...Introduction Water can diffuse across the partially permeable membrane of cells depending on the concentration difference between the inside and the outside of the cells. You are going to look at the effect of different concentrations of sugar solutions on potato cells. By measuring the mass of the potato cylinders, you will be able to find out if water has entered or left the potato cells. Aim To find out what happens to the mass of potato cells when they are left in increasingly concentrated solutions. Hypothesis My hypothesis was that if the concentration of sugar where the water potential is higher than the water potential of the potato, the mass of the potato will increase. On the other hand, if they have similar water potential, the mass will not change. Variables Independent variable: concentration of sugar Dependent variable: change of mass of the potato before and after the experimant Controlled variable: temperature Apparatus • Potato • A 6mm Cork borer • Ruler • Scalpel • White tile • Sugar • Distilled water • Labelling pen • 50mL measuring cylinder • Weight balance • Stopwatch • Labels • Paper towel • 12 boiling tubes • Boiling tubes rack • Four 250mL beakers Methods 1. Measure 100mL of distilled water into a 250mL beaker. Label it “0% sugar solution”. 2. Measure 100mL of distilled water into a third 250mL beaker. Add 20g of sugar into it and stir until fully dissolved. Label it “20% sugar solution”. 3. Measure 100mL of distilled...
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...In today’s lab we were able to get a hands on look at the osmosis and diffusion process as well as analysis the nutrients in food. We were separated into groups chosen by the Teachers Assistant and began our lab. There was a brief lecture with notes and what we would be looking forward to within the lab. We were given more information on what osmosis and diffusion were. Further into the discussion we learned about controls and variables. As we finally began the experiment we needed to make sure we had the required items such as the beakers, testing strips and the chemical solutions. From there we were able to go over the instructions and carefully do the assigned tasks. For our first experiment which was the Osmosis and Diffusion lab. We needed...
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...nucleus being the yolk. Diffusion is the movement of cells from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. Osmosis is the movement of water molecules across a semi-permeable membrane. Diffusion and osmosis are important because they help with cellular respiration, which is how we stay alive. We conducted this experiment...
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...diffusion and osmosis moves across a dialysis membrane. The sub-purpose was to determine if the sucrose solution, that was in dialysis tubing would leak into the distilled water. The hypothesis states that if a sucrose solution, in dialysis tubing, is placed into a beaker filled with distilled water the net movement of sucrose will be into or out of the dialysis bag. The null hypothesis states that if the sucrose solution in a dialysis bags mass may change after taking it out of the water each time to be weighted between each 15-minute increment 5 different times. After 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes it can be concluded that weighing the sucrose solution in the dialysis bag increased in weight after each increment. Keywords: Diffusion, Osmosis, Dialysis bag, Sucrose solution, Distilled water Introduction...
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...Sonora Schueneman Dr. Kemp- Hailee Nerber Bio 111- 551 19 September 2017 Osmosis and Diffusion Across a Plasma Membrane-Lab 2 Week two in the lab consisted observing a constructed experiment involving osmosis and diffusion across a semi-permeable membrane. This allowed myself to formulate a hypothesis stating, the four pipets of cooked starch and amylase will diffuse through their dialysis bag into the beaker containing 2/3 water and four pipets of Lugol’s solution. Thus being stated, the null hypothesis would be, the four pipets of cooked starch and amylase will not diffuse through their dialysis bag into the beaker containing 2/3 water and four pipets of Lugol’s solution. In order to test our hypothesis, I set up a control beaker (Beaker...
