...What is One Malaysia? One Malaysia is an idea which has been inspired by Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to overcome racial problems and issues. This idea is about uniting and integrating all citizens of Malaysia from all races and religion into one track towards peaceful and harmony Malaysia. It is to grow unity among various races in Malaysia based on particular important values that should become habit of every Malaysia citizens. It is not a new policy that separates from other policies of Barisan Nasional before this, instead, it is the completer to the existed approach to strengthen the unity in order to ensure stability, towards achieving higher development for the citizens and Malaysia itself. In other word, One Malaysia is built as a formulae that will help ensuring national aspiration, Wawasan 2020 to be achieved if it is instilled in every Malaysians’ soul and practised by every Malaysian. To succeed the idea of One Malaysia, firstly, we need to understand the concept of One Malaysia. One Malaysia concept is based on the point that is to achieve the ‘developed country’ status as being suggested in Wawasan 2020, the main condition is a strong and stable country and this can only be achieved when all the citizens unite. Unity that is pictured by the idea of One Malaysia is quite different from the concept of assimilation that are being practised by other countries where the identities of ethnic races are eradicated and replaced by the one national identity. Instead, One Malaysia...
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...THE POWER OF ONE-THE CONCEPT OF ONE MALAYSIA January 12, 2010 by mthago One means undivided. One means unity and one means power. When there is unity there is power. Men try to gain power and glory and men knows that they cannot gain power and glory without unity. Men try to gain unity through many ways and history has shown us that most of the attempt to unite the people has failed. Men will unite when they have similarities and most great leaders of the past have tried to use the factor of race to unite the people. Genghis Khan has tried to unite the Mongol and Hitler has tried to unite the German. These great leaders try to achieve unity using race as the factor of unity. They unite their race by inculcating in their heart the same desire. They inculcate the desire to become great people by conquering other people and to amass their wealth. Without having unity of purpose people cannot be united unless they have the same desire or goal .Genghis Khan and Hitler inculcate in the heart of their people the same desire to become the Great people that conquer and control others. In order to unite the people, the leaders try to make the people to have the same goal or desire .The easiest desire to inculcate is the desire to have power and wealth. However this desire is short lived and once this desire vanishes the strength of unity fades away. Genghis Khan and Hitler can only unite their people and become conqueror for a very short period of time. The empire that they have set...
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...One Malaysia The first thing that comes across my mind when I heard about 1Malaysia is it must be a new political agenda conducted by the government to win people‟s heart. It seems to me that it is a trend for every prime minister to create a vision or measure once they are appointed. I don‟ quite sure about the previous prime minister but I remember Tun Mahathir Muhammad came up with a vision that is Vision 2020. Later, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi came up with Islam Hadhari. Now, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak announced to achieve 1 Malaysia. As it appears to be sort of political measures, many people think that it is nothing much but a political plan created by the prime ministers so that they have an issue to talk about throughout the years as a prime minister. This is my opinion about one Malaysia. Just like Islam Hadhari that no longer being concerned by people, the same thing might happen to 1Malaysia. Therefore, in this essay, I would like to talk about the success and failures of three measures taken by government to fulfill the objective of realizing the concept of 1 Malaysia. The first thing I would like to talk about is the measures taken to avoid racial polarization in education. There are three different types of school in this country; vernacular school, national school and vision school. The issue that has long been debated is about the relevance of vernacular school. in the article Malaysian vernacular schools to continue to beapart of the education system:...
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...One Malaysia is the latest concept that came up by the new Prime Minister that can benefits the country in the terms of living in peace and harmony, learning others culture and stabilizing the politic climate. The Malaysian should be practice this concept in their daily life in order to become as an advance country. One of the benefits of the One Malaysia concept is we will be living in peace and harmony. As we know, there are many races in Malaysia, so it is important to unite all Malaysian to live in a peaceful environment. If the Malaysian is united as one through the concept of One Malaysia, we will definitely be known globally. Through this concept, Malaysian will be learning culture of other races. As a result of multiply race in Malaysia, there are many celebration that being celebrate by each race, so this is an opportunity for Malaysian to celebrate together in order to learn other cultures. For example, Government should organize any celebration that can be participated by all races in Malaysia. Finally, this concept also will be stabilizing the political climate in Malaysia. The factor of too many races in one organization could make a chaos to the politics of the country. Each leader of the race trying to defeat their right and vice versa. So, the concept of One Malaysia will be united nation in politics that is very important to the organization of the country. We can summarize that the concept of One Malaysia is important and should be constantly for...
