...Our Town, written by Thornton Wilder is all about the transience of human life. Through the three Acts Thornton tells us about Daily Life, Marriage, and Death. He uses two families the Gibbs and the Webbs, and some other characters in and imaginary town named Grover's Corner's in New Hampshire to show us this. In the three Acts he also gives us a variety of in-depth points of views on the major things that happen in the story. Through the story I feel that he has left me with one piece of Advice, " Life's too short so spend life with friends and family and caring for them." In some instances of the story he or she was to busy to stop and think if they are really spending time with their friends and family. We have 3 cases of characters in Our Town doing that, and not really caring for the friends and family. Dr.Gibbs is not very concerned where...
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...Our town is a play written and published by Thornton Wilder in 1938. The set of the play is very scarce throughout the play but the actors and stage manager use a lot of spoken décor throughout the scenes to make up for the limited props. The play takes place in a small town in New Hampshire called Grover’s Corner in the years 1901-1911. Throughout the play the stage manager comes on stage and narrates what is taking place. “Our Town” consists of three different acts that are spread out over the span of eleven years. The play is based mainly off the lives of two families; the Gibb’s and the Webb’s but offer’s information on other members of the town. In scene one the play starts off with Howie Newsome making his rounds through the town dropping...
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...In every form of artistic expression the human life and how people spend our existence is explored. Our Town is one such exploration of life choices and consequences. Every single human being assumes they have a unique perspective on life. Like snowflakes, no two lives are lived exactly the same. However, the constant of life is that people are all born, live ,and die. The when, where, why, and what of life are the variables that determine our passage through earth. In a scene from Hope Floats (Whitaker)the mother says “beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it’s the middle that counts the most.” In the beginning, people are born blissfully unaware of the choices to be made. As people grow in awareness of what life is demanding...
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...Part one, childhood and adolescence, part two, love and marriage, part three, death and regret. A life loved in a robotic structure, going by what is “meant to be.” Relinquishing your hopes and dreams to please your community. In Thornton Wilder’s, Our Town, Individuals perceive the Grover’s Corners as a “true community,” yet others, like myself, believe it is just the illusion of a perfect society. Wilder is optical illusionist, M. C. Escher, and Our Town is the painting Three Worlds. A place viewed in various perspectives. The characters in the play all ostensible relationships. In The End of Solitude author William Deresiewicz states, “Technology is taking away our privacy and our concentration, but it is also taking away our ability...
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...head: PASSAGE Passage of Time Alyssa Smith Grand Canyon University Passage of Time Life is never guaranteed. A person does not know when their end will come. People go through day to day life and rarely stop to look around them. It seems that the older a person gets the faster time appears to go by. This is not an uncommon theory. The play “Our Town” by Thornton Wilder (1938) is a representation of people versus time. The theme is to appreciate the moments in life because time passes quickly. In three short acts, this play covers twelve years in the lives of the townspeople. There are many references that indicate passage of time as a theme. As the stage manger is introducing the town, he states “Naturally, out in the country – all around – there’ve been lights on for some time, what with milkin’s and so on. But towns people sleep late” (Wilder, 1938, pg. 7). The reference to people in town sleeping late compared to in the country is a way of saying that townspeople waste valuable time. Time sleeping is time that could be spent with family or friends enjoying moments that do not come along often. When the town does awaken they are being rushed. The kids are in a hurry to get ready, they eat breakfast quickly, and then they run off to school so as not to be late. Everything is rushed. Life proceeds in a way that indicates it is something that needs to be done. When Emily is talking about doing her homework, she stated “Well, I always feel it’s something...
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...This is an award winning drama that took place in the small village of Gover’s Corners. It is one of Thornton Wilder’s most frequently performs plays. It is a 1949 film adapted by Harry Chandlee and Wilder. The play opens up with the Stage Manager’s introduction to Gover’s Corners whichis a fictional town based on Peterborough, New Hampshire. The story takes place over a period of fourteen years. Gover’s Corners is an average size town that represents much of an average life in a town. It portrays a typical American small town life. This play manages to convey a deep sense of human tragedy without portraying people who rabidly abuse each other. This play has three acts that each represent daily life, love and marriage, and death. The audience...
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...When trying to film a version of Our Town by Thornton WIlder the filmmaker will experience many challenges. Thornton Wilder left everything up to viewer and director interpretation by having no scenery and props. Thornton Wilder also introduces a character that is not commonly seen in movies which is the stage manager. The stage manager in Our Town helps guide the play along and sometimes helps the viewers interpret scenes. One of the weirdest scenes in Our Town is when the dead talk and it seems as if they are living when they really are not. I think he added this to add texture to the play and provide more clarification for the viewer. When making a movie a film maker will face challenges with Our Town. In a movie you could depict the...