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...London School of Engineering and Materials Science Laboratory report writing instructions DEN101 - Fluid Mechanics 1 Flow Rate Measurement Experiment A. Student Student Number: 1234567 Version 2.0, 27 November 2010 Template for Word 97-2003 Abstract This document explains what is expected in your Fluids 1 lab report. The sections that should be covered are outlined and a structure you could follow is proposed. Detailed advice on how to edit the report is given. The document concludes with the marking criteria for this lab report. Table of Contents Abstract 2 1. Introduction 3 1.1. Writing 3 1.2. Editing and formatting 3 1.3. Content of the introduction 4 2. Background and theory 4 3. Apparatus 4 4. Test 4 5. Experimental procedure 4 6. Results 5 7. Discussion 5 8. Conclusions 5 9. References 5 10. Appendix A: Marking criteria 6 Introduction Before starting to write a report, you should think about what is your audience. Am I writing for colleagues who want a lot of detail how it is done, or am I writing for my boss who just wants an executive summary as he has no time for details? In general, there is not a single type of audience and we have to make our writing suitable for the detailed read, as well as the fast perusal. To understand what is required from you in this report, please have a look at the marking criteria in the Appendix. 1 Writing To limit...
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...Kristina Eskola BL 1020 L01 Diffusion and Osmosis Lab Report (Dialysis) Introduction: Dialysis Tubing is a membrane made of regenerated cellulose fibers formed into a flat tube. If two solutions containing dissolved substances of different molecular weights are separated by this membrane, some substances may readily pass through the pores of the membrane, but others may be excluded. We will be investigating the selective permeability of the tubing to reduce sugar, glucose, starch, and iodine potassium iodide. We will test this by placing a solution of glucose and starch into a dialysis tubing bag and then place this bag into a solution of iodine potassium iodide (I2KI). Prediction: The I2KI solution will turn blue when adding Benedict’s reagent. Hypothesis: The solution of water and I2KI will be the most permeable because they will mix and react with Benedict’s reagent and the heat so the cell membrane only allows certain molecules to enter and leave the cell Materials and Methods: In the experiment we will be using two tests. In the first test, we will be using I2KI to test for the presence of starch. When I2KI is added to an unknown solution, the solution will turn purple or black if starch is present. If there is no starch in the solution, it will remain pale yellow. In the second test we will be using Benedict’s test for reducing sugar. When Benedict’s reagent is added to an unknown solution and the solution is heated, it will turn green, orange or orange-red...
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...Laboratory Exercise Osmosis and Diffusion “Osmosis and the Incredible, very Inedible Egg” **This is a fun thing to have your kids or significant other help with. Please note that this experiment takes several days to complete, so don't wait until the last minute to start!** I. Background: Osmosis is the diffusion of water molecules through a semi-permeable membrane. This is how water gets into and out of our cells. In this lab we will investigate the effects of different solutions on the water content of an egg. An egg will serve as our model of a cell. A. Remember, when comparing 2 solutions, the one with the greatest amount of stuff dissolved in it is called hypertonic while the one with the lesser amount of stuff dissolved in it is called hypotonic. Please get these terms straight in your mind before you start the experiment. B. Therefore, hypertonic solutions have less percentage of water in them than hypotonic solutions. Water, like everything else, moves from a greater concentration of itself to a lesser concentration of itself. C. In this experiment you will observe the movement of water into and out of an egg. To do this we will remove the minerals from the egg shell leaving only a membrane that is permeable to water. II. Supplies needed: 3 eggs 4 drinking glasses or clear containers Vinegar (about 2 cups) Foil or plastic wrap White Karo syrup (or any brand like it) Distilled water (actually...
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...Lab Report on Osmosis and Diffusion Biology 1, Period 3 March 15, 2010 Lab Team: Jason Perez, Kicia Long, Chris McLemore Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to observe the acts of passive transport: diffusion and osmosis in a model membrane system. The experiment will show how molecules in solution move from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration. The model membrane is dialysis tubing. Materials Used 2.5 cm dialysis tubing 15% glucose solution glucose test strip 1% starch solution distilled water Lugol’s iodine solution Procedure: Each member of the lab group will complete the procedures independently 1. Obtain a 30 cm piece of 2.5-cm dialysis tubing that has been soaking in water. Tie off one end of the tubing to form a bag. To open the other end of the bag, rub the end between your fingers until the edges separate. 2. Place 15 mL of the 15% glucose/1% starch solution in the bag. Tie off the other end of the bag, leaving sufficient space for the expansion of the contents in the bag. Record the color of the solution and weight of the bag in a data table. 3. Test the 15% glucose/1% starch solution for the presence of glucose using a test strip. Record the results in the data table. 4. Fill a 250 mL beaker or cup two-thirds full with distilled water. Add approximately 4 mL of Lugol's solution to the distilled water and record the color of the solution in data table. Test this solution...
