...Introduction This survey is conduct to measure people awareness toward the email fraud and virus through the spam email or junk email that included Nigeria Sting operation, phishing and stock manipulation schemes. Besides that, this survey also will show how people react through the every email that they receive in spam and how they react for email that they didn’t have the information of the email. Then the action of the email user to avoid having junk email that can affect theirs computer and overall action towards this problem. Research objective The objective for this survey is to find solution to determine the email is a scam or not. Besides that, this survey also allows people to realize about the awareness of internet email scammer. The information that I receive will show the public awareness to this kind of problem and also provide me some suggestion due to find the solution. Besides that, through survey we want to find solution for user to manage junk mail that they receive and how to recognize if the sender of the mail is being hacked or not. Data collection process This survey will conduct through online survey among my friend who is also an email user. This survey was sent to 5 students among the UUM. The survey content questionnaire about how they react towards email that didn’t have any information of the sender, what their solution and also if they have encounter any type of email that consist Nigeria sting operation, phishing and stock manipulation...
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...Abstract The Business problem to be sold is how to prevent viruses from infection the networked computers, education the staff on what a virus is and why it is important to know what harm it can do to you network. How to prevent getting a virus, and why you should use encryption software when sending important data to others in your business. This will provide instie for the company and help them keep cost down as they will not have to keep hiring or paying for an IT technician to fix and repair their systems, and also why the use of encryption usage will keep their confidential information from getting in to the wrong hands or the hands of a competitor. Company Background Wing Warehouse is a sport bar and grill, famous for their wings and such. It is not just a bar it is a family fun and dining area also. The company is growing quickly in the last month 2 new locations in the Ohio area have opened. At the 17 locations just in Ohio 7 of those are run by one single manager, in saying so he must you a main office and network and share files and such for easy access with the other stores. The total numbers of employees that use the computer networked systems are around 3,000. In saying this even managers do not have all the computer knowledge they need to run a business successfully and without having any computer issues. Recently they were affected by a huge computer virus that shut down 7 of the stores for two days. Being that this is a very popular place for family and fun...
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...Sarbanes-Oxley Act and it generates laws that affect public corporations financial reporting. Under SOX corps must certify the accuracy and integrity of financial reporting and accounting 5. What is the main motivation for hackers today and what was the previous motivation for earlier generations of hackers? Today’s hackers are motivated by greed or money some for status/terrorism/revenge and some for fun. Early hackers were in it for the curiosity. However also today you have Hactivists that are in it for a cause. 6. Explain the 6 different fallacies of hacking. a. No-harm-was-done – its ok as long as nothing is stolen or damaged b. Computer-game- if the computer system didn’t take any action then it’s OK c. Law-abiding citizen- Writing a virus is not illegal so it must be OK d. Shatterproof – Computers cannot do any real harm....
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...unbounded. This means it has no system of administrative control and no security policies. If there are security policies or laws they constantly need to be altered because of the changing technology. You are always up for an attack or an intrusion of your own privacy. Survivability is the key. Just the simple task of checking email, browsing, chatrooms, or even shopping can be harmful. You can be safe in this environment but you must always be on the alert for problems. Three kinds of Internet security issues that are the topic of conversation; Unauthorized access, back doors and loopholes and, the potential threat of confidential information sent over the internet can be viewed (Scott, 1998). There are several ways you can become a victim of these issues. Email, browsing, shopping or banking and chat rooms are a potential threat for your security. Email can be a type of security issue. America Online, Inc. was forced to admit that hackers had accessed member accounts recently through an email virus. Sending and receiving email from unknown people can cause a hazard. You can make common mistakes by revealing your identity from digital signatures and sending personal pictures of yourself. Although, it is highly unlikely for someone to capture your mail while it is in route to its destination, you should always think about whom you are sending this mail to. Encrypting also is a valuable key is you are mailing confidential information. Mostly email comes from a...