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...Mohamad Salleh Abstracts Upon ascending to Malaysia’s highest public office on April 2009, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, YAB Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak has made waves to all corners of the nation with the introduction of 1Malaysia concept. The concept evolves around culture of excellence, perseverance, acceptance, education, integrity, meritocracy, humility and loyalty. It also encompases NKRAs on six major issues. Since independent, national unity has been made top priority – unity in education, culture, socio-economy, political, regional, etc. 1Malaysia seeks to improve the relations of all Malaysians, regardless of racial, religious or cultural backgrounds. There are certain major concerns that need to be addressed in order to seriously engage in 1Malaysia concept. Without correcting them, all efforts will be in vain. 1Malaysia concept caters the needs of all sector of the plural society and to ensure equal distribution of wealth between racial groups, between states and federal. Integrity on the part of the government and the public sector is one matter. The introduction of NKRAs and KPIs is a laudable move. The managing of all spectrums of unity (not just racial) is to be given proper thinking. In order to move Malaysia towards a better society, identity and future hence unity and integration should promote co-operation between race, beliefs and region as one Malaysia, not as Sarawakian or Sabahan. The trust and aspiration of the people that 1Malaysia will bring about a greater...
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...‘1MALAYSIA.’ DISCUSS THIS TERM WITH EXAMPLE AND HOW IT HAS IMPROVED MALAYSIA. Improving government efficiency is an important aspect of 1Malaysia. The use of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), metrics and targets more typically used in private business and National Key Result Areas (NKRAs) is thus naturally an important part of the 1Malaysia effort. Najib says the government is committed to carrying out a transformation programmed as its main agenda based on approaches and philosophy of 1Malaysia people first, performance now. Immediately after assuming the office of Prime Minister of Malaysia Dato Ser Najib Tun Razak introduced a series of KPIs in order to measure and improve the efficiency and quality of government services as well as realizing the 1Malaysia concept. Najib said that KPIs were implemented to make sure the people’s satisfaction whether they are satisfied with our service, whether we have solved their problems. Najib's announcement of the KPI effort was generally well-received. Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said the KPI formula was a measure against which the people could measure the performance of Najib and the government. He said the KPIs would provide motivation for every minister to perform well. The KPIs provide a mechanism for the evaluation of ministries and other government agencies including performance reviews carried out every six months. Each ministry has been required to establish specific KPIs including that focus on policy...
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...(RM150) 39 by STAFF BERITA SEMASA on APRIL 8, 2013 in PILIHANRAYA UMUM 13 Manifesto Barisan Nasional : Lautan dan gelombang biru diperhebatkan paluan gendang “perang” sehingga sudah menerjah masuk di kaca-kaca televisyen dan di corong-corong radio serta tidak lupa juga di akhbar arus perdana sejak pelancaran Manifesto barisan Nasional (BN) pada Sabtu yang lalu. Jikalau hebahan dan perkongsian Manifesto Pakatan Rakyat bakal diberikan ruang dan peluang hanya selama 10 tetapi secara rakaman untuk suntingan, lain pulanya untuk khas untuk manifesto Barisan Nasional. Berapa ramai yang saksikannya pengumuman Manifesto Barisan Nasional (BN) yang disiarkan secara langsung dan mendapat liputan yang cukup meluas dikebanyakan media utama di Malaysia (Siaran langsung di Astro Awani, Astro Saluran 301(saluran berbahasa Cina) dan Astro Saluran 201(saluran berbahasa tamil) , TV1 dan TV3) selama tempoh lebih sejam lamanya dari Stadium Tertutup Bukit Jalil? Senarai Akujanji Manifesto Barisan Nasional (BN) PRU 13? Manifesto Barisan Nasional 1 : Kos Sara Hidup * BR1M dinaikkan kepada RM1,200 untuk isi rumah; RM600 untuk orang bujang. * Baucar Buku 1Malaysia dinaikkan sehingga RM300; Bantuan Persekolahan dinaikkan kepada RM150. * Harga kereta akan diturunkan antara 20 hingga 30 peratus secara berperingkat dengan menyemak semula Dasar Automotif Nasional. * Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia akan ditambah. * Klinik 1Malaysia akan dibuka dalam kawasan padat penduduk. * Pusat Jagaan...
