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Odysseus Is A Hero Essay

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In The Odyssey, an epic poem; the main character is Odysseus. In his adventures he shows that he is an astute, warm hearted and an agog hero. He has to make decisions that trouble him and his crew ,but the outcome is greater that losing all of his crue. Therefore he is a hero in trouble. Which means someone who has to make hard decisions and work very hard to save himself and the people and things around him. Odysseus proves he is an astute hero by a traitorous challenge of escaping the cyclops cave. Or being proving that he is agog by getting while passing thru the Sirens. Or warm hearted when he loses his men to Scylla. While Odysseus is on his voyage home he encounters the cyclops. One of the things that the gods expected from the people was that people should show courtesy to their visitors ; thus Odysseus and his crew except that the cyclops show them manners and great them. But the cyclops had another plan. He began by eating some of his men. Afterwards Odysseus offers the cyclops some wine to get on the good side of the cyclops, which was pretty ingenious. So the cyclops asked for Odysseus’s name and he said his name was Nobody so the cyclops he said he was going to save him for last. The he plotted a plan while the cyclops was drunk asleep and sheard his eye with a hot spear they made. They could not completely kill …show more content…
The reason that this shows that he is sorrowful. Because Odysseus had seen more bloody things than this but this was the worst thing that he had ever seen. This was his worse because in all the battles he had been in his men knew what was coming but because of the outcome Odysseus decides not to tell them because it risked the life of all of his men and the ship. This was a hard decision to make but the outcome of this is better than sailing to close to Charybdis. To think this was the worst thing that he had seen for sure makes Odysseus warm

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