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...Abstract Now that personal computers are pretty much a must have in every household, school, or business cyber-criminals have moved from just being a hacker for fun into an estimated multi-million dollar world of computer crimes. New revenue streams have been realized and viruses in choice Computer crimes encompass unauthorized or illegal activities perpetrated via computer as well as the theft of computers and other technological hardware. As firms of all sizes, industrial orientation, and geographic location increasingly rely on computers to operate, concerns about computer crime have also risen, in part because the practice appears to be thriving despite the concerted efforts of both the law enforcement and business communities to stop it. But computer experts and business consultants alike note that both international corporations and modest family-owned businesses can do a great deal to neutralize computer "viruses" and other manifestations of computer crime. “http://rahimimohammad.blogspot.com/p/law-for-computer-crimesand-economic.html” Many analysts believe, however, that small business owners are less likely to take steps to address the threat of computer crime than are larger firms. Indeed, many small businesses admit that they are passive about the threat because of costs associated with implementing safeguards and the perception that computer "hackers" and other threats are far more likely to pick on bigger companies. But as Tim McCollum flatly stated in Nation's Business...
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...giving you sleepless nights? 1 Switch to Open Source and invest smartly in your business after all it’s your money. ANKIT SAWHNEY DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AMITY BUSINESS SCHOOL AMITY UNIVERSITY June, 2010 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT After 10 weeks of hard work I am proud to finalize this work. Working with this project has given me valuable insights about the upcoming IT-trends. Hopefully this knowledge will be useful in upcoming carrier. It has also enhanced my skills regarding academic & scientific writing. I hope my project will be useful for further research & & that it might be useful as reading material for other students and others interested in this area. Completing a task is not usually a one man effort and it often requires the effort, help and guidance from others. I sincerely thank my faculty Ms. Teena Bagga for providing me the opportunity to complete this project and handed me an experience and exposure which will help me endeavors of professional career. Without her help and guidance, completion of this project wouldn’t have been possible. I would take this opportunity to extend my humble and grateful thanks to all those people who have directly and indirectly helped me to complete this project. ABSTRACT ABSTRACT There is no doubt that without computers to flourish in this competitive world is...
Words: 1969 - Pages: 8
...Marketing Research Submitted by: GROUP-5 Ajit Kumar Anand 03 Chetna Asopiya 04 Doly Chotwani 07 Ashish Dhole 10 Kunal Gogri 13 Reema Jain 16 Rohit More 31 Kajal Tuteja 48 Submitted to: Prof. Victor Manickam T.Y.BMS 2005-2006 Semester VI V.E.S COLLEGE OF ARTS, SCIENCE AND COMMERCE. Index |Chapter No. |Topic |Page No. | |1 |Introduction of the topic | | |1.1 |Profile of the company: Xcel Solutions | | |1.2 |Introduction to the project: “Looking Beyond Windows” | | | | | | |2 |Research Methodology | | |2.1 |Primary Research | | |2.2 |Secondary Research ...
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...History of the Internet From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Prior to the widespread internetworking that led to the Internet, most communication networks were limited by their nature to only allow communications between the stations on the network, and the prevalent computer networking method was based on the central mainframe method. In the 1960s, computer researchers, Levi C. Finch and Robert W. Taylor pioneered calls for a joined-up global network to address interoperability problems. Concurrently, several research programs began to research principles of networking between separate physical networks, and this led to the development of Packet switching. These included Donald Davies (NPL), Paul Baran (RAND Corporation), and Leonard Kleinrock's MIT and UCLA research programs. This led to the development of several packet switched networking solutions in the late 1960s and 1970s, including ARPANET and X.25. Additionally, public access and hobbyist networking systems grew in popularity, including UUCP and FidoNet. They were however still disjointed separate networks, served only by limited gateways between networks. This led to the application of packet switching to develop a protocol for inter-networking, where multiple different networks could be joined together into a super-framework of networks. By defining a simple common network system, the Internet protocol suite, the concept of the network could be separated from its physical implementation...
