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Open Doors


Submitted By jsword
Words 1243
Pages 5
Psychology 211: General Psychology (Fridays) Winter, 2015

|Instructor |Dr. Ralph J. Worthing, Professor of Psychology |
|Office |A-075 |
|Office Hours |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |
| |8:00 – 9:00 (at |2:00 – 3:00 (A-075)|8:00 – 9:00 (at |2:00 – 3:00 |9:00 – 10:00 |
| |Ricker) | |Ricker) |(A-075) |(A-075) |
|Phone |989-686-9060 |
|Email | |
|FAX |989-686-8736 |

Please contact me if you would like to meet at a time other than these posted office hours.

Learning Materials: 1. Ciccarelli, S. K, & White, J. N. (2015). Psychology (4th Edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. An Access Code for the “Revel” companion website is required. This class will be participating in a pilot study of the new “Revel” package. As such, the publisher is providing the class with a “Revel” access code, and a paper copy of the textbook. You can highlight and write in the text, but do not write your name on the book. At the end of the semester, I will collect the textbooks so that I can lend the textbooks to future students.

Course Overview and Description: General Psychology is a study of the scientific principles underlying experience and behavior. The class is designed to give an understanding of human behavior in terms of the cognitive, behavioral, physiological and environmental viewpoints. The course will cover basic research methods, learning, social factors, developmental changes, physiology, sensation, perception, motivation, intelligence and personality. The purpose of this class is to give students a broad overview of the field of Psychology. Upon completion of this class, each student will be able to critically evaluate the main research methods used in Psychology, explain how biological functions influence overt and covert behavior and apply the main theories of human behavior to case study examples.

Course Outcomes and Objectives:

Outcome 1: Identify and explain the scientific foundations of psychology, and apply these principles to describe various psychological phenomena and research.
A) Distinguish between experimental and non-experimental research, including understanding the major advantages and disadvantages of each research technique. B) Identify the type of research cited in the popular press, and understand the limitations of such research. C) Review the various career pathways for psychologists and the differences between psychologists and psychiatrists. D) Describe the main components of the nervous system and their functions, and the basic biochemical components of behavior. E) Distinguish between how senses work, including their abilities and limitations, and how perception impacts one’s views of the world.

Outcome 2: Describe the foundations of positive adjustment.
A) Discuss the relationship between stress and overall health and wellness, including the various methods people utilize to cope with stress. B) Describe the normal and alternative states of consciousness achieved through sleep, hypnosis, and various psychoactive substances. C) Identify the stages of the sleep cycle (including REM) and discuss the various theories of dreaming. D) Identify components and types of motivation and emotion. E) Describe how social situations impact our behaviors.

Outcome 3: Identify the basic principles of learning, memory, and cognition.
A) Explain and contrast the principles of learning in each of the major learning types including classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning. B) Describe how memory works, why it often fails to work, and how to improve memory ability. C) Compare the various theories of intelligence and discuss how intelligence is measured.

Outcome 4: Differentiate between various psychological disorders & treatments.
A) Distinguish between each of the major theoretical perspectives in the field of psychology, including biological, cognitive, behavioral, psychoanalytic, sociocultural and humanistic. B) Explain the possible causes and treatments for mental illness with regard to each of the major theoretical perspectives in psychology. C) Identify the main symptoms of the major psychological disorders. D) Evaluate how mental illness impacts individuals and social groups.

Outcome 5: Distinguish between normative and non-normative development of the individual.
A) Evaluate both sides of the nature vs. nurture argument. B) Describe the main theories of cognitive, social, and moral development. C) Discuss theories of personality development from biological and psychosocial perspectives. D) Differentiate between the methods of personality assessment. E) Discuss the development of human sexuality and gender.
Chapter Quizzes on Revel:
For each chapter, you are expected to read through the text on Revel and respond to all surveys, simulations, etc.; watch any videos; and take the quiz at the end of the chapter.

Unit Exams:
Five exams will be administered; each based on three chapters from the text. Questions will be based on reading assignments and material presented in class. Each exam will consist of multiple-choice and essay questions.

Final Exam:
A multiple-choice final exam will be administered on the last class period. The final will consist of a sampling of multiple-choice questions covering all 15 chapters.

Daily Learning and Participation:
During each class period, you will complete the Daily Learning and Participation paper. For full credit, you will need to be present the entire class, and respond to the assigned questions for the day.

Class Rules:
Rule #1: When I am talking or showing a video, you are supposed to listen – not talk. Also, please shut down all electronics.

Rule #2: Disrespect toward me or your classmates will not be tolerated. I will point out disrespectful actions, if necessary.

Rule #3: If you must arrive late or leave early, do so very quietly.

Rule #4: No eating in class.

Failure to follow any of the Class Rules will result in deductions from your daily attendance/participation score.

Grading Scale:
|A (93%) |A- (90%) |
|Revel Quizzes |25 |
|Exams (in class) |40 |
|Final Exam (in class) |10 |
|Daily Learning and Participation |25 |
|Total |100 |

Schedule: Class/Date: Topic:

January 1) 16 Introduction to Course; Discuss classroom rules and expectations. Chapter 1

2) 23 Chapter 1/2

3) 30 Chapter 2/3 Unit Exam 1 (Chapters 1, 2 & 3) (In class)

February 4) 6 Chapter 4

5) 13 Chapter 5

6) 20 Chapter 6 Unit Exam 2 (Chapters 4, 5, & 6) (In class)

7) 27 Chapter 7

March 8) 13 Chapter 8

9) 20 Chapter 9 Unit Exam 3 (Chapters 7, 8, & 9) (In class)

10) 27 Chapter 10

April 11) 3 Chapter 11

12) 10 Chapter 12 Unit Exam 4 (Chapters 10, 11, & 12) (In class)

13) 17 Chapter 13

14) 24 Chapter 14/15

May 15) 1 Unit Exam 5 (Chapters 13, 14, & 15) (In class) Final Exam (In class)

Please note that this is a tentative schedule. Unexpected circumstances may require adjustments to this plan.

Special Policies:

Make up assignments: I will provide an opportunity to compensate for a missed class, by completing an assignment that will count for up to 40% of full credit for attendance. Under special circumstances, I will allow you to make up a Unit Test, with a 10% deduction. (I may waive that deduction if you were faced with an emergency situation.) Tests will generally be made up at the next class meeting. Only under special circumstances will I use the Academic Testing Center for make-up tests.

Chicago is my favorite big city and band. I will be glad to play some music for you by Chicago!

Delta has policies to cover most everything that happens in a classroom. I am not going to reproduce those policies here. If you have any questions regarding academic honesty, grading, learning disabilities/differences, etc., please either contact me or consult your student handbook.

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