...Bible Dictionary Project Template Name: Randy Westover Student ID: L26485458 Course: Bible 104 Date: 10/13/2014 Old Testament Bible Dictionary Project: Romans: Romans is a letter from Paul to the church of Rome. Paul had not ever been tovisit this church but had met some of the members in his travels. I tells of his plan to visit the church. He wrote this letter durning his third missionary trip in 57 A.D. In this letter he explains that God’s sa,vation plan is for everyone, Jews and Gentiles. Belief and acceptance in Jesus and his sacrifice is the only requirement for salvation. All now have the same access to Jesus, the messiah. Paul filled the letter with directives to handle many things like daily living for Christ. He covered righteousness in Jesus, justification, sanctification, spiritual growth and God’s sovernghty over all people, not just the Jews. He writes to explain that Jesus Christ is the savior and redeemer whose death on the cross made it possible for all of that. In the very beginning of the book Paul identifies himself as a servant or slave to Jesus and that Jesus Called him to be his apostle and set him apart for this purpose. (Romans 1:1) He later explains in The second chapter Paul explains how all, Jews and Gentiles are under the chains of sin and only Jesus can set us free through our faith in his ability to set us free. In chapter six he explains that because of Christ’s freedom from sin that we now must become slaves to God’s...
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...BIBL 104 February 15, 2015 Old Testament Bible Dictionary Project Genesis The book of Genesis is one of the better-known books of the Bible. Not only is it the first book of the Bible it is also the first documentation of our existence. The book was originally written in Hebrew with the title of bereshit, which means “in the beginning.” (Bible.org) While the author of Genesis is never actually named, it is believed that Moses wrote the book of Genesis. In Acts 7:22 Luke recaps that Moses was trained in the “wisdom of the Egyptians” and was the only one who was prepared to integrate and understand the manuscripts and oral narratives in the Pentateuch. Only Moses was qualified enough to be given the task of writing Israel’s history. Genesis starts with our creation and spans “approximately 2400 years.” (bible.org) The book starts with God creating the heavens and the earth and ends with the Israelites arriving in Egypt and growing into a nation. This can be dated back to around 1800 B.C. The purpose and theme of the book is to reveal how the sin of man is met by the intervention and redemption of God and God’s choice of a nation through whom he would bless the nations. This is conveyed through several key people and events. The four greatest events in Genesis include the creation of the world and man, the fall of man when Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, Noah’s ark and the Great Flood, and the confusion of tongues. There are several main personalities in...
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...Bible Dictionary Project Instructions For these 2 distinct projects, imagine you are writing a series of short articles for a Bible Dictionary. As we have seen in our study, Bible dictionaries are useful tools to learn more about the books, people, and places we encounter in Scripture. Your task will be to write: 1. Three concise 200–250-word essays about a book, person, and setting/place from the Old Testament (Due at the end of Module/Week 5). 2. Three concise 200–250-word essays about a book, person, and setting/place from the New Testament (Due at the end of Module/Week 8). Content Guidelines: Choose 1 book, person, and place from the list of the provided topics for each of the 2 projects. Your essay must include the following per item: Book: Your biblical book essay must include: The basic literary genre, authorship, date written, key themes, purposes, major events, and main personalities. Person: This essay must include: The dates of the character’s life, place of birth, summary of their role or positions held, defining events in their life and work, contemporaries (other biblical characters they are associated with, etc.), and their legacy. If they are a biblical author, list the related works. Setting/Place (i.e., municipality, kingdom, empire): This essay must include: The keys dates (i.e., founding, demise, etc.), clarification of the location (regional description, the relevance of the place from a biblical/Ancient Near East (ANE) perspective...
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...Bible Dictionary Project Instructions For these 2 distinct projects, imagine you are writing a series of short articles for a Bible Dictionary. As we have seen in our study, Bible dictionaries are useful tools to learn more about the books, people, and places we encounter in Scripture. Your task will be to write: 1. Three concise 200–250-word essays about a book, person, and setting/place from the Old Testament (Due at the end of Module/Week 5). 2. Three concise 200–250-word essays about a book, person, and setting/place from the New Testament (Due at the end of Module/Week 8). Content Guidelines: Choose 1 book, person, and place from the list of the provided topics for each of the 2 projects. Your essay must include the following per item: Book: Your biblical book essay must include: The basic literary genre, authorship, date written, key themes, purposes, major events, and main personalities. Person: This essay must include: The dates of the character’s life, place of birth, summary of their role or positions held, defining events in their life and work, contemporaries (other biblical characters they are associated with, etc.), and their legacy. If they are a biblical author, list the related works. Setting/Place (i.e., municipality, kingdom, empire): This essay must include: The keys dates (i.e., founding, demise, etc.), clarification of the location (regional description, the relevance of the place from a biblical/Ancient Near East (ANE) perspective...
