Premium Essay

Odysseus In The Odyssey

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Throughout the Odyssey, Odysseus was always around gods/goddesses. Every adventure he had on his way home to Ithaca was due to a god. Odysseus was forewarned by the gods, what would happen if he didn’t listen to what they said. Odysseus’ curiosity was his main weakness. Poseidon, Athena, and Circe were the gods/goddesses who had the most impact on him. Poseidon had a powerful impact on Odysseus. He controlled most of Odysseus’ journey back home. From the point of Odysseus stabbing Poseidon's son in the eye, to Odysseus getting back to Ithaca is how much Poseidon controlled. He made horrible storms and sent him through grave danger to get back. In the movie, Poseidon says to Odysseus, “I want you to suffer, much more. Our goal is not to kill you. You must understand that without gods, man is nothing.” Poseidon was trying to teach Odysseus that just because the gods are watching him doesn’t mean he can do whatever he wants and he needed to be more humble, but without the gods, mortals wouldn’t survive. Also, Odysseus needed to be a more humble person and Poseidon thought he could change him by forcing him to get home by himself. Odysseus became a better person. …show more content…
She watched over him and helped him when he had problems he needed to solve. For instance, Athena gave Odysseus a drug so he wouldn’t fall under Circe’s spell. Also, she helped Odysseus fight the suitors. (the men who were trying to persuade Penelope on marrying them) Athena also turned Odysseus into an old beggar so none of the suitors would recognize him and try to kill him. She always looks in his best interest. In the book, page 1085 “Athena reassures him. Odysseus is told that all the suitors will die.” Athena also helped Telemachus. She also gave him advice on what to do, but it was to help

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