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Optimist vs Pesimist


Submitted By yvette6265
Words 629
Pages 3
Optimism vs. Pessimism We all know that we have been around all types of people in our lives during different circumstances. There are people who look at all the good things in this world and there are people who always seem to be upset. Some people look at the bad things regardless of the things that they are doing. The people who look at good things are being optimistic and the ones that look at the bad are called pessimistic. These types of people approach life in work, school, and relationships in different ways. For example, an optimist is happy to have what they have accomplished in life, and a pessimist is upset or finds excuses about their life. We are around these types of people daily, but it’s up to us to decide whether we see our lives in an optimistic or pessimistic way. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time and fail in something. In the workplace optimist seem to find success even when something fails. We know that nobody is perfect, yet the effort you put into your job is what the outcome will be. For example, if you arrive on time every day to work and do a good job, it’s likely you will receive a raise when the time comes. On the other hand, a pessimist would be really upset if a mistake occurs. They spend their time complaining about how they failed and why they wouldn’t try to fix the problem. They always seem to find an excuse about something. School can be hard for many students, especially if they struggle through it. This makes it hard to develop a positive attitude towards it and makes it difficult to achieve their goals. However, school is crucial and it is needed in order to succeed. An optimist finds ways to deal with negative outcomes, such as, if a student receives a failing grade in an exam, he/she will study harder next time. Maybe they find a different way to study, or in a different atmosphere where it can be quieter. In

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