...Title: Culture And Job Design, Journal Of Organizational Behavior Author: Miriam Erez Theodora Papamihalakis Synopsis: “Imagine Americans, Israelis and Japanese participating in an international management training program. They all assemble in one lecture room, each with a personal computer with an Internet connection. The training session begins with an in-basket simulation. Each participant gets a set of problems to solve. The instructor lets them know that they can use any method they want to work out the problems. They can sit in class or go outside. They can use Google to get more information, exchange ideas with each other, or both. The instructor then observes their free styles of gathering information. What he sees is the following: The Americans open up Google in search of relevant information, and continue to work on the problem individually. The Israelis look around and signal to each other to go outside and talk in small groups. They exchange ideas about solving the problems, and then approach the instructor to ask whether they can work as a team and submit a team project rather than individual projects. The Japanese participants are most confused with the lack of a clear task structure. They are not sure whether they can go outside and talk to each other or not. They are also not sure about the seniority differences among the group members. Consequently, each Japanese participant stays in the room and does his job, feeling very hesitant and uncomfortable...
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...INFLUENCE OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE ON ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOR: A THREE-SECTOR STUDY Jagannath Mohanty, Institute of Management Technology, Nagpur Bhabani P Rath, Berhampur University, Berhampur ABSTRACT In recent years, the employer expectations have witnessed an upward surge, in anticipation of certain discretionary behaviors out of their employees, which fall beyond the purview of workplace requirement and reward systems. All this apparently is to ensure long service periods and bring out the ‘Organizational Citizen’ within the employee in the organizational context. The present paper is an attempt to examine and investigate the extent of impact that a given Organizational Culture has on Citizenship Behaviors of the employees in an Organization. The study examines the impact of select Culture variables on Organizational Citizenship Behavior across three dominant Organizations representing three sectors of the economy namely, Manufacturing, and Information Technology & Banking. The paper specifically aims at establishing a cause effect relationship between dominant Organizational culture characteristics on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors. JEL: M10; M14 KEYWORDS: Organizational Culture, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Correlation INTRODUCTION A substantial amount of attention has been paid to the concept of organizational culture in the past several years (Cameron & Freeman, 1991). Likewise, the subject of organizational culture has been...
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...Supportive Organizational Culture Affect Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Towards Organization Through Affective Commitment? It is acknowledged that organizational culture behaviour (OCB) is important in companies. A considerable amount of previous journals examines different factors to bolster OCB. This essay would investigate whether supportive organizational culture would lead to more organizational citizenship behaviour towards organization (OCB-O) by the mediator, affective commitment. People perform OCB in the company just like good citizens who cherish the city and act to protect it voluntarily. Abundant studies find out OCB is beneficial to the organization through enhancing the effectiveness, efficiency and productivity....
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... The work culture and the mindset of people have also dramatically changed over the past two decades. The introduction of foreign products has improved the quality of the local products. The lifestyle has also witnessed a major shift from the pre – liberalization years. Thus the changes that are occurring worldwide are very important and forcing organizations to change. Therefore the change agent working in a traditional organizational development framework, describing culture is the first step in a rational change process which involves moving an organization from ‘here’ to ‘there’. For the practitioner who works from a complex or living systems perspective, describing culture is also as a key part of the change process itself. The paper is an attempt to investigate as to how much a given Organizational Culture can predict the prevalent Organizational Citizenship Behaviors in three different sectors namely, Manufacturing, Banking and Information Technology. Index Term—Organizational culture, organizational citizenship behavior, correlation. I. INTRODUCTION The concept of organizational culture is relatively new and is still evolving. The discipline of organizational culture emerged from the fields of anthropology and sociology. The formal writing on the subject began by Andrew Pettigrew in 1979 from an anthropological point of view. Pettigrew focused on the concepts of myth, ritual, and symbolism in an organization context [1]. The culture is particularly ...
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...nature, organizational culture and organizational behavior are two subjects that have not always been considered as having a direct correlation. In the past twenty or so years, the two have been considered as having a more direct connection and influence in relation to each other. In the context of this paper, the author will provide a definition of organizational culture and organizational behavior and explain different types of organizations. The author will also address the importance of organizational culture in shaping employees and attempt to bridge the gap between organizational cultures and influences on organizational behaviors. What is Organizational Culture? Organizational culture is sometimes referred to as corporate culture. Culture is defined as to grow in a prepared medium. An organization is an arrangement into a coherent unity functioning as a whole. Organizational culture, in a sense, is an arrangement of a coherent unity providing a medium in which members are cultivated to operate within the desires of the organization. Culture is the foundation on which an organization is built. It is a composition of values and beliefs that are developed within the boundaries of the organization and is designed to guide and direct the members or employees’ behavior. It is, in essence, the adhesive that bonds the organizational members together. Organizational cultures can have...
