...Compare, Contrast and Discuss Mechanistic vs. Organic Structures Vance Conyers Organizational Theory 360A 28 September 2012 Organization structure is “The formal system of task and authority relationships that control how people coordinate their actions and use resources to achieve goals”. (Jones 8) The structure that an organization forms can determine its ultimate success of failure. It sets the foundation for how the organization will function, make decisions, and respond to change. The two types of structures an organization can use are mechanic and organic. Mechanistic and organic structures both have advantages and disadvantages, and neither one is a perfect solution. Depending on the product, tasks to create the product, and people to create the product, make the decision very challenging. In most cases, elements of both types are implemented to ensure a successful business. The executive management is responsible for formulating the right mix in order to achieve success. They use organizational design to process information to select the best options. Every aspect of this decision will play out from how much power middle managers have, to the scope of responsibility direct supervisors encompass. The type of organization directly affects the culture and moral of employees. Implementation of the wrong type or mix of structure can cause mismanagement of resources (both human and physical), a toxic culture, and ultimately a failed institution. The mechanistic structure...
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...There are many organizations out there that do a lot for people out of the good in their own heart, while at the same time asking for almost nothing in return. Nonprofit organizations, specifically, have many different causes which might seem to clearly differentiate one from the other (things such as contributing to a community’s resources, activities available in a town, medical aid, finding people homes, etc.). All these groups alike, however, have one outstandingly prominent goal: to take action and help others. If I was to volunteer for any nonprofit organization, especially from those that I’m already familiar with and know about, I would most certainly volunteer for helping Friends of Libraries, Inc.. The main reasons for this are simple; I personally really enjoy reading and would like to be able to promote learning in my area, which makes libraries very important. Having a location nearby where someone is able to check out books freely that they might not have been able to have access to is very important....
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...for our lives. Face it, it would be a world of demise and destruction. Though daunting to imagine, it serves as somber reminder how valuable nonprofit organizations are to society. Nonprofit organizations exist to cater to the various needs of society, and to accomplish their charitable mission. The service and product offered are not for achieving profits, but to benefit society in a noticeable manner. However, in order for nonprofit organizations to maintain efficiency and meet their goals; it is essential for them to operate to their full capacity by implementing good financial management systems and procedures. Financial management plays a significant role in the overall management of a nonprofit organization. Implementing appropriate financial management systems and practices contribute to a successful business and provides...
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...Organization Paper MGT/330 Organization Paper The management function in an organization is usually related to effort, authority, and responsibilities of the management of that firm. Management motivates the employees within these organizations to work within a team environment. Management must organize the employees into teams that will accomplish the goals set by the organization. The development of an organization depends on having knowledge of the task and the right amount of human resources, assets, and monetary allowances. With over 7,000 stores around the country Wal-Mart is a major force in the retail industry. This includes Sam’s Club, Wal-Mart supercenters and warehouses in Canada and Mexico. Including both net sales and income increases from its operating stores, Wal-Mart is the world’s largest retailer. Among their primary products and service lines are their Electronics, Pharmacies, Appliances, and Gasoline sales (Hoovers, 2008). Physical Assets Wal-Mart includes physical assets within its organization that are developed in such a way that calls for them to utilize efficient methods in order to manage these assets. Such factors of its environment are quite evident in one example; its retail prices. This is important because if Wal-Mart was less efficient in managing its physical assets, more money would have to be spent, and profits, as a result of the lack in maximizing profits, would decrease, allowing its competitors to drive it out of the market...
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...Organization Paper, Individual Assignment 4 Linda D. Mason CJA/474 October 21st, 2013 Jon Sowers, faculty Organization Paper, Individual Assignment 4 The purpose of this paper is to define and explain the bureaucratic organization listing the characteristics and identifying the main principles. In addition to define an agile organization listing the characteristics and identifying and listing the nine steps of management by objectives. Also listing the advantages and disadvantages of both the bureaucratic and agile organizations. This information is imperative to the police department. Decisions will be made as to the type of organization is the best choice for our department. Bureaucratic Organization Characteristics These are the Characteristics involving the bureaucratic type of organization. Members of the organization are assigned the official responsibility to accomplish their routine task. Those who need the authority are given so by the organization to complete the assigned task. Bureaucratic organizations give the authority to the position not the individual. It requires very through documentation of all activity, those records are maintained by the staff. Effective performance is ensured by training. It is essential in a bureaucratic organization that the manager devotes full-time to managing and for stability reduce management to a set of rules (Kania, 2008). Bureaucratic Organization Main Principles Crime control is the primary function of the bureaucratic...
