Free Essay

Onerepublic Songs


Submitted By robbins517
Words 1712
Pages 7
Secrets neRepublic public OneRepublic

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...her vision and dropped her before the completion of her album. Perry's commercial breakthrough came in 2008 when she released her first mainstream studio album “One of the Boys.” This was preceded by the release of her first single "I Kissed a Girl". Several successful singles followed thereafter. “Fireworks” was released on October 16, 2010 by Capitol Records as the third single from the album “Teenage Dreams”. This song was considered by Perry as the most important song for her on the album. The song is a self-empowerment anthem with inspirational lyrics regarding participation, public speaking, awareness and exercise of rights, and many more factors that promote individuality. To say this in another way, this song is about the breaking of personal limitation that seem to hold people back. A plastic bag being blown through the wind is aimless and has no control of where it’s going. Katy Perry paints the same picture in her lyrics when she writes that “Do you ever feel like a plastic bag drifting through the wind wanting to start again?” The plastic bag in her song is an allusion to the American Beauty movie and a simile because she compares a person to a plastic bag. Plastic bags blown through the wind have no direction. This is so true to some people with no goals, ambitions and sometimes no ideas of what to do with life. The artist was referring to people who felt like they did not have control of their life but needed a second chance. A house of cards can be an example...

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Speech Proposal

...and its concepts, its beauty and differences from other genres, and musical uniqueness Planned Introduction: (enters the stage listening to music) … Oh! Good afternoon, classmates and Ma’am Amonggo! I just downloaded a new song in my phone and it had been on my playlist since last night. I do this whenever I come to love a song I just listened to. You already knew that music is one of my passions; everything about music interests me. The song I had downloaded last night is entitled ________ by ________. Yes, I know what you are thinking. It is K-Pop. Planned Main Points: 1. Prejudgments and Criticisms about K-Pop 2. Why K-Pop is Being Judged? 3. Concept of K-pop 4. Beauty of K-Pop Planned Conclusion: As much as we welcome American and Japanese songs, I also want everyone to welcome Korean songs. Just imagine it as another foreign song, it was just sang in Korean language. Thank you very much! Terms needed for the speech: * * K-Pop * Girl group and boy group * Leader * Lead and Main Vocal * Lead and Main Rapper * Lead and Main Dancer * Maknae * Visual * Producer * Songwriter * Bias Supplies needed: laptop, VGA cable, audio jack, microphone Two Back-Up Topics: 1. Writing a song 2. Abu...

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...Midterm Paper Many artists base their songs on past experiences in their life. Many of them are happy, sad, controversial, and at times have no meaning to them. One particular artist has many of these themes hidden away in her music. Grimes is a renowned artist known for her Indie music. With her ethereal and ambient sounding tones, it is hard to differentiate actual lyrics and when her voice is actually the rhythm that is being heard in her music. Her song Oblivion is perhaps one of her most understandable when it comes to lyrics. Her song Oblivion has a story, poetic themes, and imagery. Grimes' Oblivion has story engrained in her lyrics. When the song starts, it has an upbeat electronic tempo in the begging. It sounds as though, it would not have any lyrics because of its heaviness. The first line of the song is as if it is an event going on in that moment. It’s almost like a moment in her life which she is recalling. Grimes sings (2012)"And now the walk about, after dark." It is assumed she is walking about at night. The she goes on to say "It’s my point of view", which assumes she has an opinion on walking about at night. It is confirmed when she goes on to say (2012)"If someone could break your neck. Coming up behind you, always coming and you'd never have a clue". That line is very gruesome, so there may be some underlying context to that line. Perhaps Grimes was assaulted at some point in her life or is making a general statement, that it is not safe at night. "Oblivion"...

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