...shotgunned, knifed, and mangled kids writhing on gurneys outside the operating rooms. Ambulance sirens shrieked and squad car lights reddened the cool nights, flashing against the hospital walls: gray-red, gray-red. On slow nights I would lock the door of the administration office, search the reference library for a book on female anatomy and, with my feet propped on the desk, leaf through the illustrations, smoking my cigarette. I was seventeen. One night my eye was caught by a familiar-looking word on the spine of a book The title was 450 X&Y of C~~EW Hirtmy in Pictzms. On the cover were black-and-white photos: Padre Hidalgo exhorting Mexican peasants to revolt against the Spanish dictators; Anglo vigilantes hanging two Mexicans from a tree; a young Mexican woman with rifle and ammunition belts crisscrossing her breast; Cisar Chavez and field workers marching for fair wages; Chicano railroad workers laying creosote ties; Chicanas laboring at machines in textile factories; Chicanas picketing and hoisting boycott signs. From the time I was seven, teachers had been punishing 0 4 + WORKING INTHE DARK me for not knowing my lessons by making me stick my nose in a circle chalked on the blackboard. Ashamed of not understanding and fearful of asking questions, I dropped out of school in the ninth grade. At seventeen I still didn’t know how to read, but those pictures confirmed my identity. I stole the book that night, stashing it for safety under the slopsink until I got off work...
Words: 3437 - Pages: 14
...easier everyday bc even though yout one day further from the last time u saw them, your one day closer to the next time you will missing someone gets easier everyday bc even though yout one day further from the last time u saw them, your one day closer to the next time you will missing someone gets easier everyday bc even though yout one day further from the last time u saw them, your one day closer to the next time you will missing someone gets easier everyday bc even though yout one day further from the last time u saw them, your one day closer to the next time you will missing someone gets easier everyday bc even though yout one day further from the last time u saw them, your one day closer to the next time you will missing someone gets easier everyday bc even though yout one day further from the last time u saw them, your one day closer to the next time you will missing someone gets easier everyday bc even though yout one day further from the last time u saw them, your one day closer to the next time you will missing someone gets easier everyday bc even though yout one day further from the last time u saw them, your one day closer to the next time you will missing someone gets easier everyday bc even though yout one day further from the last time u saw them, your one day closer to the next time you will missing someone gets easier everyday bc even though yout one day further from the last time u saw them, your one day closer to the next time you will missing someone gets easier...
Words: 551 - Pages: 3
...Today, forty-three school districts and nine charters is expected to change to a four-day school week, but only ten school districts and two charters have actually only switched to the four-day school week. The four-day school week has been a very controversial problem. Currently, twenty-one states have school districts within them that have committed to the four-day school week, include Michigan, and Wisconsin. This has been caused by the lack of federal funding to school districts, in which, causes budget cuts and eventually, the shutdown of school districts. There are two arguments to the four-day school week. One argument is would save money for the school, so, they are for it. The other argument is the school would have more problems with four days in a school week than five days in a school week, so, they are opposed to the four-day school week. Due to the disadvantages of the four-day schools, such...
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... |HTN (both sides of my |None | | | | |parents-grandfather and grandmother) | | A. Current Non-Prescription Medication -NONE B. Current Prescription Medication |Name of |Purpose or Reason |Dose |Times of Day |Side Effect/ |Adverse Effect |Drug Interaction | |Medication |taken | | |Special | | | | | | | |Instruction | | | |Mixtard 30 HM |Insulin-requiring |Inject/administer |6:00am- |None |Hypoglycemia, urticaria, rash, | | |(70/30) |diabetes |insulin twice a |40 units | |diabetic retinopathy, inj site |--- | | | |day |6:00pm- | |reaction including lipodystrophy. | | | | | |10 units...
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...1,312,368 | 3 | makebigmoney | 1,141,686 | 4 | beaters123 | 895,405 | 5 | donothing | 588,054 | 6 | mas001 | 472,296 | Exhibit 1 : OVERALL TEAM STANDING Decisions Made A summary of the rationale behind the key decisions made would perhaps best explain the results we achieved. . Decision 1 Day | Parameter | Value | 54 | station 1 machine count | 2 | When the exercise started, we decided that when the lead time hit 1 day, we would buy one station 1 machine based on our analysis that station 1 takes the longest time which is 0.221 hrs simulation time per batch. (Exhibit 2: Average time per batch of each station). As day 7 and day 8 have 0 job arrivals, we used day 1-6 figures to calculate the average time for each station to process 1 batch of job arrivals. Base on the average time taken to process 1 batch of job arrivals, we were able to figure out how many batches each machine can handle. day | number of jobs arriving each day | utilization of station 1, averaged over each day | utilization of station 2, averaged over each day | utilization of station 3, averaged over each day | 1 | 2 | 0.433 | 0.079 | 0.019 | 2 | 2 | 0.272 | 0.158 | 0.108 | 3 | 1 | 0.398 | 0.106 | 0.165 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0.052 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 0.33 | 0.079 | 0.06 | 6...
