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Online Education vs Traditional Education


Submitted By sutha
Words 571
Pages 3
As universities make greater use of Internet resources, online classes have continued to grow in popularity and effectiveness. Online courses let students learn at their own pace, accomplish assignments on their own schedules and acquire the same knowledge as they would in a traditional, classroom-based course. Just like traditional classes, online instructors use discussion, assignments and community to educate students. However, their means of execution for these tools are quite different.
Time Management
Both online and traditional classes require students to manage their time wisely. In traditional classes, students structure their time outside of the classroom to allow for studying, projects and homework. However, Northcentral University, an online institution, states that with the absence of regular class meetings, online courses require students to acquire and learn course materials on their own time. According to the "Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks," this freedom is what makes online classes attractive to nontraditional students who may work additional jobs or have family responsibilities that make attending regular classes a challenge.

Both online and classroom-based courses also assess student participation. In traditional classes, students voluntarily participate in discussions or ask and answer questions. However, according to the University of Connecticut's Instructional Design and Development Guide for Online Students, some people may be shy or unwilling to contribute, leading to a lopsided class dynamic where the same people tend to carry the weight. In online courses, participation is mandatory, usually through written discussions in chat rooms or on message boards. Students, therefore, have the opportunity to hear a wider range of perspectives, including those of people who may struggle with participating in a

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