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Org Behavior Case Study


Submitted By shnoli
Words 5331
Pages 22
MAN 5246 Organizational Behavior

Module 2, Fall 2015

Pluto Candy Company

Team Case Exercise

Pluto Candy Company


Date: December 11th, 2015 To: Judith Callahan, PhD Vice-President, Operations

From: Employee Attitudes Task Force

Re: Employee Attitudes

Cc: Clyde Tombaugh, President

This memorandum is a response to Judith Callahan’s Pluto Strategic Initiative Program. Our Employee attitude task force has worked diligently and precisely to determine where the Pluto Candy Company stands in terms of achieving a satisfied and committed workforce. Our results and analysis are based off the Employee Attitude Survey and can be found below. Please feel free to contact any member of our Employee Attitudes Task Force for further questions or clarifications.

Question 1: One question I’d like your team to consider is whether we should care about employees’ attitudes. Although a satisfied workforce is one of our strategic goals, we need to be sure, before we contemplate specific actions, that such actions are warranted. In order to determine whether we should care about employees’ attitudes, our group conducted a correlation between overall job satisfaction and average performance. We found that there was a statistically significant correlation of 0.359 between the two. Therefore, it is important that Pluto Candy Company should care about its employees’ attitudes.

Refer to appendix A for detailed data analysis. Question 2: How does the job satisfaction level of our employees compare to those of comparable organizations? Are we high or low?

From the data given to us by benchmark organizations, we determined that job satisfaction in Pluto Candy Company varies with respect to other benchmark organizations. Pluto Candy Company has higher levels of job satisfaction in terms of the work itself (JDIW).

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