Words: 1324 - Pages: 6
...Time Management | June 12 2014 | | Overcoming The Working Struggle | Ghelarducci – Stephanie Ghelarducci – Stephanie Table of Contents Time Management Strategies 2 Procrastination 3 Defeating Procrastination 4 Overview 4 Time Management According to the article A Personal Approach to Organizational Time Management written by Peter Bregman, “The biggest and most destructive myth in time management is that you can get everything done if only you follow the right system, use the right to-do list, or process your tasks in the right way” (Bregman, 2013). This statement is false because there is so much that must be done and there is not enough time in a day to finish all of the tasks we have at hand. Living in a world filled with all this technology is still not enough to finish our day to day tasks even if we work for every single hour in the day and night (Bregman, 2013). We would still not be able to keep up with our work load along with our personal tasks that must be done, too. Thus, having minimal time in a day is why individuals stress over their work which causes more problems. Mastering time management strategies will help individuals tremendously in their work and personal lives, and decrease the amount of problems that arise in their days due to poor time management skills. Time Management Strategies It takes practice to manage one’s time and there are a number of steps one can take to help him or her in completing their everyday tasks...
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...religious practices has always been one of the religions that I have been curious about. From looking on the outside in, I have always felt that they are a tight knit community along with their religious practices and I am glad that we are learning about the history of Judaism. In this paper we will discuss the time of year of the holy days, the historical origin of the holy days and the practices associated with the days, and the theological or cultural differences that might lead to differences in the observance of the holy day by the various branches of Judaism. When I think of holy days I compare them to the practices of my Christian beliefs. In Christian beliefs, Sunday, is the day that we relax with family friends while focusing on God. Along with that we celebrate other holidays such as Christmas and Easter which are the birth and resurrection days of Jesus Christ. In Judaism, the time of the week they observe as the holiday starts on sunset Friday and last until sunset Saturday at sunset. The reason why Jewish people have given this day as a time of rest is a symbol and reminder of how God created the earth and on the Sabbath day he rested. I remember my grandmother cooking Sundays dinner on Saturday’s and I always thought the reason for that was because after we had a long day of church we could come in and just warm the food up quickly so that we all could eat. Reading the practices of Judaism, I noticed that since the Sabbath day was a time for rest for them a rule that...
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...happily, with my family, playing with my friends and neighbors, going to school, and all about kids fun. Hence, living life like what my parents want it to be. However, later on as time passes by, and as I grew older, everything seems to sink in and slowly and slowly, concern and obligation comes to arise, decisions to make and responsibility to take. This responsibility includes those of the personal and social aspects. On a personal point, our obligation is to take care of ourselves, stay healthy and live happily. While socially, I strongly believe in the saying, do unto others, as you would like them to do unto you. Although abiding this rule is quite not easy, but trying to do this has no payment at all, besides, it will help the society to run smoothly as possible without too much strife. For this reason, we as humans are conscious enough to be able to make assessment, evaluation, and realization whether our action is the right one or not. Despite the fact that Life is complex and complicated to define, I understand that everybody has a different vision of Life on the world. All have different opinion and view on how they should act and what traits make a good person. As they say - what would be the point of living everyday without purpose to existence? This has been true throughout time. Whether we like it or not every individual has its purpose. It doesn't matter if whatever it is or your status in life, poor or rich, young or old, the fact is, everything happens for...
Words: 1433 - Pages: 6
...project for the first time and if it’s small would be the activity-on-the-arrow diagramming, because each element is represented with a different symbol. I, personally, think that the activity-in-the-box approach is all so usable because the words are boxed off, so you are not going to get things mixed up that easily, unless you are stupid, just saying. 3. Alright, this was a little difficult. I will attempt to explain my findings. I figured the following: * Earliest start time: 19 days * Earliest finish time: 18 days (how this happened, I don’t know) * Latest start time: 47 days * Latest finish time: 47 days I found the latest ones by adding the activities one by one, assuming that would take the longest, in order, of course. Like a to b, b to c, c to d, etc. And in reverse as well, like j and I to the next ones. For the earlier time, I assumed that each activity did not have to have the help of the others because it was a separate activity. So if one activity was moved to the next activity, it would “clear the path” for any other following activity so it could move along more quickly, I’ll explain a little bit more in detail: Start to finish: 1. After 4 days, B moves to F 2. 1 day later, A moves to D, E, C (F 3) 3. 3 days later, C and F move to I (D 1, E 3) 4. 1 day later, D moves to G and H (E 2, I 5) 5. 2 days later, E moves to H (I 3, G 3, H 4) 6. 3 days later, I goes to finish, G moves to J (H 1) 7. 1 day later, H moves to J...
Words: 709 - Pages: 3
...estimates that the company stands to lose € 250,000 in revenue if they do not reduce their order fulfillment time below 40 working days. Adding one engineer to the existing team would reduce the time to design a hardware down to 14 working days (from 16 days). An additional engineer would cost the company € 50,000. On the other hand, hiring a second engineering team would cost € 250,000. Analyze these two scenarios and recommend an option to the company. Analysing While analysing the two scenarios, It costs around €50000 for each additional engineer to finish the work in 16 days but it costs €250000 for hiring a engineering team, so If we hire three additional engineers it costs around €150000, For example. For 16 days to reduce 14 day company can hire one staff it cost €50000 so it means one staff can reduce 2 days , and 16 days reduce to 10 days company need only 3 staff , it means company can finish the work within 10 days and total cost 3x €50000. So its better to hire 3 engineers and we can reduce the number of working days with less cost. We consider a Level-2 IT service desk with two staff members. Each staff member can handle one service request in 4 working hours on average. Service times are exponentially distributed. Requests arrive at a mean rate of one request every 3 hours according to a Poisson process. What is the average time between the moment a service request arrives at this desk and the moment it is fulfilled? Queueing...
