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Olympics Research Paper

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The Olympics are defined as a modern international sports competition held once every four years. Athletes will come from all over to compete in the sport that they are most best at. These athletes more formally known as olympians play the game to represent there country and talent.There are a couple different types of olympics including the Standard olympics, that are open to anyone and are the most known, the Paralympics, which are for the physically disabled athletes, and the Deaflympics, which are for the hearing impaired athletes. The Deaflympics also known as the Deaf olympics are sanctioned by the IOC (International Olympic Committee) Like all olympics. The Deaflympics have an interesting background with rules and regulations to follow and also diverse facts in every country in eluding the United States. The Olympics started in Greece about three thousand years ago, but the modern day Olympics that you see today started in 1896, when they were held in Athens. They had only thirteen …show more content…
There have been Deaf athletes in both the standard and Para Olympics, but to compete in the Deaf Olympics athletes must be considered legally Deaf. In other words an athlete must have at least a 55 decimal per tone average loss. If an athlete has a Cochlear implant or hearing aids they must be shut off while in the competition, as they can not be used in the events. That is only the first criteria that needs to be met. Another is that an athlete must meet all standards for the sport that he or she is competing in. These standards are different for each sport and level. Also there is no age limit or restriction. All that is required is that if a participant is under the legal age they must have parental permission to compete. But even with no age limits all athletes must be a member of an affiliated National Deaf Sports Federation. Not only a member but a citizen of the country that they compete

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