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Organizational Commitment and Communication


Submitted By lorilal1
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Pages 5
Organizational Commitment and Communication

Organizational Commitment and Communication

Organizational commitment is necessary for a productive workforce and effective communication. Communication of individuals creates and sustains an organization but the organization expects members to communicate in a certain way, structuring their behavior with expectations and habits (Cyphert, 2007). The communication within an organization can define atmosphere and determine the work culture. Google has an open work culture that encourages individual expression of ideas, creates an atmosphere of acceptance, and treats workers with respect. Even though Google’s open work culture encourages individual contributions there are other leadership styles that would alter the work culture and change group communication.
Leadership at Google and the effect of a different leadership style
Googles leadership style fosters empowerment of employees allowing employees to come up with innovative ideas and implement them. Google had a 70-20-10 norm for time allocation by employees; 70 percent of the time is for core business of search and advertising; 20 percent to off-budget projects relating to core business; and 10 percent in pursuing ideas of employee’s individual interests and competencies (Manimala & Wasdani, 2013). This leadership style is effective for encouraging open communication within the working group.
Googles leadership communicates by offering generous rewards and awards employees for implementing innovative ideas; by rewarding their employees Google is able to maintain their entrepreneurial employees rather than those employees leaving to start their own competitive venture. However, each new innovative idea is not always used, ideas must compete on their merits before implemented (Manimala & Wasdani, 2013).
A different leadership style at Google

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