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On Being Authenticity Analysis

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In Chapter seven of On Being Authentic, it talks more about the postmodern idea of authenticity. It explains that postmodern is eliminating the notion of self. There is also this idea that when humans start to end up with disjointed and fragmented selves. Philosophers become to understand that this trouble begins when humans start to look for a ‘new’ self. It shifts human’s desires, moods, relations, and involvements. Other philosophers have proposed a way to avoid this mess by simply looking at self as a story instead of a thing. The idea is that we have the capability to take all our social contexts and create them into a unique story that is only our own. That who we are is based of off the story we create from other people and events in our lives. …show more content…
The narrative concept has several consequences. For example, the first one can be described that even though other can influence us, “it is up to us to make something of ourselves in what we do” (127). The second and third theories deal with materialistic things and our social clock. Additionally, there is a question about owning our lives, “In fact, the entire idea of owning my life beings to look suspect” (142). It questions how it is even possible to know that our lives are our own. If we can explore and look through all different life stories. No story is truly ours because others can reach it too. Lastly, it talks about how our selves can lacks the forces to determine what we are. This idea means that what we know as self-making is considered a hoax and cannot truly be down. “The whole business of authenticity begins to look like a set-up for disappointment”

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