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...Organization Paper Mike Wilkinson MGT/330 December 14, 2010 Michelle Anderson Organization Paper I am writing this paper to share the functions of management as it relates to human resources and information technology. I will also discuss if my chosen organization has taken advantage of these resources for success and efficiency. The chosen organization I will write about is Sutter Lakeside Hospital. Organizing Functions of Management Organizing is putting together subunits such as human and technology resources to accomplish goals. Organizing action includes a working environment that people and technology can work together to accomplish goals (Bateman & Snell, 2009). Human resources and the technology department are important resources at Sutter Lakeside Hospital. The two departments help Sutter Lakeside Hospital advance in health care efficiency (Sutter Lakeside Hospital, 2008). Human Resources The Human Resources (HR) department plays an important role for Sutter lakeside Hospital. The manager of human resources needs to know company business plan to ensure the right amount and type of people receive employment. Human resources activities include employee recruitment, employee section, outplacement, training and development, performance appraisal, and labor relations (Bateman & Snell, 2009). Sutter Lakeside Hospital human resources department provides employee relations support and guidance to Sutter Lakeside Hospital managers, supervisors, and staff to...
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...Organization Paper When looking at how a company is arranged, it is important to see how they are utilizing some key organizational resources. At Foxconn, a manufacturer who is known for making and distributing certain parts for Apple and other companies; use three important organizational functions. These are monetary, knowledge and human resources. These resources are highly intertwined and have a strong impact the organization’s success. The organizing functions of management relates to the structure of a company. It consists of the flow of authority and communication between position and levels within the organization. In any organizational structure, with every stage in the corporate ladder comes more responsibility and accountability. Usually an increase in monetary compensation comes with the accountability rather than with that of responsibility. For example, if a business goes under, the blame is never on an administrator or a sales representative, but lies with the CEO of the company. Regardless that the sales representative’s inefficiencies to meet quota or produce enough revenue could be the downfall of the organization, the CEO still has to answer for his or her employees. The same occurs at Foxconn, if sales do not meet quota the sales manager needs to provide an explanation to the sales director of what happened. Then the sales director goes to the CEO with that answer and the CEO gets to make the decision of what is the best course of action to take. In the...
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...Introduction How Wal-Mart use the Organization Function of Management Organizing is one of the basic functions of management, which fallow the planning function of management. According Management Study Guide (1998-2009), in the organization, function is where takes place the synchronization and combinations of the organization physical, financial, and human resources. Wal-Mart recognizes the importance of its physical assets, monetary, human resources, and technology and had used them in to become the world largest retail stores. Wal-Mart management could use the organization function of management effectively by combining its resources to maximize its full potential. Wal-Mart After traveling around the nation Sam Walton realized that the nation was in need a new type of retail store. Trusting in his vision with his wife Sam gather the money necessary to open the first Wal-Mart in Rogers, Arkansas in 1962. as the time went by Sam Walton was only able to have 15 stores in 1972; however after Wal-Mart when public by the end of the decade Sam already own 276 stores in 11 different states. By 1989 Sam own more than 1, 400 Wal-Mart and was making over $ one billion in profits. In the present is Wal-Mart in 14 different countries and is making over $ 26 billion revenues while employing around 2.1 million people. The only way in which Wal-Mart could do this is by organizing...
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...Organizational Impact Paper Marian Robertson OI/361 August 12th, 2014 Paul Sam Organizational Impact Paper Riordan Manufacturing Inc is one of the driving firms in plastics injection molding. Riordan has companies in China, Michigan, California, Georgia, Albany and San Jose. The owner of the company is one of the Fortune 1000 enterprises better known as Riordan Industries. The company is distinguished by the imaginative art in designing plastics, which is the company’s innovative skill. The company has earned international recognition because of the design capabilities. One of the major products that Riordan manufactures are the heart valves, custom plastic parts, various sizes of electric fans medical stands and plastic parts. The impact that innovation, design and creativity have on the strategy at Riordan Manufacturing is to the designs of the company to be the leading company is using the material polymer to serve the needs of the customers and to make sure that they have answers to their challenges. Riordan also wants to obtain and achieve sensible profitability. For the success of the company, they will have to have a production plan that strong and grounded. In the processing stage, Riordan’s business in China serves the needs of handling of shipping to the company adequately. Therefore, the company has made a decision to put together a design of supply chains of electric fans to China. This plan will let Riordan know the size of resources...
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...Throughout my 8th grade writing career, I have changed a lot. I used to despise writing assignments, and I always procrastinate when I have to work at home. Now I find myself enjoying some of the writing tasks. I still think some papers are pointless, but I have started to enjoy prompts such as narrative writing. In fact, I have even started to write my own story for fun. As a writer, I’d say I use pretty good language. I can describe things well, I’m good at organization, but I can improve on all of these. I also need to work on concentrating so that I don’t have to work late. A writer always has room to grow. While one may be excellent in some parts of writing, they’re not the best at everything. For me, I’d say I’m good at descriptions,...
