or option 3; a Victoria’s secret model came over and wanted to give him a foot rub after his long day at work. Option one makes the most sense to him because it has happened before, but option two can also be a possibility because the dog sometimes gets out of his kennel, and no matter how much me may want to believe option three, off the bat it is the least likely out of all of them. You go downstairs and see that the dog is sleeping soundly in the kennel, so that rules out option two, therefore leaving option one as the primary solution. When using Occam’s razor you take out all of the other possibilities to find the simplest most logical solution...
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...Yet Gabriel did and Benjamin followed him and joined too. Gabriel rode into town one day and talked a lot of people into joining the war as well. During the war there was a time where they were still at home Occam found a paper. He was standing in front of it looking like he was reading it but he can't read. One of the other soldiers yelled over to him to read it out loud what it said. The paper said that all the slaves in war who served for one year would be released into freedom and would be paid 5 shillings. Awhile after Thomas’s death Benjamin and Gabriel are still grieving and Benjamin melted Thomas’s toy soldiers. The Red Coats were holding some of the Blue Coats men and Benjamin went to get them out of there jail by admitting that he killed 20 of the Red Coats men. Col. William Tavington went looking for Benjamin's children because he was gonna kill them but he did not find them because they went and hid. So Col. William Tavington burnt down...
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...The history of Geometry started in Ancient Egypt around 3000 B.C.E. Egyptians used an early stage of geometry when surveying the land, construction of pyramids, and astronomy. And around 2900 B.C.E. they began using their knowledge to construct pyramids with four triangular faces and a square base. It was created because it was a collection of empirically discovered principles concerning lengths, angles, areas, and volumes, which were developed to meet some practical need in surveying, construction, astronomy, and various crafts. It was used in Babylonia and in the Indus Valley by the Egyptians, Babylonians, and the people of the Indus Valley but the creators were Pythagoras, Euclid, Archimedes, and Thales. Pythagoras was the first pure mathematician although we know little about his mathematical achievements. He was also, a greek philosopher and created a movement called Pythagoreanism. Euclid is sometimes called Euclid of Alexandria. He is also called the “Father of Geometry” and his elements were one of the most influential works in the history of mathematics, which served as a textbook used for teaching mathematics (especially Geometry) from when it was published till the late 19th century to early 20th century. In the Elements he included the principles of what is now called Euclidean Geometry. Euclidean Geometry is a mathematical system and consists of in a small set of appealing postulates that are accepted as true. In fact, Euclid was able to come up with a great...
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...graphics and sound hardware of the IBM PC line. 2) Turbo Pascal, developed by Borland, under Philippe Kahn’s leadership. This is a software development system that includes a compiler and an integrated development environment for the Pascal programming language. 3) C++, designed by Bjarne Stroustrup. This is a general purpose programming language that is free-form and compiled. It is regarded as an intermediate-level language, as it comprises both high-level and low-level language features. It provides imperative, object-oriented and generic programming features. 4) Perl (Practical extracting and Report Language), Designed by, Larry Wall. Designed as a general-purpose Unix scripting language to make reporting easier. 5) Occam, developed by,...
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...Benjamin tests the loyality of the men inside the bar by shouting, “Long live King George!” Benjamin and Jean quickly exit after the violent reaction that included throwing of cups. Some of the emphasized moments of this scene are when a slave, Occam, is asked to sign to enlist and when John Billings’ son states his desire to kill redcoats. John mentions of a ghost and a tomahawk killing British soldiers. Benjamin asks John if he is a little old to believe in ghost stories. Jean trains the enlistants in guerilla tactics and they attack supply lines and convoys. During one plunder, Cornwallis’ diary and Great Danes are obtained. But, two British soldiers surrender but get executed. Benjamin gets criticized for this and realizes the militia can be better men. Cornwallis is angered with Tavington’s ways stating that his ways reflect upon Cornwallis’ reputation. Tavington gets blamed for creating the ghost. Later, Cornwallis is angered with his coat and asks why his coat hasn’t been unloaded...