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...BIBLE BOOK SUMMARIES INSTRUCTIONS For these assignments, you will write a 150–170 word summary for 5 books from the Old Testament and 5 books from the New Testament. You may select which five books to summarize, but must include at least one book per genre in the following fashion: 1. Old Testament: Must include at least one narrative, law, prophecy, and wisdom book. 2. New Testament: Must include at least one gospel, narrative, epistle, and apocalyptic book. Since a sample of Genesis has been provided in the Summary Template do not include this book in the OT Project. Summaries that are not 150–170 words in length will be penalized. Also, short summaries may have additional points reduced for lack of complete information. In each of the summaries, identify the following four characteristics: 1. The Basic Genre (Please identify the genre in the first sentence of your summary.) 2. Key Themes/Purposes identified 3. Major Events and personalities for narrative, law, gospel, and narrative 4. Major issues/concerns addressed in prophecy, wisdom books, epistles, and apocalyptic Use your textbooks as you identify each of the four characteristics in the summaries. Remember, the Fee textbook explains how to identify and interpret genre. Additionally, a study Bible will be a great tool to help you craft your summaries. However, you will want to paraphrase the data into your own words to avoid plagiarism and course failure. You will submit your summaries...
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...The Bible The Bible is the key document in the Christian Religion. It is divided into the Old Testament and the New Testament. Moses wrote the first five books of the Old Testament beginning around 1450 BC. (“Who is God?” n.d.) It is a collection of 66 books written over a period of some 1400 to 1800 years by various prophets, kings, disciples, and men that were inspired by the Holy Spirit (which is the third part of the trinity –{God, the Father},{ Jesus, the son},{the Holy Spirit}). The Old Testament contains the history, songs, literary wisdom, ceremonies, stories about various characters, and laws that were written before Jesus came to earth. The Jews still follow many of the laws, celebrations, and traditions found there, whereas, although Christians believe the whole Bible, they are not obligated to follow every rule and tradition because of the saving grace of Jesus Christ. The main philosophy of...
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...D.Min. Project Prospectus Sharon L. Smith I. Title: Bridging the Gap: A Pilot Project Aimed at Mutually Equipping Church and Business Leaders for Kingdom Impact II. The Context: Followers of Jesus Christ who possess a divine calling, talents, and gifts to work and serve God through specific voluntary or paid vocations in the workplace face daily opportunities to impact the Kingdom of God. When believers walk by faith and obedience in the revelation that God’s divine presence and purpose is with them daily in their work lives, God empowers them to lead change that can transform lives, businesses, and even nations. Believers clearly see this truth in the lives of Abraham, Joseph, Daniel, and Nehemiah. The Great Commission (Matt. 28) commands believers to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every person. This directive includes Holy Spirit-empowered witness in the marketplace with signs, wonders, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit in operation. As His priests (1 Pet. 2:5; Rom. 12:1-2), God calls believers ordained for the twenty-first century workplace to worship and serve Him through their actions, words, and works. God’s Word calls for excellence in whatever a person does (Col. 3:17). Fruitfulness follows when believers root biblical ethics in excellence, and practice it in relationships and business decisions. Anthropologists and missiologists are observing major global shifts causing leaders to revise their understanding of the notion of culture...
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...Myth and Scripture resources for Biblical Study Susan ackerman, Old testament/hebrew Bible editor number 78 Myth and Scripture conteMporary perSpectiveS on religion, language, and iMagination Edited by dexter e. callender Jr. SBl press atlanta copyright © 2014 by SBl press all rights reserved. no part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by means of any information storage or retrieval system, except as may be expressly permitted by the 1976 copyright act or in writing from the publisher. requests for permission should be addressed in writing to the rights and permissions office, Society of Biblical literature, 825 houston Mill road, atlanta, ga 30329 uSa. library of congress cataloging-in-publication data Myth and scripture : contemporary perspectives on religion, language, and imagination / Dexter E. Callender, Jr., editor. p. cm. — (Society of Biblical literature resources for biblical study ; number 78) includes bibliographical references and index. iSBn 978-1-58983-961-8 (paper binding : alk. paper) — iSBn 978-1-58983-962-5 (electronic format) — iSBn 978-1-58983-963-2 (hardcover binding : alk. paper) 1. Myth in the Bible. 2. Bible. old testament—criticism, interpretation, etc. i. callender, dexter e., 1962– editor of compilation. ii. callender, dexter e., 1962– author. Myth and Scripture : dissonance and convergence.. BS520.5.M98 2014 220.6'8—dc23 2014002897...