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...The Stuxnet Computer Worm: Harbinger of an Emerging Warfare Capability Paul K. Kerr Analyst in Nonproliferation John Rollins Specialist in Terrorism and National Security Catherine A. Theohary Analyst in National Security Policy and Information Operations December 9, 2010 Congressional Research Service 7-5700 www.crs.gov R41524 CRS Report for Congress Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress The Stuxnet Computer Worm: Harbinger of an Emerging Warfare Capability Summary In September 2010, media reports emerged about a new form of cyber attack that appeared to target Iran, although the actual target, if any, is unknown. Through the use of thumb drives in computers that were not connected to the Internet, a malicious software program known as Stuxnet infected computer systems that were used to control the functioning of a nuclear power plant. Once inside the system, Stuxnet had the ability to degrade or destroy the software on which it operated. Although early reports focused on the impact on facilities in Iran, researchers discovered that the program had spread throughout multiple countries worldwide. From the perspective of many national security and technology observers, the emergence of the Stuxnet worm is the type of risk that threatens to cause harm to many activities deemed critical to the basic functioning of modern society. The Stuxnet worm covertly attempts to identify and exploit equipment that controls a nation’s critical infrastructure. A successful...
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...multitude of problems and issues. A typical online user is vulnerable to virus, worms, bugs, Trojan horses etc.; he/she is also exposed to sniffers, spoofing their private sessions; and they are also vulnerable to phishing of financial information. Not only this but users are also constantly subjected to invasion of privacy with the multitude of spy ware available for monitoring their surfing behaviours. If this is not all, users are also subjected to malwares that stop or totally destroy their machines render them helpless. These instances only indicate that the Internet is not a safe place for online users. Users are constantly vulnerable to hacked sessions, attacks and phishes that make them wary of going online. However, the trend does not stop at that. In fact corporations and government sector organizations are also faced with the same problems. Corporate information are being hacked; emails are read; government secret information are subject to security risks and banks are being hacked and millions stolen. Some of the reasons behind such attacks include the weaknesses inherent in the networks of the companies and government organizations; other reasons include carelessness of users. Whichever the case internet security issues have become one of the major concerns for technologists and users alike. There is a great need for understanding the nature of the attacks, the attackers, the networks, the loop holes and the measures taken to counteract them. The following research identifies...
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...VIRUS TECHNOLOGY view Presentation The term virus is as old as hills are now in the world of computer technologies. A virus basically is software that is made to run automatically usually used for destructive purpose by the computer experts. Though virus is a well known but not known well. Definition : A computer virus is a coded program that is written in Assembly or a system programming language such as ‘C’ to deliberately gain entry into a host system and modify existing programs and/or perform a series of action, without user consent. In this paper we would like to throw light on some of the unturned stones of the world of virus. We would start from history of the virus i.e. who created the first virus, for what purpose and hoe it affect to the computer. Then classification of viruses by to different methods: Ø General classification of the virus. Ø Behavioral classification of the virus. We covered the topic how nowadays viruses affects to the Mobiles, how they come to the mobile. The small and most important topic that we covered is the ‘Positive Virus’. We covered how the virus actually works in the host computer along with one example as they would enlighten our knowledge about viruses, this is because we want to secure of viruses and actually need to known how are they programmed and executed automatically. We also covered some information about the most popular viruses with some vital information i.e. how they work, how much harmful to...