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...Transportation in Malaysia INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is to define the transportation system and its assets in Malaysia providing a brief history of the country’s transportation and examine the different means through which passengers and goods are moved from one place to another with emphasis on technology development and its overall impact on transportation. The paper will also explore the Malaysian culture looking at the origin of multiculturalism and how its broad acceptance has contributed to a better atmosphere of harmony resulting into a peaceful practice of desired religions. Further, the paper will analyze the role of government in the area of education, and the impact of technology on Malaysian culture in general. Finally, the paper will describe the moral and ethical issues associated with technology and how Malaysia addresses them. History of Malaysia’s transportation system The gateway to any society is better transportation and Malaysia is a country that has been improving on its transportation beginnings. Understanding the definition of the transportation system will provide clarity of the different system designs, structures, and capabilities set in place to meet specific transportation needs of the Malaysian people whether it is by land, air, and water. Asianinfo.org states “Malaysia’s road system, which was begun during British colonization, is extensive and covers about 63,455km.” The road systems length spans 39,429...
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...Over the past few decades, Malaysia has experienced both growth and decline economically. Relying mainly on exports, this country is predicted to experience a more stable growth period between the years 2011-2015. GDP is predicted to increase in the future years and investments in the country will be the main factor of this economic growth (Economic Forecast, 2011). With a population of 28.3 million and an expected population growth rate of 1.7%, this country provides an excellent opportunity for exporters looking to invest in another country by way of goods and services (Profile, 2011). In order for exports in Malaysia to be successful however, one must understand the values and subcultures Malays possess in order to market to them appropriately. This report will focus on the influences of these concepts on the behaviour of Malaysian consumers in comparison to Australian consumers. This report will also highlight the importance of understanding certain cultural differences and their implications for marketers if Australia is to export goods and services to Malaysia. Religious Subcultures The concept of subcultures, more specifically religious subcultures, is an important aspect of consumer behaviour to consider. Strongly held religious beliefs and customs can exert a significant influence upon the values people hold. These values may include choosing to adopt a simple and humble existence devoid of materialism or choosing to lead a lifestyle that balances simplicity and materialism...
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...contemporary Malaysia? Introduction The concept of race as defined by Rex and Mason is “an essentially biological concept based on distinctive sets of hereditary phenotypical features that distinguish varieties of mankind” (1986, p. 189). In Malaysia however, race is oftentimes used to mean ‘ethnicity’, which is incorrect as ethnic groups are sub-divisions of a particular racial stock differentiated by history and cultural practices (Rex and Mason, 1986, p. 189). Nevertheless, the concept of race is an important one in understanding how it has shaped the politics and society of Malaysia. In this essay I will explain how Malaysia’s colonial past and affirmative action policies has contributed to the formation of a society divided along racial lines and how that has created racial tensions among the ethnic groups of Malaysia. Malaysia which touts itself as a ‘plural society’ is a country constituted by different race/ethnic groups, the three largest being the Malay, Chinese and Indian groups. As of 2010, the Malaysian population consists of 28.3 million people, with 91.8% Malaysian citizens. The Malaysian citizens are made up of 67.4% bumiputera (translated as ‘son of the soil’, a group composed of predominantly ethnic Malays along with various other indigenous tribes and native groups), 24.6% Chinese, 7.3% Indians and 0.7% Others (Department of Statistics Malaysia, 2010). With so many different ethnic groups within a country, chances are that tensions are bound to arise a one point...
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...responsibility, and free enterprise. They launched their first product, Liquid Organic Cleaner – one of the world’s first bio-degradable, concentrated multi-purpose cleaners. This product had become a high seller during year of 1959 and begins the inheritance of taking our stewardship for the earth seriously. After that, Amway business starts to develop, in geography, sales and product offering. The company had achieved $50 million during 60’s to 70’s years. Amway produced the brand of Artistry which debuts with 11 products and 37 shades. This product has grown to become one of the top five selling premium skin care brands. Another famous brand which is Nutrilite, which is belongs to Amway had developed their product line into home, beauty and nutrition sections. Nutrilite had grown to become the world’s leading brand of vitamin, mineral and dietary supplements. In Amway 80’s to 90’s century, it reaches an additional 20 countries through the power of more than one million distributors, included in Malaysia. The founder, Jay Van Andel had proudly announced that Amway had surpassing the $1 Billion sales mark. The company develops into 33 other markets in the region of the world, including Malaysia, China and South Africa. Amway would in excess of double in size during the decade; this is the result of hardworking by our distributors, employees and partners around the world. In Malaysia, Amway is the leading direct selling company. The company established during 1976 year,...
