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Orthodox Anthropology Research Paper

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The proposition that film adds little to orthodox anthropology as an established discipline of words is not necessarily true. Film offers anthropologists the means to capture culture in the very environment that it is performed, and in various ways. This essay will explore just what film offers orthodox anthropology, by mentioning the role it can have in teaching and archiving cultural materials. As well as, its role in bringing anthropology closer to its subjects and the public through the ability of film to communicate through the sensuous body and its senses, foster participation between the filmmaker, subjects and audience, and provide the means for subjects themselves to engage in their own representation via indigenous film. This essay will also explore arguments that suggest that film offers little or has issues that hinder its use within anthropology. These include the view that …show more content…
Mead () notes that anthropology has seemingly taken on a responsibility of making and preserving records of customs and human beings of the earth, with recognition that human behaviours will eventually disappear. However, despite this recognition, anthropologists have tended to cling, and favour written word over film (). The availability of film to record aspects of culture in possibly better ways than written word, has been neglected due to reasons that have tended to underpin the view that film doesn’t really add to orthodox anthropology or has issues that hinders its use (). Baxter argues that film ethnography and anthropology are not the same, because they each have different aspects of truth and ways of piecing together and showing culture (). Whereas, anthropology was seen as detached, he describes the beauty of film as being distorted, with

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