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Oncology Nursing Research Paper

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Oncology Nursing Society Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) is an organization of oncology nurses, with a specific focus on advocacy, continuing education, and improvement of cancer care. ONS officially became a nursing specialty organization in 1975. Its main mission is to improve patient care in the domain of oncology nursing. ONS also offers a free membership to nursing students, which reflects its goal of creating a strong network of educated, compassionate nursing professionals. The main means of accessing the materials offered by the ONS is through its official website, on which one may find information on courses, certifications, scholarships, and events as well as the member forum and a plethora of articles and publications on advocacy and oncology nursing practice, such as …show more content…
The packet includes the latest edition of the ONS Voice, Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing (CJON), a member resource guide, and a booklet promoting ONS 43rd Annual Congress. ONS Voice is a journal for and by ONS members that features articles on the news, perspectives, and advocacy within the organization. Each issue is centered around a specific topic, the most current one being sleep-wake disturbances. CJON is a peer-reviewed ONS journal that focuses on a wide range of topics, from the management of chemotherapy side effects to nurse mentorships. The resource guide summarizes the benefits of the ONS members and lists online resources that are open to nurses interested in updating their knowledge base. Lastly, the ONS Congress promotional booklet thoroughly describes the purpose and the layout of the three-day annual event, with a specific focus on the clinical, advanced, leadership, research, and radiology practices. The event's agenda reflects the organization's efforts of integrating newest research findings into daily practice on all levels of oncology nursing, from bedside to

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