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...“All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever” (1 Peter 1:24-25). Our Town, a play written by Thornton Wilder, highlights the three cruxes of man within a small town in New Hampshire. Through the play, Wilder uses different scenarios to emphasize the brevity of human life. Although Solomon and Peter both speak about this topic in the Bible, Wilder would ultimately agree with Peter because he includes important topics that Solomon excludes. Many similarities become evident between Peter’s writings and Wilder’s ideas conveyed through Our Town. In Act I, the Stage Manager stops the play and explains how Joe Crowell “was awful bright”...
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...S.W.O.T. Analysis Newark Now In the late 1960’s and early 1970’s Albert Humphrey led several convention at Stanford using a specific technique to analyze data from Fortune 500 companies. This technique eventually became known as SWOT analysis. What is a SWOT analysis? It is a strategic planning method that is used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses/Limitations, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture, and it can be one of the most valuable tools in management. Without it, the risks, as well as strengths, of a financial idea would be completely disregarded and unknown. Similarly, without it, the aspect of planning for achievement would be entirely made redundant. This type of analysis aids in determining the objective of the business venture or project and identifying both the favorable and unfavorable factors; both internal and external in order to achieve that objective. As mentioned, there are four main components of the SWOT Analysis; strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Strengths can be defines as those characteristics of the business, or project team that give it an advantage over others. Weaknesses (or Limitations) are characteristics that place the team at a disadvantage relative to others. Opportunities are external chances to improve performance in the environment. Finally, threats are external elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business or project, and thus disrupt good work flow. I am...
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...PESTEL analysis framework is designed to provide business managers a useful tool to analysis and identify different macro-environment, then affect the business strategies and make business managers know how this factor effect business performance now and in the future. The PESTEL framework including six types of environmental influences which are all important: political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal. These factors are always be seen as independent. “In conducting a PESTEL analysis, business managers may create strategies that take several macro-environmental factors into consideration, so that the strategy formulation process will be as sensitive to current and future environmental factors as possible.” (Business Mate.org,2010) 2.0 Introduction 2.1 History The coffee tree café, the only place with traditional brew authentic white coffee of Ipoh, is the leading Malaysia food restaurant in Malaysia with a rapidly developing consumer brand and growing customer base. Our café was founded by a group of young people who hold the warm heart to publicize the traditional Malaysia food and coffee. Our first outlet established in KLCC of Kuala Lumpur on 25, Oct 1999. Then we soon open chain shops in Penang, Melaka, Genting, Kuching, Kota Kinabalu and other major cities of Malaysia. Now, over 12 years, The coffee tree café has grown into one of the largest family run coffee and traditional food companies in Malaysia. Along the way, our café...
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...In order for our photo studio to audit the standing position on the market and its environment, a SWOT analysis is used. SWOT represents strengths, weaknesses as internal factors, and opportunities and threats as external factors. This analysis helps the company focus on key issues, provide an overview of how certain tactics have been developed well and how others need to be worked on. Strengths First and foremost our positioning on the market is extremely well when in comparison with other competitors. Most photo studios in Berlin are either very close to one another, or outside of the town. The fact that we are located within the actual down town, and there are no other studios within a close range of ours makes it easier for our target market to focus on our company when such needs and desires arise. Within three years of operation this allows us to gain most of the local market. If another studio were to open within our vicinity, we would already have customer loyalty and trust from the existing market. Our photo studio has a crew of professional photographers. This is considered to be one of our strengths because we offer high quality, (professional) services at a going rate. Most photo studios with professional photographers and those that are privately owned usually charge above the average rate for events or any photographic needs. Other studio’s that are not privately owned usually have a regular employee who takes part in the shooting. This is considered...
