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Orthotic Research Paper

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Orthotic treatments can treat many postural problems of the human body successfully. It includes severe foot ache and pain in the joints and muscles of the legs. Orthotic treatments effectively re-position the structure of your feet to achieve optimum skeletal balance, thereby reducing the stress on the joints that cause immense discomfort. They do this by controlling joint movement and by rectifying the angles to prevent excessive motion. Often, though not always, back pain has its root in the position of the pelvis which in turn is affected by one's way of walking. There are many different types of orthotic treatments. The type used depends on the most common activity which the patient is involved in, the shoes the patient wants to wear, and the basic foot problem. …show more content…
They realign the feet and ankles and restores faulty foot function. Orthotics is a very effective device for patients with severe flat feet, painful ankles, and drop foot problems. Additionally, Orthotics aids even weight distribution and takes the pressure off sore spots in the heels, ball of the foot, corns, and between the toes. Though it is not their main purpose, Orthotics provides some degree of shock absorption as well. Doctors who are skilled in treating knee problems will advise you to opt for Orthotic aids as they would be very helpful.

Orthopedic shoes are specially-designed footwear that relieves discomfort associated with many foot and ankle disorders. They may also be worn by individuals with Diabetes or people with unequal leg length. These shoes typically have a low heel, tend to be wide with a particularly wide toe box, and have a firm heel to provide extra support. Some may also have a removable orthotic insole and inserts to provide extra arch support. The footwear can be designed and manufactured to the patient's own medical

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