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...Course: BIBL 104 Date: October 18th 2014 Old Testament Bible Dictionary Project Genesis: The book of genesis is the first book of the Hebrew bible known as the Tanakh and the Christian Old Testament. It is not clear who actually wrote the book of genesis. But it has been noted that there are different styles of writing in Genesis and therefore, there are several different authors. Mark 12:26 says, “…have ye not read in the book of Moses, how in the bush God spoke unto him, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?”. It is noted many places in the new testament that most of the book of genesis was edited by Moses. But, Moses is traditionally recognized as the author of Genesis which he simply had to compile the book of Genesis from the records kept by Adam and his descendants. Thus Genesis can be read as eyewitness accounts.The first chapter was probably written by god himself because it tells of the beginning and there is no way of knowing what is written. Although it can be said that it was inspired by divine inspiration. The continuation of the book was written by others. The book of genesis tells the story of the beginning and the creation of the world and all there is. It uniquely tells the story of the successes and failures of people like Adam and Eve and shows it’s heroes as they really were giving a look of human’s nature in an ancient world (Hindson and Towns, 2013). Genesis teaches the theological truth of whom, why, when...
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...Bible Dictionary Project Template Name: Taiyana Samuel Student ID: L26316827 Course: BIBL 104 Date: April 28, 2014 Old Testament Bible Dictionary Project: Genesis - The book of Genesis has been said to have been written by Moses, while some people believe it to have been an anonymous author. Genesis goes as far back at 1445 BC. Some of the major people in Genesis are of course Adam and Eve, Cain and Able, Isaac and Rebekah, and of course Jacob’s wives and his twelve sons. Genesis reminds us that, “In the beginning God created the heaven and earth.” (Gen. 1:1) Also, “God created man in his own image, in the image of God created him, male and female created he them” Joseph (son of Jacob) Joseph was the son of Jacob and Genesis 37-50 focuses on his story and how God used him to move his family to Egypt. He was first son of Rachel and the eleventh son of Jacob. Jospeh was Jacon’s favorite son was given a “long coat of many colors”, because of this coat and the fact that Joseph was the favorite son his brothers hated him. At age 17 Joseph dreamed that his family would bow down to him, that caused his brothers to hate him even more and begin to plot on how to get rid of him. His brothers came up with a few ways to kill him but his oldest brother Reuben did not want him to die. They ended up selling him into slavery for twenty piece of slavery. The brothers then placed males goat’s blood on Joseph’s coat to convince their father that he was really dead....
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...Jenna Erickson BIBL 104-D13 04/17/2015 Old Testament Bible Dictionary Project: Exodus/Moses/Sinai Exodus: Exodus is the second book of five in the Pentateuch or Torah of the Old Testament. It is also the second book in the Hebrew Bible, and is known as V’elleh Shemoth, while in the Greek Bible it is known as Exodus, meaning “departure” or “outgoing”. Moses is believed to be the author of Exodus, and it was most likely written during the forty years of wandering in the wilderness, between 1451 and 1491 BC. Then the Lord said to Moses, “Write this as a memorial in a book and recite it in the ears of Joshua, that I will utterly blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven” (Exodus 17:14). The main themes of Exodus is God’s covenant with the Hebrew nation, and Moses leading the departure of the Israelites out of Egypt. “And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. God saw the people of Israel—and God knew” (Exodus 2:24-25). A brief summary of Exodus would include the beginning chapters about; the enslaved Israelites, the birth, education and first leaving of Moses, the 10 plagues set about by God, the first Passover, the Israelites departure (Exodus) from Egypt along with the parting of the Red Sea, and the destruction of the Egypt Army. The middle of the book includes; the journey to Mt. Sinai from the Red Sea, the making of the covenant at Sinai and the writing of the Ten Commandments. And the Lord said to Moses...
