...theory is most applicable for me. It’s about sacrificing few to save many. The Trolley Problem could be a supportive theory for the utilitarianism. The problem tells about a speeding train with full of passengers sees that there are few workers standing in on the rail road up ahead. To save those few, should the train hit the hard break which will kill all the passengers; or should they run over the few to save many in the train? Utilitarianism theory would support an idea of sacrificing those few to save many. I support that theory as well. If it’s a situation where one side must be sacrificed, it is more ethical choice to save many than few. Utilitarianism theory allows statisticians to stay on task, and preventing to make emotional or personal relationship to a particular data. The theory allows the statistics to stay honest and truthful, creating most corrective conclusions. Christian...
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...Purpose Statement We intend to purchase 20 waterproof ultrasound machines series WX-5000 along with the below mentioned equipment for ten years to aid in finding cures for birth defects in fetuses and new born children. These machines will aid in discovering possible birth defects in ocean wildlife and finding cures for these defects. Introduction to the Company Welcome to Marine World USA. This company is responsible for locating pregnant ocean life forms and doing ultrasounds on them to determine if there will be any complications during delivery, how many are on board, any disorders or malfunctions that might be present, and the genders of the fetuses. Marine World USA locates pods, for example, and tries to find pregnant females to do ultrasounds on. These ultrasounds are a key in the reproduction life cycle to try to combat certain deformities that might occur in the fetus. The use of these ultrasounds helps scientists in determining any known disorders, and possible results of diseases, that might occur for the fetus. Our business goal is to help scientists in locating diseased specimens for research on cures for that species of animal. These cures, which are known for that species or location, will ultimately lead scientists into discovering if that species follows those same disorders for humans. Once this is established then scientists can start looking for cures of that same disorder in humans. The reason for this type of research is to determine if there are cures for...
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...classified as evilness. Either way, desperate times cause for desperate measures. In order to find life-savers, such as cures and treatments, scientists construct experiments using animal testing. Considering the fact that human beings and animals are similar, I do not debunk the idea of using animals in scientific labs. Due to the fact that human beings have amendments that animals do not, animal testing is sufficiently instrumental, because of the their similar living systems, because they do not have the rights and moral judgments that human beings do, and because animal usage incidentally goes on with or without the works of scientist lab experiments. Of course, the accurate way is not at all considerate in animals’ defense, but it is necessary. Lab research is required in order to find cures of common diseases, and animals are the best scapegoat to these experiments. For example, authors of “Animal Testing: Pros and Cons” recorded that chimpanzees share 99% of their DNA with humans, and mice are 98% genetically identical to humans. Because animals and human beings are both mammals, they derived from the same ancestors, and share the same organ system. Genetically, animals are the closest aspects of nature to human beings. As “” states, “even the most supercomputers are unable to accurately simulate the workings of complex organs such as the brain.” This statement supports the fact that lab testing cannot be accurately predicted using technology only and depends on the lives of...
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...The Art of Coin Collecting Introduction I. (Attention Getter) Imagine your mouth burning like wildfire, your eyes squirting out uncontrollable tears, and your face red and sweating profusely. A. Are you sick? B. No—you just took a bite of a screaming hot chili pepper. (Reveal topic) II. (Credibility Statement) My own desire for spicy meals led me to investigate why I get red in the face and salivate at the mere thought of eating a spicy chili. III. (Central Idea Statement) I have discovered that there is a lot more to chili peppers than I had ever imagined. IV. (Internal Preview) Today I would like to share with you what I have learned about A. The history of chili peppers. (Main Point 1) B. Why they can be so spicy. (Main Point 2) C. What to do when you consume a too-hot pepper. (Main Point 3) D. Some of the ways peppers are used other than in food. (Main Point 4) (Signpost): Let’s begin, Body I. (Main Point 1) Chili peppers have a long and fascinating history. A. (Support) The scientific name of the chili pepper is Capsicum, and it is different from black pepper, whose scientific name is Piper nigrum. 1. Black pepper was first cultivated in Asia and was prized in the West as early as the time of the Roman Empire. 2. Chili peppers originated in South America more than 5,000 years ago and spread to Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean. B. (Support)...