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...Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Jane Doe MGT/307 August 22, 2011 John Doe Organizational Behavior Concepts and Terminology Organizational behavior (OB) is characterized in terms of how human behavior impacts organizational effectiveness. The study of organizational behavior involves learning to comprehend, explain, calculate, and even control human behavior in the workplace. The scope of the study of OB encompasses how people behave as individuals, within groups, and within the organizational structure. In addition, according to Robbins and Judge (2009), OB applies the knowledge gained about individuals, groups, and the effect of structure on behavior in order to make organizations work more effectively. Years ago the success on an organization was distinguished by how technologically inclined its managerial staff were. The more technically degreed leaders there were making the decisions, the more credence there was given to the organizations success. This early approach supported a larger degree of management-coordinated functions in which strict standards, work assignments, and technical specialization ruled through stringent chains of command and strict centralized decision-making processes. Never mind the individuals’ ability to use good old-fashioned people skills to drive performance, if revenue was in excess of debt, all was well. However, was all really well is the question. As time evolved, so did the thought process...
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...Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Paper Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Paper An organization is a group of individuals that work together with common goals and vision. The people within these organizations are the driving force that are made up of CEO’s, Controllers, CFO’s, managers, employees. These organizations also include external influences like that of customers, distributors and venders and the like. It is the organizational culture, organization behavior, ethics and communication that makes these organizations stronger and keep integrity at the forefront of the organization’s mission, values and principles. Within this paper the areas of organization; culture; behavior; ethics; and communication will be elaborated on and examples provided. Organizational Culture Organizational Culture is the outcome of the internal environments and beliefs along with values that influence the behavior of organizational members as a whole. The more solid and stronger the organizational culture the more well-developed and well-communicated the beliefs and values will be, hence the organizational vision is clearly presented for future endeavors. ” Organizational culture is the sum total of an organization's past and current assumptions, experiences, philosophy, and values that hold it together, and is expressed in its self-image, inner workings, interactions with the outside world, and future expectations.” ("Organizational Culture", 2011). The...
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...Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts MGT-307 September 12, 2011 Farid Dalili Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts I will be discussing in this paper how the organizational culture, organizational behavior, diversity and communication is analyzed at Kaiser Permanente. I will define and explain how Kaiser Permanente uses the terminology and concepts in our hospital. Organizational Culture Organizational culture is the shared beliefs and values that make a difference in the behavior of organizational members. Culture plays an important role in stability and safety in an organization. Organization culture defines an organization's leadership and in order to understand its leadership, it is a must to first understand its culture. “Although it is relatively easy to conclude that what works well in one culture may not work as well in another, it is far harder to specify exactly how cultural differences affect things like motivation, job satisfaction, and ethical behavior.” (Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2008). The organizational culture at Kaiser Permanente has started a program called “Live Well Be Well” for their employees. This program has really made a big difference at our facility. The employees have better understanding of their health, motivated to come to work everyday and work ethics have improved as well. . Employees rely on culture for the ability to respond to any circumstances, culture becomes hard core in many organizations...
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...Research, Volume 8, Page 13 Organisational Behavior ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR Dr. I. Chaneta Faculty of Commerce University of Zimbabwe ABSTRACT Mullins (2005) defines organizational behavior as the study and understanding of individual and group behavior and patterns of structure in order to help improve organizational performance and effectiveness. Cole (1998) states that organizational behavior is a term applied to the systematic study of the behavior of individuals within work groups, including an analysis of the nature of groups, the development of structures between and within groups and the process of implementing change. The definitions indicate that the principal issues addressed by organizational behavior are: - • Individual behavior and performance at work; • The nature and working of people in groups; • The nature of social structures and organization design at work; • The processes involved in adapting behavior to meet changing conditions. There is close relationship between organizational behavior and management theory and practice. Some writers suggest that organizational behavior and management are synonymous, but this is something of an over-simplification because there are many broader facts to management. Key Words: organizational behavior, external environment, individual behavior, sociological approach, organizational culture. Journal of Comprehensive Research, Volume 8, Page 14 Organisational Behavior INTRODUCTION The variable outlined...
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...Organizational behavior is an academic discipline concerned with describing, understanding, predicting, and controlling human behavior in an organizational environment. Organizational behavior has evolved from early classical management theories into a complex school of thought—and it continues to change in response to the dynamic environment and proliferating corporate cultures in which today's businesses operate. "The task of getting organizations to function effectively is a difficult one," wrote David A. Nadler and Michael L. Tushman in Hackman, Lawler, and Porter's Perspectives on Behaviors in Organizations. "Understanding one individual's behavior is a challenging problem in and of itself. A group, made up of different individuals and multiple relationships among those individuals, is even more complex…. In the fact of this overwhelming complexity, organizational behavior must be managed. Ultimately the work of organizations gets done through the behavior of people, individually or collectively, on their own or in collaboration with technology. Thus, central to the management task is the management of organizational behavior. To do this, there must be the capacity to understand the patterns of behavior at individual, group, and organization levels, to predict what behavior responses will be elicited by different managerial actions, and finally to use understanding and prediction to achieve control." The Behavioral Sciences Organizational behavior scientists study four...