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...IS THE BIBLE REALLY FROM GOD? HOW CAN WE BE CERTAIN? We must first remember in discussing the claims of the Bible with anyone, that the Bible is not a single, autonomous work. Rather, it is a collection of 66 different books written over a vast time span in three languages on three continents with authors from every station in life. These ancient works cover every major topic dealing with the human condition including: love, hate, death, sin, marriage, civil laws, and relationships with each other as well as with God. Although these works were written independently, they show an amazing congruency and they never contradict each other! When Paul writes "All scriptures is inspired by God (II Tim 3:16)", his primary reference is the Old Testament, which was completed 400 years previously. This is not to say that the verse doesn't apply to the New Testament as well, but Paul's subject matter was the Scriptures Timothy was taught as a child. Paul believes the Scriptures are "God-breathed"; that is they hold the same authority as if God were to come down and speak to you directly. Every word recorded in the original documents is considered to be chosen by God. So, our first point is that the testimony of Paul establishes a point of view that holds the Scriptures very highly. We know that the early church believed the Scriptures were inspired, we must now find out how to demonstrate that fact. Before going too far, I would ask your friend what type of evidence...
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...Bible Dictionary Project Name: Beverly Aguilar Student ID: 25739993 Course:Bible 104 Date:2/14/14 Old Testament Bible Dictionary Project: Abraham: The book of Genesis is in which we find the story of Abraham. The Author of Genesis is Moses. Genesis talks about the beginning of our existence, to be exact the Israelites. It’s an introduction of what God created. Abraham was married to a lady named Sara. She was not able to give birth until her late 90’s. She made Abraham have a son with Hagar, their Egyptian slave. Later god told Sara that he would give her a son named Issac, Sara Laughed at god. Thus, Abraham always believed in god he had he’s son Issac. Abraham is a very intriguing man due to the fact he not only was willing to sacrifice his only son, who he waited a whole lifetime to have. He was willing to sacrifice Issac his son all for the love he had in god. This is why Abraham was a man of faith, how a mans love to a great almighty god could be shown. Although this was just a test from god to him, he did not kill his son but god blessed him even more with multiplying his family. Abraham’s birth isn’t established in the bible, but his date of existing is 2166-1991 BC. Abraham was first named Abram, which means “Great Father,” and laer god gave him the name of Abraham which means “Father of Multitude.” Abraham appears in other books from the bible as well. Abraham was a man of faith. Genesis: Genesis along with the first four books; Exodus, Levitucus...
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...BIBLE DICTIONARY PROJECT I CHARLIE MITCHELL Old Testament Bible Dictionary Project RUTH Book of Ruth is a romantic drama and love story on how God use people to carry out his divine agenda. Even non-believers carries God message, as depicted with Ruth, a Moabite woman (Gentile). “Historically, Ruth is the lynchpin of the covenant. Theologically, the story of Ruth and Boaz illustrates the biblical concept of redemption” (Ed Hindson and Elmer Towns, Illustrated Bible Survey: An Introduction, 2013, page 111). While the authorship of the Book of Ruth is anonymous, some experts’ thinks possibly it was written by Nathan. The love story centers during the era of 1020 to 1000 BC, and signifies a “Ray of Hope” for the Israelites. If one were to view the genealogy of The Tribes of Israel, you will note The Moabites descended from Lot, the nephew of Abram (later changed to Abraham). Down through Ruth being the Great-Grandmother of King David, and in line with the Davidic and messianic lineage. Four elements of the Moabites one must know to grasp the full scope of God’s intentions. They are the descendants of Lot, and not friendly with Israel. Second, property inheritance were given first right to next of kin. Third, the Levirate marriages were the right of next of kin of a deceased man (Elimelech) to marry his widow. Fourth, a Moabite male or his descendants up to the tenth generation, could not hold public assembly in Israel. The beauty of this story is, Ruth’s devotion...
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...the New Testament, the Historical Jesus, and How Manuscripts Can Reveal What Texts Conceal Tom Dykstra I grew up with a picture of Paul traveling through Asia and Europe, founding congregations, counseling and teaching the men and women who had given their life to Jesus. If he could not visit them, he sent letters. When Paul died, his letters were kept as treasures. Each church that had received one of his letters saved it, had it read during worship services, and exchanged copies of the letter with other congregations close by. Later the congregations tried to complete their collection. But this view does not match the uniformity of manuscript evidence. --David Trobisch 1 It is even more remarkable that attempts to reconstruct the supposed document 'Q' (the lost collection used by both Matthew and Luke postulated by those who argue that Matthew and Luke are independent) use text-critical terminology to describe their activities. However, since all they are doing is making selections from a twentieth-century printed text, which does not even presume to provide confidently the text of the four-Gospel collection, never mind that of the independent first-century texts, this use of language must be dismissed as illusory. --David Parker 2 Modern scholarship has produced detailed biographies of Paul, massive multi-volume inquiries into “the historical Jesus,” and mountains of exegetical literature that claims to extract the author’s meaning from each word of each New Testament book....
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