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Opportunity In Anzia Yezierska's 'New Colossus'

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Words 520
Pages 3
Three essential aspects that define an American are opportunity, freedom, and pride.
Opportunity is a crucial component of being an American. When people come to the United States it is usually for freedom or to have a better life, and America provides that. In the poem, The New Colossus, Emma Lazarus states, ¨Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free… Send these the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door” (9)! In this quote, the lamp symbolizes the opportunities that America provides for immigrants who come searching for a better life. In the short story, America and I, the jewish author Anzia Yezierska writes about her life coming to America from Russia. According to Yezierska, “America was a land of living hope, woven of dreams, aflame with longing and desire” (16). America gives her hope that she will one day be a successful woman who is happy with what she is doing. …show more content…
Freedom is vital because other countries do not have as many rights as people in the United States do. In The Four Freedoms, Franklin D. Roosevelt states that America has more freedom than any other country. In addition to this, he gives his respects to those trying to fight or keep their rights. This is one very important reason why people come to America because it gives them a chance to take control of their life without anyone forcing them to follow a certain path. Additionally, when people think of freedom, “The idea they seem to be expressing is that freedom is associated with making decisions, and that other people sometimes limit the number of alternatives from which they can select” (49). This quote in What is freedom by Jerald M. Jellison and John H. Harvey, proclaims how many people interpret the word freedom and why they are proud to be

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