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...This is to be written about a lab you've already done in the course. See the instructions for possibilities on the lab topic. It is to be at least 3 pages, and not more than 5 pages double spaced. Below are listed the sections you should have in the paper. You DO need to separate sections and label them each separately! Don't run them all together or else points will be deducted. Title: 10 words or less. Introduction: This is to be background information. Here you give the hypothesis and talk about what other experiments have been done on this subject. This is where you can cite some outside sources. What is the purpose of the experiment? Methods: What equipment was used to do the experiment? What was being measured? Results: Here is where your graphs, figures, tables etc. go. Record the data here. Conclusion/Discussion: Here you can describe the data. What does it mean? Did your experiment support the hypothesis? Come to a conclusion. Here you also cite outside sources as you explain the results. References: Here is where you cite the sources used in your paper. This lab report should be 3 to 5 double spaced pages. Its format should follow that given in Lab Module 1 and illustrated in the lab simulation concerning Scientific Reports assigned at the beginning of the semester. That is, the report should be divided into 4 sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion or Conclusion. Consult the Scientific Reports lab simulation concerning the content...
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...Practice your vocab with your created sentences. | American Sign Language 1 CP Practice vocab with your created sentences. | No items found | Bible 9-10 (Bible 9-10-P5) | No items found | Bible 9-10 Read I Kings by Friday and get a parent signature..... Write a 3 part essay on I Kings and turn it in on Friday.,,,,,,,,, Bible Memory due on Thursday - I Kings 9:4-7b | No items found | Bible 9-10 Bible Memory due on Thursday - I Kings 9:4-7b | No items found | No items found | No items found | Earth/Physical Science CP (EARTH-PHYS-P2) | No items found | No items found | Earth/Physical Science CP will be updated daily by 3:30pm Lab Report on Diffusion and Osmosis typed Due Thursday 1/19 (if not turned in at beginning of class it is a zero - no exceptions - No lates will be excepted) | Earth/Physical Science CP Lab Report on Diffusion and Osmosis typed Due Thursday 1/19 (if not turned in at beginning of class it is a zero - no exceptions - No lates will be excepted) | Earth/Physical Science CP will be updated daily by 3:30pm | Earth/Physical Science CP will be updated daily by 3:30pm | No items found | English 9 H (ENG_09 H-P4) | No items found | No items found | No items found | English 9 H Study spelling words (unit 8) daily. Literature quiz (unit 7) on Thursday....
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...Water Quality and Contamination Lab Report Kathryn Thomas SCI207: Dependence of Man on the Environment Instructor Joseph Fiedor October 6, 2014 Water Quality and Contamination Lab Report Abstract The water filtration process was examined using oil, vinegar, and detergent to show how well the process works. The watercolor, consistency, and smell would change allowing the difference to be seen. Different kinds of water were tested using test chemical strips to evaluate the chemicals within them. The reason was to show that bottled water was not better for human consumption than tap water. Contaminants can be carried from one point to another and can affect human health. Water quality is very important and knowledge gained in our communities can make a difference. Introduction Water quality research is important because it helps to protect and restore the quality of the Nation’s water. Certain standards help to identify problems caused by incorrectly treating wastewater, sediment, fertilizers, and chemical from agricultural areas. Standards are put in place to achieve and preserve protective water quality conditions. (EPA, 2012). Water quality affects ecological processes such as good river health, vegetation, wetlands, and birdlife. Our water resources have major environmental, social, and economic values. If the water quality is not maintained, it will affect more than the environment; it will affect commercial and recreational values as well. (NSW, 2012). The main...