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...Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts November 7, 2011 MGT/307 Steve Rosales Organizational culture is defined as the actions, values, beliefs which are developed in an organization through a system that guides the behavior of the organization. Organizational culture stabilizes influences developed within the organization. Upon entering an organization, new members encounters the beliefs and values of that organization, which an initial development of values begins through internalization. The mid-focus of the culture definition is the culture must be learned and shared. The sharing and learning starts out with addressing the cognitive process and the individual decision- making and behavior. The members of an organization are influenced by organizational culture through developmental values. Several functions of the organizational culture involve internal integration and external adaption. These functions deal with the outcome of accomplishments and the problems faced within the living and working aspects of the organization. External adaption of an organizational culture deals the goals that has been set in the organization, how to achieve the goals, and the method of dealing with success and failures. Yet the responsibility, goals, and methods have close relations to the organization missions and the contribution views collectively. However, the individual in an organization separates the important external issues, ways to measure the accomplishments...
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...Organizational culture is a system of shared beliefs & attitudes that develop within an organization & guides the behavior of its members. It is also known as "corporate culture", & has a major impact on the performance of organization & especially on the quality of work life experienced by the employees. Organizational culture "consists of the norms, values & rules of conduct of an organization as well as management styles, priorities, beliefs & inter-personal behaviors. Together they create a climate that influences how well people communicate, plan & make decisions". CONCEPT OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE: - Culture consists of beliefs & behavior. It is cultivated behavior in the sense that it is learnt from the other members of the society. Organizational culture is the totality of beliefs, customs, traditions & values shared by the members of the organization. Organizational culture stress on sharing of norms & values that guide the organizational members' behavior. These norms & values are clear guidelines as to how employees are to behave within the organization& their expected code of conduct outside the organization. NATURE OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE:- The main features of organizational culture are as follows:- 1. Like an individual, every organization has its own personality. 2. The personality of the organization defines the internal environment of an organization. 3. It differentiates an organization from the others. 4. It is relatively enduring or...
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...Organizational Behaviors Mgt/307 May 10, 2012 Organizational Behaviors The internal environment of an organization influences practices of strong beliefs and standards of its members. These shared behaviors are associated with organizational culture. An organization cultures is also defined by exhibiting resilient of cultures values that strengthens the organizations goals. These goals help communicate and define the organization values and visions. The organization that exhibits this behavior practices perform well with, high achievement, collaboration, and encouragement between team members and advancement. Displaying these behavior cultures creates a work environment that will engage its members and leaders experience a strong diverse organizational culture. This will also exhibit clear and concise direction for its members. In an organizational structure, there are three alternate types of organizational cultures which consist of the passive defensive cultures, constructive culture, and the aggressive defensive cultures. In a passive defensive cultures associate tend to display guarded and defensive behavior in their actions. Passive defensive cultures feel they need to secure their space in their interactions. This even means defecting from their beliefs in order to be effective in the organization. This particular organizational culture associates tend to please others especially managerial staff to elude interpersonal encounters. They focus on rules,...
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...Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Jon Smith MGT/330 December 10, 2010 Mark Johnson Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts The environment within an organization is created by organizational culture, behavior, diversity and communication. Organizational behavior studies the human aspects of behaviors in the workplace by understanding individual and group behavior. Organizational culture guides the behavior of the employees through a set of shared values and beliefs. The cultures of an organization can be broken down into three categories, passive/defensive, constructive, and aggressive/defensive. Maintaining a constructive culture will embrace achievement, and humanistic-encouraging. Diversity is simply the differences in each individual based on race, gender, and ethnicity. The culture can play a part on how well diversity is received. Communication is just as important in an organization as the culture and behavior structure. The absence of communication will create a barrier between employees, hindering creativity, and disrupts the workplace culture. Organizational Behavior Organizational behavior (OB) is “the study of human behavior in organizations” (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2008, p. 5). Organizational behavior is devoted to understanding individual and group behavior, interpersonal processes, and organizational dynamics. The goal of organizational behavior is to improve the performance of an organization and its employees. Understanding...
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...Organizational Behavior MGT/307 November 15, 2011 Introduction Organizational Behavior (OB) is the research and function of understanding how people, individuals, and groups perform in an organization. The point is to apply knowledge toward enhancing efficiency in an organization. OB can create a healthier working relationship by including organizational culture, organizational behavior, diversity, and communication into the organization. Organizational Culture “Organizational culture is a shared set of beliefs and values within an organization” (Schermerhorn, Hunt & Osborn, 2008, Organizational Cultures, p. 11). Culture consists of the beliefs, standards, rules, and physical signs of organization associates and their behaviors. An organization culture can be determined by the display of equipment and what employees wear. Corporate cultures are coming to grasp that the greatest plans need organizational change to include structures and processes. According to McNamara (2000), organizational change efforts are rumored to fail the majority of the time. Usually this failure is credited to a lack of understanding about the strong role of culture and the role it plays in organizations. This is one reason that tactical planners stress on the important of recognizing values, mission, and vision. Strong culture exists because of the configuration to the organizational values. Weak culture occurs when there is little configuration with organizational...
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