...HRM 531 Week 4 Individual Performance Management Plan http://hwguiders.com/downloads/hrm-531-week-4-individual-performance-management-plan/ HRM 531 Week 4 Individual Performance Management Plan HRM 531 Week 4 Individual Performance Management Plan http://hwguiders.com/downloads/hrm-531-week-4-individual-performance-management-plan/ HRM 531 Week 4 Individual Performance Management Plan HRM 531 Week 4 Individual Performance Management Plan http://hwguiders.com/downloads/hrm-531-week-4-individual-performance-management-plan/ HRM 531 Week 4 Individual Performance Management Plan HRM 531 Week 4 Individual Performance Management Plan http://hwguiders.com/downloads/hrm-531-week-4-individual-performance-management-plan/ HRM 531 Week 4 Individual Performance Management Plan HRM 531 Week 4 Individual Performance Management Plan http://hwguiders.com/downloads/hrm-531-week-4-individual-performance-management-plan/ HRM 531 Week 4 Individual Performance Management Plan HRM 531 Week 4 Individual Performance Management Plan http://hwguiders.com/downloads/hrm-531-week-4-individual-performance-management-plan/ HRM 531 Week 4 Individual Performance Management Plan HRM 531 Week 4 Individual Performance Management Plan http://hwguiders.com/downloads/hrm-531-week-4-individual-performance-management-plan/ HRM 531 Week 4 Individual Performance Management Plan HRM 531 Week 4 Individual Performance Management Plan http://hwguiders.com/downloads/...
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...HRM 531 WEEK 6 LEARNING TEAM ASSIGNMENT To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/hrm-531-week-6-learning-team-assignment/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM HRM 531 WEEK 6 LEARNING TEAM ASSIGNMENT Complete the Recruitment and Selection Strategies Recommendations task, as described in the Email from Traci, located on the Atwood and Allen Consulting page. Individual Assignment: Recruitment and Selection Strategies Recommendations Presentation: You currently work as a human resource management consultant, and you have scheduled a presentation to pitch your organization's value to a company that you have worked for in the past. Prepare a 12-15 slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® 15-20 minute presentation that will be used to present your assignment. Include the following components in your presentation: Purpose of Assignment For this task, Traci has asked you to develop some recruitment and selection strategy recommendations for your client. It is important for you to understand the relationship between the business strategy and the recruitment and selection strategies. Having appropriate alignment and clear goals helps to ensure that a business is recruiting and selecting the right candidates. It is also important that you examine the importance of a diverse and inclusive workforce in today's global economy. This includes diversity in the recruitment and selection strategies. Resources Required Week Six e-mail from Traci and Week Six client...
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.../531 Human Capital Management Final Exam Progress: (0/36) 1) ____________ are internal states that focus on particular aspects of or objects in the environment. A. Concepts B. Abilities C. Attitudes D. Values 2) Inventory shrinkages and accidents pertain to which component of direct costs associated with mismanaged organizational stress? A. Communication breakdowns B. Loss of vitality C. Performance on the job D. Participation and membership 3) Distrust, disrespect, and animosity pertain to which component of indirect costs associated with mismanaged organizational stress? A. Communication breakdowns B. Performance on the job C. Participation and membership D. Quality of work relations 4) Title VII is most relevant to the employment context because it __________on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin in all aspects of employment. A. prevents layoffs B. eliminates nepotism C. prohibits discrimination D. encourages advancement 5) Thousands of equal-pay suits have been filed, predominantly by ___________ since the Equal Pay Act of 1963 was passed. A. Americans with disabilities B. the elderly C. African Americans D. women 6) The Thirteenth Amendment A. prohibits each government in the U.S. to stop a citizen from voting based on race B. prohibits the denial, termination, or suspension of government contracts C. prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude D. guarantees equal protection of the law for all citizens 7) Which of the following would you associate...