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...Drug Addiction: To Cure or Not To Cure Chris G Kinney University of Phoenix Abstract Drug addiction is a huge social problem to some people feel there is no end. People either try to fight this disease or just put their hands down preferring to think that nothing could be done. This paper investigates what drug addiction really is and why some people believe it is incurable. Primarily the main focus of the work is dedicated to the issue of how this challenge may be addressed and the basic factors that would help to make the treatment work. Various visions of this problem are studied, and the conclusion is that any disease is possible to cure however the success of these actions in what concerns drug abuse is mostly dependent on the willingness of the patient to fight the illness. Drug addiction is a global social problem, a war sweeping away millions of lives and demolishing national gene pools. There is no exaggeration in this definition. It is not a disease in a common sense of this word however it’s not a usual aspect healthy people may have. Drug abuse is a complete affection of the personality combined usually with the following complications of physical health. The most significant peculiarity of drug use is that being a pathological illness it is rather nonreversible, provided those negative changes of the person’s soul and mind which happened as a reaction to...
Words: 1939 - Pages: 8
...EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The IMC campaign title is “HONESTHESIA: Be the Cure” which came from the medicine drug “ANESTHESIA”. It aims to “inject” or to put into the mind and in the heart of the students the value and importance of honesty during elections in order to reduce “pain” or to reduce the dishonesties and lies to happen during election. Elections have been practiced a long time ago; it’s one way for people to exercise their suffrage to vote to appoint their desired leaders. Philippines as a democratic country used election to appoint officials like senators and president. But with every election, news about vote buying, malicious tampering of votes, fraud and other dishonest acts increases. These kinds of acts are a start of an impending problem called corruption. To prevent corruption to take place, we need to take action first on our elections and make it clean and honest. Our team has come up to a campaign called “HONESTHESIA: Be the Cure” which aims to increase honest individuals and young voters to stop dishonest acts during school and nationwide elections. Our goal is to: 1. To provide awareness about honesty to students within 6 months 2. To teach the true value and importance of honesty during elections within 6 months 3. To increase by 10% the students who will value and practice honesty during elections every year after the campaign is implemented 4. To decrease dishonesty and corruption by 10% every year after the campaign is implemented The major...
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...Women in the 19th century were expected to stay at home and care for their family. It was looked down upon when they used their minds creatively. They were not taken seriously and were given the rest cure when they showed signs of a mental illness. In the short story “The Yellow Wallpaper,” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, the narrators instability was not taken seriously by her husband. She was trapped in a house, in one small room, which was no where near beneficial to her health, and given the rest cure. In the article that Charlotte Perkins Gilman wrote, “Why I Wrote The Yellow Wallpaper,” she explains her true experience behind the text. She shows how the rest cure and being treated like you’re helpless may just cause someone to become more crazy and lose touch with reality. The narrator is confined in a room which she believes is a nursery and slowly seems to be getting driven more insane as the days go by trapped in this room. She’s originally put in this room on account of her not being mentally healthy, but she only becomes worse. Once she entered the room she assumed it used to be a nursery for a few reasons. She explains, “It was a nursery first and then playroom and gymnasium, I should judge; for the windows are barred for little children, and there are rings and things in the walls” (Gilman, 1899). She truly wasn’t sure what the room was but was using her creativity to try to figure it out and imagine what this mysterious room she was confined to used to be...
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...------------------------------------------------- Sexual Orientation Development Sexual orientation is an enduring emotional, romantic, or sexual attraction that one feels toward men, toward women or toward both. Although sexual orientation ranges along a continuum, it is generally discussed in terms of heterosexual — attraction to the other sex — homosexual —attraction to the same sex — and bisexual —attraction to both sexes. Sexual orientation has not been conclusively found to be determined by any particular factor or factors, and the timing of the emergence, recognition and expression of one’s sexual orientation varies among individuals. Sexual orientation is not synonymous with sexual activity. Many adolescents as well as adults may identify themselves as lesbian, gay or bisexual without having had any sexual experience with persons of the same sex. Other young people have had sexual experiences with a person of the same sex but do not consider themselves lesbian, gay or bisexual. This is particularly relevant during adolescence because experimentation and discovery are normal and common during this developmental period. Lesbian, gay and bisexual adolescents follow developmental pathways that are both similar to and different from those of heterosexual adolescents. All teenagers face certain developmental challenges, such as developing social skills, thinking about career choices and fitting into a peer group. Like most heterosexual youths, most lesbian, gay and bisexual...