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...RELIGION IN MALAYSIA HISTORY OF MALAYSIA Situated in the heart of Southeast Asia at one of the world's major crossroads, Malaysia has always been pivotal to trade routes from Europe, the Orient, India and China. It’s warm tropical climate and abundant natural blessings made it a congenial destination for immigrants as early as 5,000 years ago when the ancestors of the aborigines, the indigenous peoples of Peninsular Malaysia, settle here, probably the pioneers of a general movement from China and Tibet. They were followed by the Malays, who brought with them skills in farming and the use of metals. As the beginning of Ancient Malaysia, the- Negrito aborigines are considered to be one of the first groups of people to inhabit the Malaysian peninsula. When the Proto-Malays, made up of seafarers and farmers, came to the peninsula they sent the Negritos into the jungles and hills. The Proto-Malays came from China and were technologically advanced, especially in comparison to the Negritos. After the Proto-Malays came the Deuteron-Malays, which were made up of many different people - Arabs, Chinese, Indians, Proto-Malays, and Siamese. The Deuteron-Malays were proficient in their use of iron and when they united with Indonesians, they combined to make up the people known today as the Malay. Around the first century BC, strong trading links were established with China and India, and these had a major impact on the culture, language and social customs of the country. During this...
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...Law-------------------------------- 7 4.0 Upholding the Constitution-----------------5.0 Decorum and Morality ----------------------- 8 9 Conclusion 10 Reference 11 Appendices 12-16 1 Acknowledgement We are grateful because we manage to complete our "Pengajian Malaysia 2" assignment within the time given by our lecturer Miss Irna Nursyafina. This assignment can't be done without the effort of my partner, Jesslie Ng Hui Yee. Last but not least, we would like to express my gratitude to our course mates for their constant support and guidance. 2 Introduction What is Rukun Negara? It was born on 31 August 1970 headed by the Malaysia's second prime minister, Tun Abdul Razak and it is formulated by the National Consultative Council. The purpose to form this principles are to created unity of various race in Malaysia after the disturbing peace of different races in 13 May 1969. It had proven in Malaysia that racial issues and stability fragile of the happened riots. After the formation of Rukun Negara in Malaysia, cases of racist incidents that involve hundreds of people death are prevented. Formation of Rukun Negara is one of the method to help Malaysian to stay together in one unity. The Principle of Rukun Negara consists of 5 principles, which is Belief in God, Loyalty to King and Country, Upholding the Constitution, Rule of Law and Decorum and Morality. 3 1.0 Belief in God Believing in God is a personal faith and everyone has the right...
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...Daryl Loh Zhen Zhe 25903969 tutorial 23 Q1. Company name: Monash University Malaysia (http://www.monash.edu.my/) Monash University is the first foreign university to be established in Malaysia. It is established in 1998 and located in Bandar Sunway. Competitors: * Taylor's University (http://www.taylors.edu.my/en/university/) * The University of Nottingham (http://www.nottingham.edu.my/index.aspx) * Help University (http://www.help.edu.my/) Suppliers: * Sunway Property (Property) (http://www.sunwayproperty.com/pd/) * Sunway Construction Sdn Bhd ( Construction works) (http://www.sunway.com.my/suncon/) * Atlas Vending (M) Sdn Bhd (suplply vending machine) (http://www.atlas-vending.com/) Intermediaries: * GTI Media Sdn Bhd (Marketing services agency, established a brand name doctorjob.com.my which help to advertise Monash Univeristy Malaysia) (http://gtimedia.asia/) * Sureworks Sdn Bhd (Marketing services agency, organise educational fair to help promote Monash University Malaysia) (http://www.sureworks.info/) * IDP Malaysia (Introduce Monash University Malaysia to students as an option) (http://www.idp.com/malaysia/studyabroad) Customer: * People which majority in the category of young adult and adult who seek for tertiary education * International and local students * Undergraduate and postgraduate students Public: * Ministry of Higher Education (government publics) (http://jpt.mohe.gov.my/eng/) * Jeffrey Cheah Foundation...
Words: 1739 - Pages: 7
... Basketball Shoe Gym Beg Vietnam is our home country, the main I choosing Vietnam is because of the material to produce our product is more cheaper than other country, second is the money exchange rate of Vietnam is more lower than other country, example Malaysia, US, UK, Singapore and so on. Today, we wanted to introduce a new product. The first country of we aim to sale this product is Malaysia. Because we getting know about have so many Malaysian like sport but their home economy is no allow of them to buy a shoe for sport. So that we create an ideal on produce a beautiful, performance and lower price to design a sporting running shoe. Even are rice family or poor family, they also can enjoy about the delight of sport in mood relax and happy. So that our design team group try hand for research the suit material for doing this ideal. New Product Introduction of EKIN The new product is name SPS I. Our new product is design with two colours and addition our brands logo at beside in one of the shoe. The base of the shoe is with black colour and the body of the shoe is with white, black, and blue threes colour. SPS I have the size with 6, 7, 8, 8.5 and 9. In special case, we will produce another size without in our lists. This design ideal is for the people who like to...
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