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...InterClean Company Development Plan University of Phoenix-Diamond Bar HRM/531 Human Capital Management September 19, 2010 InterClean looks at two key elements of a job analysis, one it identification of major job requirements (MJR) which are the most important duties and responsibilities of the position to be filled. They are the main purpose or primary reasons the position exists. The primary source is the most current, official position description. The second element is identification of knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA) required to accomplish each MJR and the quality level and amount of the KSA’s needed. Most job analysis deal with KSAs that are measurable, that can be documented, and produce meaningful differences between candidates. Typically, possession of KSAs is demonstrated by experience, education, or training. Goals of KSAs is to identify those candidates who are potentially best qualified to perform the position to be filled. (U.S. Department of Interior, 1998) InterClean ------------------------------------------------- ...
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...Career Development Plan Part I--Job Analysis and Selection Report Lorna L. King HRM 531 August 16, 2010 Scott Beck 1. Executive Summary The findings show that Team King has the right skills and talent to take InterClean, to the new strategic direction of providing full-service cleaning solutions for organizations in the health care industry. Team King will undergo an intensive training program in the next month. Each member has sales goals of a minimum of two contracts per month and maintains contacts with current clients. Therefore, I recommend a 10% sales bonus for any sales above the minimum sales goal of two contracts per month. 2. Contents 1. Executive Summary 2 3. Introduction 3 4. Findings 3 4.1 Job Analysis 3 4.1.1 Job Analysis Methods 3 4.1.2 Job Duties 4 4.2 Workforce Planning System 4 4.2.1 Talent Inventory /Positions 4 4.2.2 Action Plan (training, placement, promotion, development and compensation). 5 4.2.3 Goals ...
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...Week 4 Learning Team Reflection Amber Hart. Jacob Lewis, John Froedman, Trish Small, Caitlyn Sanders HRM/531 May 4, 2015 Professor Stapleton Week 4 Learning Team Reflection Amber Hart This performance management plan for Landslide limousine is meant to ensure a positive structure and developed strategies to capture the market and keep employees. Without a functioning plan, the business will find it hard to thrive in the current market. I discussed a plan that would help recruit the best people for the right position, and develop an alignment between the employee’s goals and the company’s goals. Communication lines established at the beginning of the business are paramount due to businesses that fail due to a lack of a good plan. The job analysis I discuss shows how everyone contributes to making a great one. I went a step further to give examples of a form that needs to be filled out to show employees and management what is required by the employee to complete the tasks related to the position. This information will be used to help correct position functions to be more beneficial to the employee and the company. Communication received and given in all directions is believed to be a cornerstone the businesses success. I discussed the 360-degree feedback and how it would relate to a customer service company, such as this limousine company. Jacob Lewis Landslide Limousines is a company that wants to thrive on the success and reputation of its employees. Mr. Bradley...
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...Career Development Plan Part I Job Analysis and Section at InterClean/EnviroTech InterClean has merged with EnviroTech and, as a result, has taken on a new strategic direction. The $8 million dollar institutional and industrial cleaning and sanitation industry is no longer about the product that works. The industry has evolved into providing the best solutions and services to customers to make cleaning efforts efficient in an industry with stringent requirements and environmental safety. InterClean/EnviroTech’s future success is dependent on our ability to provide solutions to our customers. Customers, especially in the healthcare industry, are looking for turn-key solutions that include product training for employees, regular monitoring and info-sharing of new relevant regulations. Our goal is to provide a full spectrum of cleaning services and solutions. Under the newly proposed solution/service model, our sales representatives will be grouped into multifunctional teams that link high-quality products with high-quality service (InterClean, 2008). According to HR Guide to the Internet, job analysis is a process to identify and determine in detail the particular job duties and requirements and the relative importance of these duties for a given job. Job analysis is a process where judgments are made about data collected on a job (HR Guide, n.d.). An effective job analysis gathers information and focuses on behaviors and tasks and identifies the employee’s knowledge, skills...
