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Life Is a Bi


Submitted By 123qwe11
Words 751
Pages 4
rganizational Development Organizations undergo many changes over the years to survive. In this paper the subject to discuss is the process of organizational development, many of the theories used in the processes, and the basics of the organization changes. Additionally, the paper will present what conditions are necessary for organizational development and changes.
Process of Organizational Development The process of organizational development is simply an organization improving itself by setting plans and implementing them. The plans are usually set toward improvements in the performance of the organization and individual development in an effort to increase productivity, work satisfaction, and profit. This is done by changing the behavior of the individuals by addressing their communication methods and other factors that constitute them working together along with other issues needing resolution. Most organizations find themselves in the processes of organizational development to remain strong against their competition. According to the authors of Organizational Psychology “One of the most common motivating factors behind organizational development programs can best be described as survival” (Jex & Britt, 2008, p. 1).
Lewin’s Three-Step Model Lewin’s model states that organizational change involves a move from one state to another.
Step 1: Unfreezing – In this step there is recognition of change identity. Conditions from the resistance of change began to show, becomes undesirable, and a change must occur.
Step 2: Change – This can be a level of confusion. Old ways are challenging, role changes can present a reduced state of efficiency, and support must exist in the form of good leadership. Existing is an adoption of new behaviors, norms, attitudes, and culture.
Step 3: Refreeze – This involves the re-establishment of stability and comfort.

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