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...Contents PART A- Servqual Analysis- Data Standardization and Analysis 1. Introduction 2 1.1 Service quality and customer satisfaction. 2 1.2 Measuring service quality 2 2. ANALYSIS OF SERVQUAL DATA 3 2.1 Data Standardization 3 2.2 Survey 5 2.3 Expectations and Perceptions 6 2.4 Confidence interval: 7 2.5 Dimensions 8 3 TOWN WISE ANALYSIS 9 4 Comparative Analysis of Key Results 10 5. Conclusion 11 PART B: VISA: Multi Attribute value Analysis and Multi Criteria Decision Analysis 1. Scope 12 2. Tree development 13 2.1. Cost: 13 2.2 Staff- 14 2.3 Issues: 14 3. Sensitivity Analysis. 15 3.1 Stakeholder: Local Authority 15 3.2. Stakeholder: Staff 15 3.3 Stakeholder: Tenants 16 4. Process of Scoring and weighting 16 4.1 Stakeholder: Local authority – 16 4.2 Stakeholder: Staff – 17 4.3 Stakeholder: Tenant – 17 5. Recommendation: 17 1. Introduction The Department is responsible for renting out and maintaining the housing stock (houses and apartments) of the local authority which covers a large geographic area in Scotland. The housing stock is rented out to several thousand local people on a long-term basis. The Department is committed to providing a quality service to its tenants and to help with this the Department decided earlier this year to undertake a tenant satisfaction survey. The intent behind the survey was to identify current levels of tenant satisfaction with the service provided by the Department and to...
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...Andrenekia Milhouse September 10, 2015 System Analysis and Design The town of Eden Bay owns and maintains a fleet of vehicles. You are a systems analyst reporting to Dawn, the town’s IT manager. Background Eden Bay is a medium-sized municipality. The town has grown rapidly, and so has the demand for town services. Eden Bay currently owns 90 vehicles, which the town’s equipment department maintains. The fleet includes police cars, sanitation trucks, fire trucks, and other vehicles assigned to town employees. The maintenance budget has risen sharply in recent years, and people are asking whether the town should continue to perform its own maintenance or outsource it to private firms. This morning, Dawn called you into her office to discuss the situation. A summary of her comments follows: Dawn (IT manager): When I came here two years ago, I was told that Eden Bay had a computerized information system for vehicle maintenance. What I found was a spreadsheet designed by a part-time employee as a quick answer to a complex problem. It’s probably better than no system at all, but what we really need is a new information system to meet our current and future needs. I want to develop a proposal for a new system. For now, let’s call it RAVE, which stands for Repair Analysis for Vehicular Equipment. I met with the town manager, the equipment department, and several maintenance employees to understand their needs and concerns. I want you to start by reading the interview summaries...
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...time to write a good CAR. So, once you “get” the Big Picture of the Case, and recognize the major analysis elements (focal system(s), main problem/Alternatives, etc.): o focus on analyzing those Alternatives and coming up with some significant Findings, and especially Recommendations. o As your analysis results “solidify,” focus more and more on Writing a Good CAR and submitting by the Due Date! • Cases can contain more than 1 major “track” for their analysis, allowing for alternative versions of a CAR. So, do NOT simply imitate this Example CAR blindly for its “specific content.” Worse, DO NOT simply copy any of its parts. • Instead, use this Example CAR by way of “Reverse Engineering:” See how its contents arise logically if our Case Analysis Method (Guide) is applied to the Case. This will help you understand how our analysis method works! Then, use the same general analysis method (actually, the Approach) on the Case assigned for your CAR. • Don’t just imitate the pattern of alternative found here! Analyse and find out what alternatives make most sense in the particular Case you are working on. • No Case contains ALL the facts you want to know for its analysis. So, when analyzing Cases, be pragmatic! Do not worry about any facts beyond the Case (unless specifically instructed). Instead, conduct the “best possible” analysis using available Case-facts. • Leave Enough Time to Write a GOOD REPORT based on your findings...
Words: 1972 - Pages: 8
...of 20 barangays in San Pedro with large population, according to our municipal’s website. I am not very much aware of its scheme of managing, or way of corresponding and communicating with the people inside the barangay but this is what I observed within the past few weeks. Our barangay is far from the town of San Pedro. You must ride a jeep (maybe within 20-30 minutes of trip) in order to get to the market, church and even hospitals. And I observed that our barangay has managed to provide such a mini-market, where you can buy daily food ingredients such as vegetables, meat, chicken and fish. We also have chapel inside of our subdivision, or even within the barangay, where we can attend mass on Sundays. There is a government public hospital next to our barangay, which is made to be so much accessible (to the people of our barangay) than hospitals in town. These means, even our barangay is far from the town, still our barangay still managed to provide the necessary needs of the people. I also observed that our barangay has a fire truck next to the barangay hall. It is a good thing, because I think not all of our barangays here in San Pedro has a fire truck. It creates tranquil feeling for the people because whenever there are emergencies, like unexpected fire created in a house, it will be so much easier and faster to kill the fire. Traffic issues. There are no such problems regarding this topic because our barangay officials provide traffic enforcers to manage the flow...
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