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...The One Minute Manager by- Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson PRINTING HISTORY: William Morrow and Company edition published 1982 Berkley trade paperback edition / October 1983 PUBLISHING GROUP & AREA: Berkley Books are published by The Berkley Publishing Group, 200 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016. The name “BERKLEY” and the “B” logo are trademarks belonging to Berkley Publishing Corporation. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LANGUAGE: English PAGES: 50 Summary by - PALLAB GHOSH Summary: The One Minute Manager reveals three secrets to productive and efficient managing as told through a young man's search for the perfect managing and leading skills. The One Minute Manager is focused on, not surprisingly, a one minute manager. The man is a venerable leader that is highly spoken of by his employees, his three secrets being the key to his success .The first secret is One Minute Goals. This involves a meeting of the manager and the employee where goals are agreed on, written down in a brief statement, and occasionally reviewed to ensure that productivity is occurring. This whole process takes a "minute", which truly means it is a quick meeting, however it is not limited to just sixty seconds. The purpose of one minute goal setting is to confirm that responsibilities of each working is understood, understanding that confusion leads to inefficiency and discouragement. The second secret to one minute managing is one minute praisings. This...
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...THE ONE MINUTE MANAGER By Ken Blanchard & Spencer Johnson "The One Minute Manager" is good and powerful for anyone who has a problem getting the most out of their staff. The emphasis is on setting goals and establishing clear expectations, praising people by catching them doing something right and correcting poor performance. It reveals three secrets to productive and efficient managing as told through a young man's search for the perfect managing and leading skills. It also finds a balance between being an autocratic manager, who cares only about the results, and a democratic manager, who cares only about the people. The lessons are imparted in the form of an interesting parable about a young man who has set out looking for world-class management skills. This book starts off with a young man in search of well balanced manager. The young man is initially unable to find any manager who can strike the correct balance between results and people. During the course of the story, the young man meets the One Minute Manager, a willing mentor who seems to have things well in control and plenty of time on his hands. He finds that a good man is an honest man, who leads by example and who genuinely cares for his people. He learns that the original One-Minute Manager has established certain precepts to ensure that a work group is individually more responsible. These ideas come to three simple techniques: • One Minute Goal, • One Minute Praising, and • One Minute Reprimand One Minute...
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...Kenneth Blanchard & Spenser Johnson – THE ONE MINUTE MANAGER Read a Story That Will Change Your Life! The One Minute Manager is an easily read story which quickly shows you three very practical management techniques. As the story unfolds, you will discover several studies in medicine and the behavioral sciences which help you to understand why these apparently simple methods work so well with so many people. By the book’s end you will also know how to apply them to your own situation. The book is brief, the language is simple, and best of all ... it works! That’s why The One Minute Manager has become America’s national sensation, featured in People magazine, and on The Today Show, The Merv Griffin Show, and other network television programs. 1 Kenneth Blanchard & Spenser Johnson – THE ONE MINUTE MANAGER Books by Kenneth H. Blanchard, Ph.D. MANAGEMENT OF (with Paul Hersey). ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR: UTILIZING HUMAN RESOURCES ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE THROUGH EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP (with Robert H. Guest and Paul Hersey). THE FAMILY GAME: A SITUATIONAL APPROACH TO EFFECTIVE PARENTING (with Paul Hersey). PUTTING THE ONE MINUTE MANAGER TO WORK (with Robert Lorber, Ph.D.). Books by Spencer Johnson, M.D. THE ONE MINUTE FATHER THE ONE MINUTE MOTHER THE PRECIOUS PRESENT: THE GIFT THAT MAKES A PERSON HAPPY FOREVER THE VALUETALE SERIES: THE VALUE OF BELIEVING IN YOURSELF, The Story of Louts Pasteur THE VALUE OF PATIENCE, The Story of the Wright...
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...The One-Minute Manager The First Secret The one-minute manager is a very inspiring book, it reveals many secrets and at the same time gives you a lot of motivation towards your work and how to be a perfect manager. This book reveals three secrets to productivity and efficient managing skills as told through a young man’s search of a perfect manager. This man was doing his homework, and was researching about the managers and how they do their job, and how they manage their time and their leading skills to be specific. The one-minute manager is about the one-minute manager to be precise. This manager is very vulnerable and his employees talk about him a lot, there are three secrets to his success. In the first 20 pages they talk about his first secret. His first secret is the one-minute goal. It involves having meeting and talking about goals and objectives with the employees, all the things that is written and spoken, telling his good points, bad points, and how to improve. All of this in just simple one minute meeting. His idea of one minute meeting is that “ time is money”. Its not him being disrespectful, its showing the ways of how to be successful. He’s is trying his best not to waste time, and make good usage of it. One Minute Praisings is the second secret. The authors suggest that effective managers help people reach their full potential by catching them doing something right. "People who feel good about themselves produce good results." The One Minute Praising works...
