Premium Essay

Odysseus In Homer's Odyssey

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The search for a home is a long one. You can find a home but there is always a chance you will end up losing it. Odysseus set for home as soon as he finished his courageous battle in Troy. Filled with pride he accidentally angered the god Poseidon. He claimed that “He Odysseus had beaten the Trojans without the help of the gods,” but he had forgotten he got help from Poseidon in order for his plan to work. Poseidon enraged had cursed Odysseus to never return to Ithaca, as long as he sailed in Poseidon’s ocean. This leads him to go on a ten year journey to get home to his faithful wife and his child. Odysseus faced many obstacles on his journey home to Ithaca. His first obstacle was when they were trapped inside the Cyclops’ cave. Of course Odysseus showed off his leadership skills by initiating a great plan to get out of the cave. If the plan had failed his entire crew would have been eaten by the great beast. Another intelligent idea he had was not telling the Cyclops his name at first so that when he called for help he yelled “Nobody has blinded me”. No other cyclops came to help because they all thought he was fine. Odysseus was determined to go home and no matter the obstacle he was going to overcome it. …show more content…
In search of water he ends up finding the old coot. Impressed by what a great man Odysseus is, Aeolus gives him a magical bag of wins to lead him straight to home as soon as he sees Ithaca. Aeolus makes a strong first impression as he is such a kind a fun old god who wanted to prove that without the wind the ocean does not matter when you're sailing. When the crew members see that they are close to home they decide not to wake up Odysseus because they wanted to know what was in the sack. Their curiosity ended up backfiring and so close to home where everyone wanted to be. The winds had tore the sails and led the ship in a different course away from

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