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...Case Analysis: Susan G. Komen for the Cure vs. Planned Parenthood By Katharina Volkmer Situation Susan G. Komen for the Cure (SGK) decided to stop making grants for breast exams to Planned Parenthood (PP), a decision that the Foundation later reversed. The first announcement caused an immense social media backlash, political posturing and a huge amount of donations for Planned Parenthood. SGK’s Strategy In mid-December, SGK informed PP about stopping grants. On January 31, the Associated Press broke the news and an immense social media reaction started (Miller, 2012). People’s dissatisfaction about the decision was expressed on Twitter, Facebook and on various individual blogs. News stations reported about the reactions on social media platforms, causing numerous reports in TV and radio broadcast and print coverage. Even though SGK initiated the announcement, for about 24 hours, it did not provide a statement, no expression nor an apology about its decision. SGK did not respond to negative comments and its activity on Twitter was not frequent (Miller, 2012). The organization even declined interviews with network news and major newspapers. Its defensive position seemed like the Foundation was hoping that the crisis would end soon. SGK’s position was criticized publicly, as it did not listen and engage with affected groups of interest that supported it for many years. In the late evening of February 1st, the Foundation finally started publishing responses...
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...You Can Find Emotional Tranquility and Wholeness In this theory critique of The Anxiety Cure, Hart will provide strategies for dealing with anxiety. Hart has made a connection between the world of anxiety and stress and understanding the connection between anxiety and the effects anxiety has on our bodies. He also emphasized the importance of being aware of our bodies. Hart (2001) first explains how our brains natural tranquilizers are depleted through a combination of stress and high adrenaline. This combination set the stage for high anxiety (p. vi). Anxiety is produced due to a lack of important brain chemical called neurotransmitters, Hart calls them “happy messengers” (p. 4). Hart (2001) explains how being stressed or over extended; our brains are deficient in these “happy messengers”. Examples of these include serotonin or noradrenalin. We also have “sad messengers” that carry somber messengers. Some examples of these include cortisol and enzymes (p. 20). Knowing how to balance or restoring the balance of these messages can help us better control our stress and anxiety. To balance these messengers we must set stress level limits and know when to disallow other to cross these limits (p.24). To restore these messengers can include temporarily taking anti-anxiety medication, and focusing on the stress in your life and discovering ways to make life changes (p. 24). He also explains how stress is connected to the overuse of the adrenal glands (p.5). A mild form of anxiety...
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...Personal Impact Paper: Lyme Disease Eric Bickhart University of Phoenix student NUR/427 August 4, 2014 Amy Highland Personal Impact Paper: Lyme Disease “Since its identification nearly 30 years ago, Lyme disease has continued to spread, and there have been increasing numbers of cases in the northeastern and north central US. The Lyme disease agent, Borrelia burgdorferi, causes infection by migration through tissues, adhesion to host cells and evasion of immune clearance” (Steere, 2004). This disease is transmitted to humans from the bite of the Blacklegged (deer) tick. It usually produces a bulls-eye rash, but not in all cases. According to National Library of Medicine (2013), "Stage 3 or late disseminated Lyme disease can cause long-term joint inflammation (Lyme arthritis and heart problems. Brain and nervous system problems are also possible" (Outlook (Prognosis)). Lyme disease has afflicted a high school basketball coach and gym teacher of a small school in Liberty, Pa at age 36. He is the father of two children and a member of a local sportsman's club. He has been dealing with the ongoing symptoms related to chronic Lyme disease for about seven years. It has been a life altering disease for a previously active young man. He reports symptoms as severe pain and swelling in all of his joints that inhibit full rotation similar to rheumatoid arthritis. Also, he has persistent severe back pain which keeps him on the sidelines during most of his career and...