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...Business 101 Final The One Minute Manager book ties directly into chapter 15, human resources, of the textbook BUSN. The key concepts in The One Minute Manager reiterate why it helps if the a lot if the human resource branch of a company is positively involved with the employees and maintain a good relationship rather than doing the typical corporate style. Some of the key concepts from The One Minute Manager are One Minute Goals, One Minute Praisings, and One Minute Reprimands. They all repeat themselves as one-minute tasks since The One Minute Manager does these specific tasks in a minute or less in a very effective way and getting the respect of his employees. The one minute way may not be the corporate way since many large companies tend to prolong the meetings with the employees, thus in many instances causing the employees to dread the day of the meetings. I can personally say that when I worked for large companies, Wal-Mart and K-Mart, all the meetings would be take up to half hour or sometimes more. After the first few minutes I’d just get exhausted and in many cases annoyed to the point where the managers would ask if they had my attention or if I even wanted to be there. By the time they’d ask those questions I’d be blunt and say no, they didn’t have my attention and that I found that their “coaching” methods reflected how an elementary school was ran and that they didn’t have a drop of my respect. The One Minute Goal Setting is simple in the methods that it includes...
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...The “One Minute Manager” has identified three components which I personally believe are important in developing the leadership and management strategies of a manager. I will be mentioning the three components and how it has influenced (and not influenced) my work as an HR officer in a school. First, is the One Minute Goal Setting, wherein both the employer and the employee know what is expected of them from the beginning of the task. The employee then is given immediate feedback that may be turned into motivation on the part of the employee. In our school, we have implemented a start-of the-school-year goal setting wherein both the superior and subordinate identify goals that the subordinate has to accomplish for the school year. There is a one-page form in tabular format for the goals, the performance indicators, the weight according to priority, and the score. Evaluation time is set before the school year ends. This technique has been very effective in our institution because the employees already know exactly what is expected of them at the start of the year. They are guided as to what tasks they have to accomplish first based on the priority list, what goals have been achieved, and what are still needed to be done. The employee’s goals may be revisited and reviewed periodically to determine their need to adjust. Secondly, the One Minute Praising which aims at catching people doing something right rather than catching them doing something wrong. An example of...
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...Low Glycemic Index food LIST (GI < 55) [pic] | Food Type |GI |Food Type |GI | |Chili |10 |Pears |38 | |Cabbage |10 |Tomato soup, tinned |38 | |Mushroom |10 |Plums |39 | |Onions |10 |Ravioli, meat filled |39 | |Yogurt low-fat (sweetened) |14 |Carrots, cooked |39 | |Peanuts |15 |Frozen green peas |39 | |Walnuts |15 |*Snickers bar |40 | |Artichoke |15 |Apple juice |41 | |Asparagus ...
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...The One Minute Manager Reaction Paper The One Minute Manager provides a concise and simple method for planning, coaching and evaluating people for organizational and personal success. For many, the book sets forth the principles for productive relationships between a manager and his or her associates. There are three different methods portrayed that will help employers and employees find such a relationship. The first is One Minute Goal Setting. The second is One Minute Praising. Lastly, the book suggests One Minute Reprimands. With these work ethics in practice, a friendly, more productive work place results for everyone. These three ideas will help simplify life, increase productivity, reduce stress and help the reader find peace of mind. One minute goals, one minute praising and one minute reprimands are ideas that if used effectively can help to increase ones success in life. These are the three different methods in One Minute Manager. The first one is the one minute goal is about being aware of what is expected from the beginning. It is recorded on a single sheet of paper and should only take one minute to read it. It can help your staff to produce efficient results. The second step in one minute management is to catch people doing something right or the one minute praising. It hardly takes a minute for you to tell someone that he or she did a good job. One minute praisings include praising the people immediately, telling them what they did right, how you feel about...
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...Where do I see myself in the future? The way I see myself in the future is not something I often think about. To tell you the truth, it scares me a little to know that in one short decade I will be thirty- one years old, and that my years of youth are coming to an end. However, thinking about this question gave me a chance to analyse my goals and ambitions. I am a simple individual that have big dreams in life. In many years from now, I believe I am able to achieve the three most basic things in life which are family, love and a satisfaction career. A vision I’ve always had of myself years ahead from now is a wealthy business woman that owns a coffee shop. Instead of having my coffee shop on the main street, my coffee shop would tuck away from main street which is away from the hustle and bustle of the city. I hope to provide a comfy environment which my customer could truly relax themselves and enjoy their coffee. The interior of my coffee shop has custom mural and exposed brick walls which create a warm atmosphere. Reclaimed woods were used for the bars, tables and condiment stations. Some good oldies song will be played as background music hovering around the shop and the level of its volume is just moderate. It will be wonderfully set up while being photogenic at the same time. I’ve picture myself sitting on the cashier of my coffee shop welcoming every customers with warm greeting. Besides that, I will place a variety of books in the shop and customers are welcome to...
