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On Fleek Doreen St. Felix Analysis

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Pages 3
1. The claim of the article is on how black teens across America or just about anywhere, is underrated and doesn’t profit from any of the innovative ideas they have, yet big industries and companies do. The author, Doreen St. Felix, states that the phrase “on fleek” was originated by the young lady Kayla Newman, who had a vine account to record herself commenting on the minutia and mundanity of high school life. Corporate entities like IHOP and its rivals employ the phrase in an effort to feign cultural relevance, whereas Newman gets no compensation for her own word.
2. I agree with the author. Just as someone took up the time to make music, build an industry or business, these young black teens deserve to receive credit where credit is due. Most of these big businesses promote these teens’ ideas into their own covering the fact that they wouldn’t have thought of it unlike the young individuals who took out the time to think of these funny challenges, dances, words/ phrases, and many more.
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A simple ability from sharing your content online is that you bring about laughter and smiles for those who may have had a bad day. You start new exciting and unique cultural dances, challenges, phrases, and more. With that being said, you create something new for everyone to do, yet some disadvantages are ahead. You have competition at times, whereas people feel the need to create something better than you. Others may copyright your idea and make as their own to boost themselves up and gain popularity, where you stay at a lower stance not gaining anything from what you’ve created. Last but not least, you receive no profit for your idea. Big companies or musicians’ may steal this and do as their own to “give it a bit of spice or

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