Unwelcome Epiphany In Flannery O Connor's Revelation
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Flannery O’Connor is a Christian fiction writer. In her books she applies the literary device known as epigraph; she employs quotes from the bible in her literary writings and uses names to signify the personalities of her characters. The story centers around a fowl woman named Mrs. Turpin, coined from the word turpentine, who experiences an unwelcome epiphany. In the book “Revelation,” O’Connor teaches her readers through Mrs. Turpin’s unwelcome epiphany, that everyone is equal in the eyes of the Lord, and earthly divisions do not matter to him.
The story begins in a waiting room, O’Connor gives us a visual of the physical aspects of the main character, “Mrs. Turpin who was very large, made it look even smaller by her presence…I wish I could