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...Introduction and Abstract Copyright(c), 1984, Fred Cohen - All Rights Reserved This paper defines a major computer security problem called a virus. The virus is interesting because of its ability to attach itself to other programs and cause them to become viruses as well. There are two spellings for the plural of virus; 'virusses', and 'viruses'. We use the one found in Webster's 3rd International Unabridged Dictionary Given the wide spread use of sharing in current computer systems, the threat of a virus carrying a Trojan horse [Anderson72] [Linde75] is significant. Although a considerable amount of work has been done in implementing policies to protect from the illicit dissemination of information [Bell73] [Denning82], and many systems have been implemented to provide protection from this sort of attack [McCauley79] [Popek79] [Gold79] [Landwehr83], little work has been done in the area of keeping information entering an area from causing damage [Lampson73] [Biba77]. There are many types of information paths possible in systems, some legitimate and authorized, and others that may be covert [Lampson73], the most commonly ignored one being through the user. We will ignore covert information paths throughout this paper. The general facilities exist for providing provably correct protection schemes [Feiertag79], but they depend on a security policy that is effective against the types of attacks being carried out. Even some quite simple protection systems cannot be proven 'safe' [Harrison76]...
Words: 8970 - Pages: 36
...COMPUTER VIRUSES - CURRENT STATUS, FUTURE TRENDS AND POSSIBLE ADVANTAGES. (c) Jean-Paul Van Belle Note: this was an early draft version - couldn't dig up the final version ;-) Abstract This paper attempts to take a longer term perspective on the computer virus technology. Firstly, viruses are defined, described and classified. Popular anti-virus protection mechanisms are listed. The current impact of viruses is briefly assessed and an attempt is made to isolate and project some expected trends in virus technology. Finally, a number of potential advantages of viruses are discussed. 1. Introduction The computer virus and its technology represent a relatively new phenomenon, although its origins can be traced back to the late fifties. The emergence of the virus technology may be attributed to a combination of factors, including the wide availability of computer resources, the increased level of connectivity, the event of decentralized computing with a certain relaxation of security measures, the development of a hacker community (culture and literacy), and perhaps a general decline in morality principles. All of these factors have resulted in what may be called a democratization of the computer technology. This has in its turn established the necessary "critical mass" for the virus technology to develop. The media have publicized a large number of virus attacks; not necessarily in the most accurate or factual manner. But the very fast evolution of the technology...
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...easy question to answer, but in fact it turns out not to be. This article discusses the definition used by the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) to categorize the variety of issues we examine every day. An unintended flaw in software code or a system that leaves it open to the potential for exploitation in the form of unauthorized access or malicious behavior such as viruses, worms, Trojan horses and other forms of malware. Also referred to as security exploits, security vulnerabilities can result from software bugs, weak passwords or software that’s already been infected by a computer virus or script code injection, and these security vulnerabilities require patches, or fixes, in order to prevent the potential for compromised integrity by hackers or malware. Vulnerabilities a. re what information security and information assurance professionals seek to reduce. Cutting down vulnerabilities provides fewer options for malicious users to gain access to secure information. Computer users and network personnel can protect computer systems from vulnerabilities by keeping software security patches up to date. These patches can remedy flaws or security holes that were found in the initial release. Computer and network personnel should also stay informed about current vulnerabilities in the software they use and seek out ways to protect against them. Charles Coley IS4560 Project Part 3: Investigate Findings on the Malware When investigating an incident that involves...
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...objective of this research is to assess provision of internet connection to customers living in rural Ireland and to a customer living in central Dublin. This research is also aiming to consider safety and confidentiality on the internet, and to examine various potential external threats. An overview on the ISP services available in Ireland, taking into consideration both home and business users, will also be given. SECURITY AND CONFIDENTIALITY ON THE INTERNET Various types of computer threats have been around since the invention of the internet. The following will explain what they are and how they work. According to the website BusinessDictionary.com a computer virus is a ‘small but insidious piece of programming-code that attacks computers and network systems through 'contaminated' (infected) data files, introduced into a system via disks or internet. As a digital equivalent of biological microorganisms, it attaches itself to the target computer’s operating systems or other programs, and automatically replicates itself to spread to other computers or networks’. (1) Computer viruses are a small piece of software that are able attach to disks or other files (viruses can be created for any operating system including DOS and other programs such as Excel) replicating itself without the users consent or knowledge. Some attach to files so when the infected programme is used the virus also executes, whilst others lie dormant in the memory and infect files when the computer is turned on...
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