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Organizational Development Paper


Submitted By djones21
Words 639
Pages 3
Organizational Development: Definition, Theory, and Implementation
PSY/428 Organizational Psychology
May 23, 2011

Organizational Development: Definition, Theory, and Implementation Some companies thrive in this global economy whereas others fail. To keep a business running smoothly different processes evolve that assist companies in the managerial process. Organizational psychology assists in observing employees mannerisms and behaviors, and suggests various ways in improving employee motivation. A corporation also needs organizational development for implementation of plans and structured processes.
Process of Organizational Development Organizational development is the method of assisting in the improvement of organizations. The process of development enters a planning and implementation process that benefits the stakeholders, organization, and its employees. The client organization may consist of a nonprofit organization, public agency, volunteer group, entire company, or a smaller part of a larger organization. The consultant, or in this case the organizational psychologist, works in tandem with the company in gathering data, defining issues, and determining suitable courses of action. An assessment of the organization aids in creating and understanding current situations and identifies opportunities for adjustment to meet business purposes (ODN Chicago, 2011).
Organizational Development Theories Several organizational development theories exist in defining psychological and managerial roles. The first of these theories is scientific management. Scientific management defines the workplace by suggesting that those who design the work should be separate from the individuals who perform the work. This theory suggests that those who design the work should hold a higher hierarchical position from working employees. Ideal bureaucracy

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