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Why I Want To Study In Computer Science And Technology

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“Awake, arise and stop not till the goal is reached” – the message given by Swami Vivekananda, has been the motto of my life and my school named after this famous personality was instrumental in imbibing this principle in me. After three years of professional life this simple yet meaningful message drives me on to reach my goal. I was deeply inclined towards the field of science and technology, being allured by its sheer vastness and the plethora of knowledge. My desire to pursue graduate studies in the field of Computer Science and Technology is a cumulative result of my interest in it and my strong desire to contribute something meaningful to the society to the best of my abilities. I believe graduate study will refine and sharpen my skills and help me in realizing my goal as a research scholar in an academic or a commercial research oriented organization. The desire to explore and innovate in academic and research-oriented setting, leads me to apply to the Master of Science program in Computer Science & Engineering at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill …show more content…
I had a strong liking for Mathematics and computers from my school days and I consistently figured among the top 10% of my class. I picked up the basics of Computer Science in my school through study of languages such as Logo, Basic and fundamentals of C. I secured 88.8% and 91.25% marks in the school leaving Secondary and Higher Secondary under the Indian Council for Secondary Education. I scored 99% in Mathematics in the Higher Secondary examination. I got an admission in a reputed engineering college in my city to pursue undergraduate study in Information Technology. I displayed consistency in my academic study of four years and featured regularly among the top 10 of my

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