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...The One Minute Manager The objective of the book ‘The One Minute Manager’ by Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson is to define the effective managers in this dynamic world of business where various external and internal factors influence their performance. The One Minute Manager is good and powerful for anyone who has problems getting the most out of their staff. This book provides a useful model for opening up and stimulating the minds of everyone in the organization to accomplish more. The One Minute Manager provides a positive role model for the people managing his employees. The One Minute Manager is a remarkably simple system to learn and apply and will help you improve employee performance. It will make you feel that you are a better manager because you can be proactive rather than reactive by setting goals and providing quick feedback on performance whether good or bad. It will make your staff feel better about their work even those that receive a few ‘one minute reprimands’. They will finally know what is expected of them and through the reinforcement of praising and reprimands they begin to understand their role and the consequences. This book contains these three main ideas: One Minute Goal Setting, One Minute Praising and One Minute Reprimand which are the tools to develop an excellent manager. As we go on the story, the author started it with the young man searching an answer whose quest is to find managers who make both their organization and people with their...
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...Giselle H. Lambus March 11, 2015 Psychology III I/O Psychology One Minute Manager The book begins with a young man who is seeking and wanting to learn an efficient and productive way of managing people. Everybody who is a manager or manages people aims to become a good one. Being a good manager is not being an autocratic manager or a democratic manager, it’s how to be an effective manager that people try to become. Some managers are autocratic manager who are just concerned about the result. This is the organization gained while the people lost. And the democratic manager they are concerned only about the people. These is not the right way to handle people a manager should know how to handle both the people and organization should be gained. Interviewing with the One Minute Manager and the people work in the same organization, the young man reveals that the One Minute Manager has developed three processes for building a better manager and for increasing the productivity in the workplace. After he uncovers the three precepts, he finally becomes a One Minute Manager himself. The three concepts described in the book are One Minute Goal Setting, One Minute Praising, and One Minute Reprimands. According in the book there is quantity over quality. The quality is very important in working because the employee want to be secured in the service. The young man had experience to be a speaker in different company, schools etc. According to him he never experienced...
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...ONE MINUTE MANAGER SUMMARY In this book a young man is in search of an effective and produtive manager who can help him learn the secrets to success and effective manager. While looking for the answers he found that there are three secrets to become a “One Minute Manager”. A one minute manager is the one who in a very little time manages people and get very big results from them. The first secret and the base of this book is “One Minute Goal Setting”. One minute manager believes in the 80-20 goal setting rule i.e, 80% of your really important results will come from 20% of your goals. One minute goal setting is all about agreeing on your goals, focusing on god behavior, writing down your goals and simple and less words and reading them time and again and finally examine your performance and see if your behavior matches your goals. The second secret we come across is the “One Minute Praising”. It requires a manager to appreciate and praise his employee on their right work and good performance more often. A manager’s feedback is really important for an employee. To make an employee feel good about his right work, a manager should tell him about this good work and support him to continue the same in the future and then shakes hand with him to tell him who good he feel about his performance and good work. The final secret is “One Minute Reprimand”. One minute reprimands are used to correct and redirect behavior. When an employee is doing wrong or makes mistakes, he should be...
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...author and management expert. His book The One Minute Manager Has sold over 13 million copies and has been translated into 37 Languages. He is the Chief Spiritual Officer of the Ken Blanchard Companies, an international management training and consulting firm that he and his wife , Marjorie Blanchard, cofounded in 1979 in San Diego, California. He has the ability to masterfully communicate ideas. His caring nature exudes through his intellectual speeches that often have audiences feeling as if he is speaking to each individual person rather than Entire group. * Dr. Spencer Johnson is the Chairman of Candle Communications Corporation, and an active author, publisher, lecturer and communications consultant. He has written more than a dozen books dealing with medicine and psychology. Dr. Johnson’s education includes a degree in psychology from the University of Southern California, an M.D. degree from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, and medical clerkships at Harvard Medical School and the Mayo Clinic. “The One Minute Manager” is more than a book; which includes, a genre of Motivation and Leadership , because , it shows Motivational Genre by introducing the democratic manager , and shows Leadership Genre by introducing the Autocratic Manager, which is seen in the book “ The One Minute Manager” which is a book for finding a balance between being an Autocratic Manager, who cares only about the results, and a Democratic Manager, who cares only about the people. ...
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...REVIEW ONE MINUTE MANAGER - DR. KENNETH H. BLANCHARD, PhD - DR. SPENCER JOHNSON, M.D. Submitted By: JOHN ROBIN H. ALVAREZ Submitted To: DR. NICK MARASIGAN Description about the Authors Dr. Kenneth Blanchard • He is the chairman of Blanchard Training and Development, Inc. (BTD), is an internationally known author, educator and consultant/trainer. • He is the co-author of the highly acclaimed and most widely used text on leadership and organization behavior, Management of Organization Behavior: Utilizing Human Resources. • Dr. Blanchard received his B.A. from Cornell University in Government and Philosophy, an M.A. from Colgate University in Sociology and Counseling and a PhD from Cornell in Administration and Management. • He is presently serves as a professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior at University of Massachusetts, Amherst. In addition, he is a member of the National Training Laboratories (NTL). Dr. Spencer Johnson • He is the chairman of Candle Communications Corporation, and an active author, publisher, lecturer and communications consultant. He has written more than a dozen books dealing with medicine and psychology. • Dr. Johnson’s education includes a degree in psychology from the University of Southern California, an M.D. degree from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, and medical clerkships at Harvard Medical School and the Mayo Clinic. Abstract of the Book • The book of One Minute Manager gives...
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