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Organizational Culture Issues


Submitted By deren
Words 408
Pages 2
BA 7040 Special Brief Written Assignment 1 The company that I started working in was a relatively new company, but everyone was experienced due to prior jobs. The new business development department was setting the goals, deadlines and resource allocation. After we were notified of these deadlines, we were generally surrounded with concern as to how they will meet these deadlines. On top of this, a few weeks into the deadlines it was always “let’s wrap this issue since we need to present it to a consultant or a higher management”. This resulted in premature research and development on our end. Managers often changed their minds and wanted to go back to previous designs with slight modifications, which resulted in re-doing everything at least a couple of times, but never being quite able to complete the design. We were also expected to use different presentation templates for different hired consultants, which meant doing the same work repeatedly. Moreover, from a design and feasibility perspective, we were rejecting some of their ideas, but they wanted us to do the work anyways and prove to them that it was in fact not viable or feasible. These unrealistic deadlines and disregard to our feedbacks and engineering capabilities have negative impacts on all the employees.

BA 7040 Special Brief Written Assignment 2 In my previous company, a radical organizational change had undergone. New structure consisted of less layers of management. Some roles were combined, and some were newly created. At this point, several managers from different departments including mine along with several colleagues were laid off. Some chose to leave the company due to these unforeseen layoffs. My manager was tasked with overseeing several teams and projects so did the other fired managers. For a long while, their replacement did not arrive and in the meantime, the director of these

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