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Organizational Culture in Theworkplace


Submitted By janwebster
Words 2362
Pages 10
Organizational Culture in the Workplace

Organizational Culture in the Workplace
PSYCH-570/Organizational Psychology
March 18, 2012 Organizational Culture in the Workplace
Organizational culture is as important to the public sector as it is to the private sector in business organizations. In a fast changing environment and continuing insights into organizational effectiveness, organizations, are seriously rethinking what and how they can best delineate and accomplish their goals and objectives (Peters & Waterman, 1982). Peters and Waterman (1982) suggest when goals are elucidated; there is a necessity to pontificate the type of culture that is needed to accelerate the goals and objectives and to guarantee that implemented changes are successful. The intention of this paper is to analyze the effects of organizational culture on organizational development and change. To allow one to grasp the concept of organizational culture Team A will give the description of Southwest Airlines, including the organization’s philosophy, mission, vision, values, and structure, an analysis of the relationship between the design and Southwest Airlines and its organizational culture, and the effects of organizational culture on Southwest Airlines workforce will be reviewed. An evaluation of the effects of change within Southwest Airlines will also be discussed.
Description of Southwest Airlines
Southwest Airlines is an airline that provides many services in different destinations around the United States. Southwest Airlines believes in being devoted to each of the communities that they serve by having their employees, customers, neighbors being a part of a loving family. Southwest philosophy is that happy employee’s equal happy customers and happy customers keep Southwest flying. They believe in providing a one of kind culture within their organization that means

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