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...Lab Manual Introductory Biology (Version 1.4) © 2013 eScience Labs, LLC All rights reserved www.esciencelabs.com • 888.375.5487 2 Table of Contents: Introduc on: Lab 1: Lab 2: Lab 3: Lab 4: The Scien fic Method Wri ng a Lab Report Data Measurement Introduc on to the Microscope Biological Processes: Lab 5: Lab 6: Lab 7: Lab 8: Lab 9: The Chemistry of Life Diffusion Osmosis Respira on Enzymes The Cell: Lab 10: Lab 11: Lab 12: Lab 13: Lab 14: Lab 15: Cell Structure & Func on Mitosis Meiosis DNA & RNA Mendelian Gene cs Popula on Gene cs 3 4 Lab Safety Always follow the instruc ons in your laboratory manual and these general rules: eScience Labs, LLC. designs every kit with safety as our top priority. Nonetheless, these are science kits and contain items which must be handled with care. Safety in the laboratory always comes first! Lab Prepara on • • Please thoroughly read the lab exercise before star ng! If you have any doubt as to what you are supposed to be doing and how to do it safely, please STOP and then: Double-check the manual instruc ons. Check www.esciencelabs.com for updates and ps. Contact us for technical support by phone at 1-888-ESL-Kits (1-888-375-5487) or by email at Help@esciencelabs.com. • Read and understand all labels on chemicals. If you have any ques ons or concerns, refer to the Material Safely Data Sheets (MSDS) available at www.esciencelabs.com. The MSDS lists the dangers, storage requirements, exposure treatment...
Words: 26048 - Pages: 105
...SI103L Introduction to Marine Biology LAB Syllabus Guam Community College School of Technology and Student Services Science Department Fall 2015 Instructor : Ronaldo M. Paulino, Instructor, M.Sc., Dr.PH Contacts: email: ronaldo.paulino@guamcc.edu Location and time: Section 03 Rm. 3111 and Section 04 Rm. 3115 (Allied Health Building) Section 03 Friday from 0900am-1200pm; Section 04 Saturday from 0900am -1200pm, OR, field trips as scheduled. Office hours: MW 1230pm-0200pm; TTH 0130pm-0230pm or by appointment. Allied Health Bldg. Rm. 3130 Phone#: (671) 735-5600 Course Description This course is the laboratory co-requisite for SI103 Introduction to Marine Biology. Laboratory sessions and field trips reinforce and extend basic marine biology concepts, identification of marine organisms, and anthropogenic effects on the marine environment. Student Learning Outcomes – Course Level Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Describe key chemical, biological, geological, and ecological processes. 2. Identify and classify common marine organisms. 3. Explain anthropogenic factors that affect the marine environment and organisms therein. Teaching Methodologies Guided by the instructor, Inquiry-based labs and field trips will reinforce lecture material. Course Requirements * You are required to access the course website. Here, you will receive study guides, assignments and announcements. It is...
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...Leaf Lab Report Background Cells and organisms must exchange matter with the environment to grow, reproduce, and maintain organization, and the availability of resources influences response and activities. For example, water and macronutrients are used to synthesize new molecules, and, in plants, water is essential for photosynthesis. Organisms have evolved various mechanisms for accumulating sufficient quantities of water, ions, and other nutrients and for keeping them properly balanced to maintain homeostasis. Plants absorb and transport water, nutrients, and ions from the surrounding soil via osmosis, diffusion, and active transport. Once water and dissolved nutrients have entered the root xylem, they are transported upward to the stems and leaves as part of the process of transpiration, with a subsequent loss of water due to evaporation from the leaf surface. Too much water loss can be detrimental to plants; they can wilt and die. The transport of water upward from roots to shoots in the xylem is governed by differences in water (or osmotic) potential, with water molecules moving from an area of high potential (higher free energy , more water)to an area of low water potential (lower free energy, less water). The movement of the water through a plant is facilitated by osmosis, root pressure, and the physical and chemical properties of water. Transpiration creates a lower osmotic potential in the leaf, and TACT (transpiration, adhesion, cohesion, and tension) mechanism...
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