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...Cost/Benefit analysis of Employee Training programs University of Phoenix HRM/531 Training is a process that can provide significant value and rewards that far outweigh its financial costs. The effects of training touches the lives of employees from the first day of a new job through retirement The purpose of this paper is to show how employee training benefits not only the organization but also the environment as well. The reader will be introduced to an oil distribution company undergoing costly problems because of poorly trained employees. These problems have resulted in repeated environmental violations. An analysis of the company was conducted to weigh the cost/benefits of incorporating an effective employee-training program to address the problem. The outcome of the analysis will determine whether the training is financially feasible, or if another project should be pursued. In addition, the effect of management behavior on productivity, the definition and use of behavior costing, effects of high performance work policies on business financial performanceas that relate to the company; along with recommendations based on researched data gathered will be given in this paper. Training is defined as an activity leading to skilled behavior. Employee training involves a set of planned activities that organization will have their employees complete in order to increase their job knowledge, skills, and abilities. In practice, training gets employees accustomed...
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...An Investment Proposal for InterClean’s Future HRM 531 April 4, 2011 Professor Walfredo Leiva New Training and Mentoring Needs InterClean and EnviroTech are now one. This merger has brought about the necessity for training for all employees regarding new vision of InterClean: no one will be left out. This training program will help us understand what the new organization's expectations are and how to go about successfully meeting those expectations. On average, company annually spends approximately $ 1,241.00 on employee development (Bersin & Associates, (2011). Our goal is to make sure that each one of these precious investment dollars are spent on ensuring your success. Every dollar spent wisely is a “buy-in” for your future success and commitment to the future of InterClean: we are striving to develop our future company leaders today. The company’s new vision is more industry focused. Because of this, more knowledge is needed for us all in the areas of environmental regulations, OSHA standards, and sanitation standards as it pertains to this specific industry. Customers, regardless of the division, are not interested in or do not need to see or hear catch phrases such as, “At EnviroTech we used to….” Or “ Here at InterClean, that is not how we do things.”; therefore, it is essential for all personnel to go through an training program in communication as well as customer satisfaction. The information in this report specifies how the training and mentoring...
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...|[pic] |Course Syllabus | | |School of Business | | |HRM/531 | | |Human Capital Management | Copyright ©2011 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course prepares students to address the concepts of personnel development as managers. Students learn criteria for developing effective job analysis, appraisal systems, and appropriate career development plans for employees. Other topics include personnel selection, employee compensation, benefits, training, workplace diversity, discipline, employee rights, unions, and management behaviors. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies...
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...Performance Management Plan Christine G. Santos HRM 531 February 15, 2016 Richard Sims Our task for this week is to develop a performance management framework for Brandley Stonefield, owner of Landslide Limousine. His company will provide first-class transportation in the city of Austin with a goal of employing twenty-five employees within the first year and a projected profit of approximately $50,000. The goal of a performance management plan is to provide a strategy that will help the company define, facilitate, and encourage performance. According to Cascio (2015), we have to think of “performance management as a kind of compass, one that indicates a person’s actual direction as well as a person’s desired direction.” The job of Mr. Stonefield as a manager is to help his employees define their goals and encourage them to focus their attention and effort on how to reach them. Employees are considered the company's most valuable assets, and for this reason, we place emphasis on their talents, skills, and other ways they can improve. Continuous improvement is an added value to the company. Therefore, it is imperative that the company invest in the employee's growth and development. Every company aspires to be a high-performance organization which means maximizing the value and return of human assets. Every high-performance organization needs effective leaders to manage human performance. An effective performance management plan includes the employee's involvement in...