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...was founded in 1996 by Diana Ashby. During a personal three year battle against melanoma, Diana had lost several friends to the disease, and became frustrated that there were no effective treatments being developed. Diana began researching for alternative therapies, and discovered that promising therapies were often halted due to lack of funding. She then founded MRF to raise money for research, but sadly, lost her light to the disease eight months later (MRF, 2015). In 2009, I became familiar with the MRF, following my personal battle with melanoma. The organization at that time was located in Hillsborough, NJ, and has since moved to Washington, D.C., as a strategy to strengthen their influence in legislation and finding for new treatments and therapies. Since then, the organization has spearheaded initiatives to accelerate drug therapies, established themselves as leaders in ocular melanoma awareness and research...
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...Businesses only act in an ethical way because it looks good rather than because it is the right thing to do. To what extent do you agree with this statement? (40 Marks) Businesses are differentiated in several ways but one way that really separates businesses are the ethics of the company. Ethics are the standards of right and wrong behaviour from the company, this is difficult for a business as they all have different ethics and to what extent how ethical they are and should be, if they even want to be ethical? I will now look at businesses that have different ethics and how this has affected their running of the business, also evaluating why they chose to be so ethical. One company that do not publicise their ethical culture is Ben and Jerry’s, the ice cream giant with their elaborate and quirky flavours which they have become iconic for started a revolution by becoming the first ever company to become ‘fair trade’ with Vanilla Ice Cream in 2006 and have declared all European products by 2011 will be and by the end of 2013 the rest of the worlds production. This basically meant everyone involved in the process of creating the ice cream including the labour such as farmers who extracted the raw materials to produce their goods such as cocoa beans were paid at a good rate which would’ve increased their costs but not significantly. The reason costs didn’t rise significantly was mainly due to the company expanding allowing them to exploit economies of scale by bulk-buying their...
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...\I/ Introduction: Thesis statement: In my opinion, there are three different points between teaching and business as mentioned below. II/ Body: 1. The first significant difference between business and teaching is personality. 2. The second considerable disparity between business and teaching is subject of operation. 3. The last obvious difference between teaching and business is income. III/ Conclusion When I was young, my mother usually asked me that “what job do you want to do in future?” and my answer is always “I would like to be a good teacher”. However, my enthusiasm for teaching has gradually changed during the passing time because I recognize myself from business. In my opinion, there are three different points between teaching and business as mentioned below. The first significant difference between business and teaching is personality. People say that “teaching is engineer of the soul” so a teacher have to be good at moral standard. If a teacher has a bad personality and ignorance of professional knowledge, he or she will create the number of new generation who are harmful to development of country and society. On the contrary, although businessmen does not need compulsory moral standard, they have responsibility for what they do toward the law. For example, if their company sales product, they have to guarantee its quality. If not, the law will punish them. The second considerable disparity between business and teaching...
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...Selling Personal Care Products Regulations for Specific Products # 12 Jan. 2010 Personal care products fall into two categories: dietary supplements and cosmetics. Dietary supplements are products that are ingested, such as dried herbs, teas, tinctures, capsules, and tablets. These must meet regulatory requirements for processed foods as well as those listed below. Cosmetics are products that are applied to the human body for cleaning or body care. Fresh culinary herbs are exempt from these regulations. Information on selling fresh herbs can be found in the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Fact Sheet. Washington State law abides by the federal food, drug, and cosmetic act and with the federal trade commission act that expressly outlaws the false advertisement of food, drugs, devices, and cosmetics. For more information, please see the Washington State Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (RCW 69.04) which outlines the regulations governing the sale of dietary supplements and cosmetics at http://apps.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=69.04. In this fact sheet, we will review the regulations for: • dietary supplements definition; • dietary supplements safety and claims; • labeling dietary supplements; • definition of cosmetics; • federal regulations for cosmetics; and • cosmetics claims. Dietary Supplements Definition The State of Washington follows the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) definition of dietary supplements. These are considered products (other than tobacco) that are:...
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