Words: 463 - Pages: 2
...defines a gate for each flight. The gates are not available at any given time. Flight scheduling determines the departure and arrival times for flights. The second stage is aircraft assignment. This stage assigns aircrafts to flights. The third stage is path assignment. Path assignment attempts to assign the maximum path to one aircraft for maximizing its use during the planning horizon. The integration of above activities is NP-hard...
Words: 1218 - Pages: 5
...THE FOUR DAY WORK WEEK: Just how effective is it? DOES THE FOUR DAY WORK WEEK LEAD TO INCREASED PRODUCTIVITY? Yasin Mohammed UMUC AMBA 600 Research Paper Abstract The 4 day work week is not a new idea. It is one that has had its share of controversies over the years. Introduced in the 1970’s the idea of the 4 days work week has been making a comeback as of lately. There are several issues to look at here. One of the main statements in regards to it is that productivity will decrease because of fatigue. A 10 hour work day is too long. On the flipside, another of the main issues pointed out by proponents is that productivity will increase because you will have a workforce with higher morale. In this paper, we will discuss these two issues among others in relation to the effectiveness of the 4 day work week. JUST HOW EFFECTIVE IS THE FOUR DAY WORK WEEK Proponents of the four day work week usually state the benefit of work/family balance as one of the main reasons that it should be implemented. They estimate that this balance will lead to happier employees which will lead to increased productivity. Most of the detractors state the long ten hour work days as the main reason why employees will be too tired and fatigued to perform. How can two such different viewpoints arise from the same set of circumstances? It is essential to point out that both of these positions are made with assumptions of a homogenous workforce that requires the same work/life balance as...
Words: 2049 - Pages: 9
...strategy that has been developed, it is stated that if any problem with plumbing or air conditioning are experienced, a maintenance personnel will begin working on the problem within one hour. If a tenant must wait must more than one (1) hour for the repair person to arrive, a $10 deduction from the monthly rent will be made for each additional hour of time waiting. An answering machine will take the calls and record the time of the call if the maintenance person is busy. Past experiences at other complexes has shown that during the week when most occupants are at school, there is little difficulty in meeting the one hour guarantee. However, it is observed that weekends have been particularly troublesome during the summer months. (Quantitative Analysis for Management, Render 2011, 11th Ed.) II. Problem: The Statewide Development Corporation’s management would like to determine two (2) maintenance people should be working on weekends instead of just one. The area to be addressed in the problem cited is company’s efficiency of providing fast and reliable repair services. The discussion questions cited in the case are as follows: 1. Use simulation to help you analyze this problem. State any assumptions that you are making about this situation to help clarify the problem. 2. On a typical weekend day, how many tenants would have to wait more than an hour, and how much money would the company have to credit these tenants? III. Case facts and information: a) A $10...
Words: 1182 - Pages: 5
...service now? Veterans day is the time to honor the loved ones that has fought or is fighting for our freedom. It's a day to say thank you. As a student and a family member of someone that has been in the service I believe that there should not be school on veterans day. Many students and teachers have or know someone that has served. They would like to go see there family members grave if they have died. They may also want to go see living family members. People want to just say a big thank you for everything they have done or do now. Although people say that its just another day off for students to do what ever they want. They could have family away from where they live and have to take a trip to see them. If there was no school on Veterans Day then many people could go out of town. If we...
Words: 405 - Pages: 2
...People often come up with their best ideas when time is tight-at least thafs what many executives assume. The trouble /s, as new research reveals, it's not true. CreativityG Under the T RULY BREAKTHROUGH IDEAS tarely hatch overnight. Consider, for example, Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, which had a protracted evolution of its own. Darwin spent decades reading scientific literature, making voyages on the HMS Beagle to the Galapagos and other exotic destinations, carrying out painstakingly detailed observations, and producing thousands of pages of notes on those observations and his ideas for explaining them. It's inconceivable that his breakthrough would have occurred if he'd tried to rush it. In business, too, there are striking examples ofthe value of having relatively unstructured, unpressured time to create and develop new ideas. Scientists working at AT&T's legendary Bell Labs, operating under its corporate philosophy that big ideas take time, produced world-changing innovations including the transistor and the laser beam. Their ingenuity earned the researchers several Nobel prizes. They, like Darwin, had the time to think creatively. But we can all point to examples where creativity seemed to be sparked by extreme time pressure. In 1970, during Apollo 13's flight to the moon, a crippling explosion occurred on board, damaging the air filtration system and leading to a dangerous buildup of carbon dioxide in the cabin. If the system could not be fixed or replaced...
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