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...Westar Small Business Solutions Compensation and Benefits Jerome Rutledge, Rahim Shadid, Sridhar Venugopal, Ursula Wester, and Cassandra Woods HRM 531 April 18, 2013 Carolyn Szlaga Purpose The purpose of this plan is to provide fair and equitable compensation for the individual(s) that will be performing the assistant project manager role at Westar Small Business Solutions. This plan clearly describes the total compensation that Westar Small Business Solutions will be providing to those performing the Assistant Project Manager Role. Eligibility This compensation plan applies to full-time, managerial employees performing the Assistant Project Manager Role at Westar Small Business Solutions. This plan does not apply to part-time or contract staff. Goals and Objectives Westar Small Business Solutions believes in the following compensation principles: * To provide fair and equitable compensation to employees. * To reflect the extensive educational and experience credentials required of Consulting Professionals as well as the value their roles bring to the organization. * To offer competitive pay and benefits, within the context of our industry to attract and retain the best talent possible. * To use compensation as a tool to recognize individual merit. * To provide performance-based incentives to encourage excellence and reward employees for his or her contribution to the achievement of organization goals. Compensation Components Total compensation...
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...Career Development Plan Part I Job Analysis and Section at InterClean/EnviroTech InterClean has merged with EnviroTech and, as a result, has taken on a new strategic direction. The $8 million dollar institutional and industrial cleaning and sanitation industry is no longer about the product that works. The industry has evolved into providing the best solutions and services to customers to make cleaning efforts efficient in an industry with stringent requirements and environmental safety. InterClean/EnviroTech’s future success is dependent on our ability to provide solutions to our customers. Customers, especially in the healthcare industry, are looking for turn-key solutions that include product training for employees, regular monitoring and info-sharing of new relevant regulations. Our goal is to provide a full spectrum of cleaning services and solutions. Under the newly proposed solution/service model, our sales representatives will be grouped into multifunctional teams that link high-quality products with high-quality service (InterClean, 2008). According to HR Guide to the Internet, job analysis is a process to identify and determine in detail the particular job duties and requirements and the relative importance of these duties for a given job. Job analysis is a process where judgments are made about data collected on a job (HR Guide, n.d.). An effective job analysis gathers information and focuses on behaviors and tasks and identifies the employee’s knowledge, skills...
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...Performance Management Framework Mr. Stonefield is starting his own business in Austin, Texas, called Landslide Limousine Service. One of the fundamental elements to building this new business venture is creating a framework for performance management. The framework must include necessary employee job skills, the methods used for measuring these skills, the process for addressing skill gaps, and the approach for delivering effective performance feedback. It is important to understand how the performance management framework (PMF) aligns to the organizational business strategy. Mr. Stonefield previously stated he wants to provide first-class transportation to his customers. His goals are realistic for the first year with an anticipated -$50,000 in revenue, and 10% turnover. The success of the business’s performance management will ensure there will not be any additional lost revenue, and turnover stays at, or under target. The goals set in place lay the foundation for the future of this company, and a clearly defined PMF will foster highly engaged employees and lead to continual revenue growth. It is imperative Mr. Stonefield’s employees have the necessary job skills to allow Landslide Limousine to achieve its goals and gain a positive reputation. A job analysis is “The process of obtaining information about jobs, including the tasks to be done on the jobs as well as the personal characteristics necessary to do the tasks” (Cascio, 2013, p.690). Mr. Stonefield has elected Atwood...
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...Career Development Summary HRM/531 Human Capital Management October 18 2010 Since my promotion to midlevel management, I have been working very hard on the new career development plan for the company. I will hire a Vice President of Sales and four other sales positions will be filled, these positions include a sales manager, and three outside sales representatives. Job descriptions and qualifications: It is important to InterClean to hire five positions, one in which will be vice president of sales. Vice president of sales responsibilities are, overseeing the hiring and development of a worldwide sales organization, suitable for a growing company. Vice President of sales also most institute compensation, training, and sales incentive programs. Development a nationwide and international sales strategies. Continue customer relationships and employ new strategies for increasing the company’s customer base. Vice President of sales qualifications includes, at least four years sales experience in similar industries, and five in management. Vice President of sales most have established sales record in company product. Vice President of sales, most be able to manage at both the strategic and daily operation. I have chosen this vice president candidate for this position because of his 15 years sales experience, he has an outstanding track record, work history, and knowledge in the global industrial cleaning and sanitation industry. He has the ability implement...
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