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...Laberinto, 2007, 6, 3-4. ISSN: 1657-9097 Laberintos, Conocimiento y Psicología Germán Gutiérrez1 Universidad Nacional de Colombia El primer laberinto descrito en la historia, es aquel en el que el Rey Minos recluyó al Minotauro, bestia devoradora de hombres y que fue resuelto por Teseo, con el fin de enfrentarlo y matarlo, evitar el sacrificio de hombres y mujeres de Atenas y desposar a Ariadna. Este laberinto cerrado, construido por Dédalo, como una serie de meandros o pasillos, es resuelto mediante el hilo de Ariadna (Santarcangeli, 2002). Quiero sugerir que la historia de este primer laberinto puede ser tomada como una analogía de la búsqueda del conocimiento. Un individuo, el científico, que busca el cumplimiento de algunos objetivos de su interés personal y otros que van más allá y que buscan el bien común, se adentra en una estructura de la cual desconoce el camino, los obstáculos y con frecuencia el monstruo que le espera. Cuenta, eso sí, con un hilo de Ariadna, el método científico, que le puede ayudar a resolver el enigma que entraña. Sin embargo, a pesar de dicho hilo, que es un elemento de continuidad en la búsqueda, debe plantear posibles soluciones, tomar decisiones, equivocar el camino, regresar sobre sus pasos, volver a empezar y finalmente resolver el laberinto. Algunas veces, el hilo de Ariadna, el método científico, no es infalible para la resolución del enigma y llegamos a callejones sin salida, a cruces que desvían nuestro camino, a posibles salidas prometedoras...
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...Certifications: A+ ACE Associate Project Manager CAPM Certification CBAP" - Certified Business Analysis Professional CCCI - Certified Computer Crime Investigator CCE - Certified Computer Examiner CCFT - Certified Computer Forensic Technician CCSA/CCSE Check Point CEECS - Certified Electronic Evidence Collection Specialist CEH - Certified Ethical Hacker CEIC - Computer and Enterprise Investigations Conference CFCE - Certified Forensic Computer Examiner CFE - Certified Fraud Examiner CFIA - Certified Forensic Investigation Analyst CHFI - Certified Hacking Forensic Investigator CIFI - Certified International Information Systems Forensic Investigator CISA - Certified Information Systems Auditor CISM - Certified Information Security Manager CISSP - Certified Information Systems Security Professional CISSP-ISSAP - Information Systems Security Architecture Professional CISSP-ISSEP - Information Systems Security Engineering Professional CISSP-ISSMP - Information Systems Security Management Professional CIW - Certified Internet Webmaster CNA - Certified Novell 5 Administrator CNE - Certified Netware Engineer CNSS 4013 Recognition CPE - Certified PGP Engineer - PGP Corporation CSA - Certified Security Analyst CSE - Certified Steganography Examiner CSFA - CyberSecurity Forensic Analyst CSICI - CyberSecurity Institute Certified Instructor CSIH - Certified Computer Security Incident Handler CSTA - Certified Security Testing Associate CSTP - Certified Security...
Words: 1957 - Pages: 8
...Should We Give Up on Reductive Physicalism? Paul Sperring Richmond Journal of Philosophy 8 (Winter 2004) Should We Give Up on Reductive Physicalism? Paul Sperring Supposing you were a physicalist in the late 1950s, early 1960s, and supposing you were Australian too 1 , it is highly likely you would have thought that mental properties could be reduced to physical properties. Now, suppose you are a contemporary philosopher of mind and suppose further that you are also of a physicalist stripe. Will you be inclined to think that mental properties are reducible to physical properties? It’s by no means certain. These days physicalists fall into two, broadly conceived, camps: (i) the reductionist physicalists who think that minds (or mental properties, or states or events 2 ) can be reduced to brains (or something smaller) and; (ii) the nonreductive physicalists who think that minds are not straightforwardly reducible to some lower level set of physical properties. In truth if one were to carefully classify all the physicalist positions in contemporary philosophy of mind we would need distinctions of a much finer grain than this story suggests. For the purposes of this paper, however, those philosophers who have thought that mental properties can be reduced to lower level properties will be lumped together (and called ‘reductionists’) and those philosophers who, although embracing physicalism, have thought that mental properties in principle defy reduction to something lower...
