Premium Essay

Organisational Behaviour Communication


Submitted By recey
Words 1233
Pages 5


What Is Communication?
• Communication
 The transfer and understanding of meaning.
 Transfer

means the message was received in a form that can be interpreted by the receiver.  Understanding is most important, not agreeing.

 Interpersonal Communication
 Communication

between two or more people

 Organizational Communication
 All

the patterns, network, and systems of communications within an organization


Four Functions of Communication



Functions of Communication


Emotional Expression


Functions of Communication
The transference and the understanding of meaning

Communication Functions
1. Control member behavior. 2. Foster motivation for what is to be done. 3. Provide a release for emotional expression. 4. Provide information needed to make decisions.


Interpersonal Communication
• Message
 Source: sender’s intended meaning

• Encoding
 The message converted to symbolic form

• Channel/Transmitting
 The medium through which the message travels

• Decoding
 The receiver’s retranslation of the message

• Feedback
 Communication channel distortions affecting the return message from receiver to sender

The Interpersonal Communication Process

Communication Process
The steps between a source and a receiver that result in the transference and understanding of meaning

Distortions in Communications
• Message Encoding
 The effect of the skills, attitudes, and knowledge of the sender on the process of encoding the message  The social-cultural system of the sender

• The Message
 Symbols used to convey the message’s meaning  The content of the message itself  The choice of message format  Noise interfering with the message


Distortions in Communications (cont’d)
• The Channel
 The sender’s choice of the appropriate

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