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Organization Behavior of a Police Setting


Submitted By todaydailey
Words 4617
Pages 19
Organizational Behavior
Taking a Detailed Look Inside Police Settings

Organizational Behavior
Taking a Detailed Look Inside Police Settings

Project Introduction Our group consisted of four members – Danielle Clark, Jessica Grupposo, Davida Muldrow, and Jennifer Zajac. Together we took a detailed look into organizational behaviors as they pertain to a police setting. Using concepts from our course, the movie Training Day, and other resources we analyzed a variety of theories as they apply to police officers and their organizations.
Our project was accomplished by dividing the main ideas in our text among our four group members who then used individual judgment to apply the concepts. We remained focused on key organizational behavioral theories such as individual attitudes and behaviors, teamwork, communication, power & politics, and organizational culture. We did learn the principles of organizational behavior overlap a great deal. Although each of us was discussing entirely different theories they all tied into one another in some way.
For the purpose of this paper, the movie Training Day is about an LAPD narcotics officer, Detective Alonzo Harris, played by Denzel Washington. Harris is the head of a street unit and is responsible for training an honest and ethical rookie cop named Jake Hoyt, played by Ethan Hawke. The entire film takes place on their first day out together as Detective Harris shows Jake how to run the streets the way he thinks is best. Detective Harris is portrayed as a corrupt and unethical cop trying to persuade Hoyt to act the same. We utilized this film as a source to assess behaviors and activity in a police setting, although recognizing at times the movie may exaggerate what a typical day in a police setting is like.

Individual Behavior & Performance There is a wealth of research and effort given toward evaluating

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