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...Guidelines for the Audience Analysis Paper Effective public speaking requires that a speaker consider the various characteristics of the audience and utilize insights from that audience analysis during the development and presentation of the speech. This paper provides an opportunity for you to conduct an analysis of the audience for your speeches in this course and discuss the ways in which you might use conclusions derived from that analysis in the development and presentation of a speech to them. Although the focus of your analysis is up to you, all papers should meet the following expectations: • The paper should provide 1) An analysis of the classroom audience (including a description of selected, relevant characteristics (demographic or situational) and how those characteristics may affect the audience’s reception of the speech you are planning in COMM 3; 2) A discussion of techniques you would utilize in the development and/or presentation of a speech to take those specific audience characteristics into account; and 3) Some consideration of the limitations or potential problems that might accompany the conclusions you have reached during your analysis of the audience. • In addition to whatever other evidence you use to support your claims in the paper, you must also make reference to the textbook in the form paraphrases or direct quotations. The textbook is the only source required for this assignment, although you may include additional research...
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...As stated “I’d write a first draft that was maybe twice as long as it should be, with self-indulgent and boring beginning, stupefying descriptions of the meal, lots of quotes from my black-humored friends that made them sound more like the Manson girls than food lovers, and having no ending to speak of’.” Beginning with a shitty organization as she addresses her first draft has helped her overcome her obstacles by gathering her ideas without taking into consideration adequate structure or proper grammar. I came across two different terms throughout the article “overwrought” and “stupefying.” The term “overwrought” describes a complicated piece of work with a complex structure that is difficult to understand, this term is used to describe the structure of a first draft that will perhaps be messy and out of order. Another term I came across on this article was “stupefying” this term is used to describe the inability to come up with ideas and to think...
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...EXAM 2 – PAPER – FINANCE For Exam 2 paper you will be developing two infographics based on the company you wrote about in your first paper. You will make 2 infographics, write one executive, and include reference page Infographic one: Financial statement analysis Do one vertical and one horizontal analysis. Do all the ratio analysis discussed in class. Infographic two: Analyzing the company stock: You are to analyze the stock. Use the following website to help you: http://www.nasdaq.com/investing/dozen/ Executive summary You are to write a one and a half to two page executive summary regarding what you presented in the two infographics. You are to address it to the CFO of the organization you are analyzing. The executive summary does NOT include references and citations within the executive summary but you will have it on a separate page. Your references should have the book and at least one peer-reviewed journal. You should describe the information presented (do not list the numbers = such as the current ratio is 1.20). You should focus on ratio groups (liquidity vs. current) and then highlight particular ratios within the groups that are problematic or areas they are doing well in. The next part of the executive summary should be about the stock. Use the stock market game to help you compare and contract the company stock to other stock Examples of infographics are: https://www.google.com/search?q=INFOGRAPHIC+EXAMPLES+FINANCE&espv=2&biw=192...
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...Ms. Tarabrina the assignments we have worked on helped me on how to choose a genre and improve my writing process skills. The assignments showed me the purpose and use of a genre. A genre is very important it helps readers learn what the text is about and how it relates to the information they are looking for. Although the genre is important it is useless without the writing process. The MWA-1 assignments have helped me organize my ideas and put them on paper. Before I began the assignments I became overwhelmed because I had no idea how to control my ideas, but I learned to calm down and write my ideas on a piece of paper in order to analyze them. I later began on my draft and revised over and over again until, I felt that my ideas were explained...
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...are often used interchangeably to describe work which previously was done with paper, but which now has been adapted to information & communication technology (ICT) devices and software. The Information Technology Association of America (ITAA) has defined information technology (IT) in the electronic era as "the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware." IT entails processes involving the use of computers and software to create, convert, store, process, transmit, and retrieve information securely. The term has recently been broadened to ICT (Information and Communications Technology), so as to include the idea of electronic communication. To be paperless means essentially that the traditional paper-based practices-such as writing, note taking, reading, editing, communicating, and even drawing-are instead performed electronically with ICT devices and software. Much has been said and written about the paperless office in recent years, and the rapid development of ICT is enabling an increasing number of paperless practices. The relationship between paperless work styles and ICT is intimate and interdependent; a paperless work and lifestyle cannot be implemented without ICT, and the use of ICT should naturally lead to becoming paperless. Paradoxically, however, the consumption of paper has increased exponentially since the advent of personal...
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