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...Systems Research and Behavioral Science Syst. Res. 15, 365–372 (1998) & Research Paper Evolution and Thermodynamics: The New Paradigm{ Jeffrey S. Wicken* Department of Biochemistry, Penn State University, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA This paper introduces the new evolutionary paradigm born of the synthesis of Darwinism and thermodynamics. It also introduces this volume, whose theme is the integration of life and social process with physical law. The sense of this expansion is as follows: Darwinism has come under intense scrutiny in recent years, from several fields. These range from statistical mechanics to developmental biology. In this paper, I will discuss the direction the revision of the Darwinian program is taking through thermodynamics, which is the science of irreversible process and self-organization. My objective is to show the coherence of life with the rest of nature. # 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Keywords evolution; emergence; thermodynamics INTRODUCTION Evolutionary theory is presently undergoing the kind of massive conceptual restructuring that marked the two great scientific revolutions of our century: relativity and quantum mechanics. Like those two revolutions, the one occurring in evolutionary theory has tremendous practical and epistemological implications for understanding, and dealing with, nature. Much is dissonant in the Darwinian world. The ecological relationality of life had, from the time of Aristotle, suggested a functional order of nature...
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...* CRITICAL THINKING REQUIREMENTS * * * Firstly, recognise that thinking critically does not mean simple criticism. It means not simply accepting information at face value in a non-critical or non-evaluating way. * The essence of critical thinking centres not on answering questions but on questioning answers, so it involves questioning, probing, analysing, evaluating. In his novel "Sophie's World", the Norwegian writer Jostein Gaarder notes that: "The most subversive people are those who ask questions". * Remember that prominence does not equate to importance. A newspaper may have made its lead story the rumour of a break-up between Britney Spears and her latest boyfriend, but that does not necessarily make it the most important news item that day. Conversely, in 1914 that tiny story about the assassination of an obscure nobleman in some backwater called Sarajevo proved to have rather more repercussions than most readers first appreciated. Try an experiment: one day, buy five or six national newspapers, compare their coverage of the same stories on the same day, and note the different prominence - and the different slant - given to the same stories. * To understand a news item, try to give some context to the current event. For instance, if it is reported that a group of Sunnis today attacked a meeting of Shiites in Iraq, three things are needed to make full sense of the report. First, explanation: what is the difference between Sunnis and Shiites and...
Words: 5829 - Pages: 24
...Enchanted Lion Books All Rights Reserved. The Library of Congress has cataloged an earlier hardcover edtion of this title for which a CIP record is on file. ISBN-13: 978-1-59270-046-2 ISBN-10: 1-59270-046-2 Printed in China Edited by Paul Whittle Cover and book design by Alex Ingr A618C90F-C2C6-4FD6-BDDB-9D35FE504CB3 Philip Stokes A618C90F-C2C6-4FD6-BDDB-9D35FE504CB3 ENCHANTED LION BOOKS New York Contents The Presocratics Thales of Miletus . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Pythagoras of Samos . . . . . 10 Xenophanes of Colophon 12 Heraclitus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 The Scholastics St Anselm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 St Thomas Aquinas . . . . . . . 50 John Duns Scotus . . . . . . . . . 52 William of Occam . . . . . . . . . 54 The Liberals Adam Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Mary Wollstonecraft . . . . 108 Thomas Paine . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Jeremy Bentham . . . . . . . . . 112 John Stuart Mill . . . . . . . . . . 114 Auguste Comte . . . . . . . . . . . 116 The Eleatics Parmenides of Elea . . . . . . . 16 Zeno of Elea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 The Age of Science Nicolaus Copernicus . . . . . . 56 Niccolò Machiavelli . . . . . . . 58 Desiderus Erasmus . . . . . . . . 60 Thomas More . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Francis Bacon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Galileo Galilei . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Thomas Hobbes . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Sir Isaac Newton . . . . . . . . . . 70 The Evolutionists Charles...
Words: 73655 - Pages: 295
...P LA T O and a P LAT Y P U S WA L K I N TO A B A R . . . Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes < T H O M A S C AT H C A RT & D A N I E L K L E I N * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * P l at o a n d a P l at y p u s Wa l k i n t o a B a r . . . PLATO and a PLAT Y PUS WA L K I N T O A B A R . . . < Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes Th o m as Cat h c a rt & Dan i e l K l e i n A B R A M S I M AG E , N E W YO R K e d i to r : Ann Treistman d e s i g n e r : Brady McNamara pro d u c t i on m anag e r : Jacquie Poirier Cataloging-in-publication data has been applied for and may be obtained from the Library of Congress. ISBN 13: 978-0-8109-1493-3 ISBN 10: 0-8109-1493-x Text copyright © 2007 Thomas Cathcart and Daniel Klein Illlustration credits: ©The New Yorker Collection 2000/Bruce Eric Kaplan/ cartoonbank.com: pg 18; ©Andy McKay/www.CartoonStock.com: pg 32; ©Mike Baldwin/www.CartoonStock.com: pgs 89, 103; ©The New Yorker Collection 2000/ Matthew Diffee/cartoonbank.com: pg 122; ©The New Yorker Collection 2000/ Leo Cullum/cartoonbank.com: pg 136; ©Merrily Harpur/Punch ltd: 159; ©Andy McKay/www.CartoonStock.com: pg 174. Published in...
Words: 41407 - Pages: 166
...1 JUSTICE, EQUALITY, AND RIGHTS by John Tasioulas For R. Crisp (ed), The Oxford Handbook of the History of Ethics 1. The Nature of Justice Philosophers have advocated many divergent views as to the content of the correct principles of justice. In contemporary philosophy, for example, the live options range from the austere libertarian thesis that the claims of justice are limited to a small class of rights that protect us from coercive interference by others to more radically egalitarian doctrines that mandate the large-scale redistribution of wealth and other goods. But there is a prior, conceptual question: is there an illuminating sense in which these disagreements are aptly described as concerned with justice? Alternatively put, is there a concept of justice of which these rival accounts can be interpreted as offering different conceptions? (Rawls 1971/1999: 5-6). If not, the dispiriting conclusion looms that these disputes are „verbal‟ rather than genuine, like a debate about the nature of „banks‟ in which one party has in mind financial institutions and the other party the sloping bits of land at the sides of rivers. One answer is that the concept of justice marks out the entire domain of moral evaluation, or at least the whole of inter-personal morality, excluding only moral concerns relating purely to oneself or to non-persons, such as animals. This expansive reading of justice – as (inter-personal) moral rightness or virtue – has a venerable pedigree. The Greek...
Words: 13621 - Pages: 55
...W RITING E FFECTIVE U SE C ASES Alistair Cockburn Humans and Technology pre-publication draft #3, edit date: 2000.02.21 published by Addison-Wesley, c. 2001. i ii Reminders Write something readable. Casual,readable use cases are still useful, whereas unreadable use cases won't get read. Work breadth-first, from lower precision to higher precision. Precision Level 1: Primary actor’ name and goal s Precision Level 2: The use case brief, or the main success scenario Precision Level 3: The extension conditions Precision Level 4: The extension handling steps For each step: Show a goal succeeding. Highlight the actor's intention, not the user interface details. Have an actor pass information, validate a condition, or update state. Write between-step commentary to indicate step sequencing (or lack of). Ask ’ why’ to find a next-higher level goal. For data descriptions: Only put precision level 1 into the use case text. Precision Level 1: Data nickname Precision Level 2: Data fields associated with the nickname Precision Level 3: Field types, lengths and validations Icons Design Scope Organization (black-box) Organization (white-box) System (black box) System (white box) Component Goal Level 1 Very high summary Summary User-goal Subfunction too low For Goal Level, alternatively, append one of these characters to the use case name: Append "+" to summary use case names . Append "!" or nothing to user-goal use case names. Append "-" to subfunction use case names. The Writing...
Words: 31616 - Pages: 127
...I PRAISE FOR The 4-Hour Workweek "It's about time this book was written. It is a long-overdue manifesto for the mobile lifestyle, and Tim Ferriss is the ideal ambassador. This will be huge." —JACK CANFIELD, cocreator of Chicken Soup for the Soul®, 100+ million copies sold "Stunning and amazing. From mini-retirements to outsourcing your life, it's all here. Whether you're a wage slave or a Fortune 500 CEO, this book will change your life!" —PHIL TOWN, New York Times bestselling author of Rule #/ "The 4-Hour Workweek is a new way of solving a very old problem: just how can we work to live and prevent our lives from being all about work? A world of infinite options awaits those who would read this book and be inspired by it!" —MICHAEL E. GERBER, founder and chairman of E-Myth Worldwide and the world's #1 small business guru "This is a whole new ball game. Highly recommended."—DR. STEWART D. FRIEDMAN, adviser to Jack Welch and former Vice President Al Gore on work/ family issues and director of the Work/Life Integration Program at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania "Timothy has packed more lives into his 29 years than Steve Jobs has in his 51." —TOM FOREMSKI, journalist and publisher of SiliconValleyWatcher.com "If you want to live life on your own terms, this is your blueprint." —MIKE MAPLES, cofounder of Motive Communications (IPO to $260M market cap) and founding executive of Tivoli (sold to IBM for $750M) "Thanks to Tim Ferriss, I have more time in my life...
Words: 47316 - Pages: 190