... 3-4 A. Objectives B. Hypotheses IV. Related Literature 5-6 V. Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data 7-16 VI. Conclusion 17 VII. Outputs of the Study 18-19 A. Recommendations B. Action Plan VIII. Bibliography 20 IX. Appendices 21-36 Appendix A – Sample Questionnaire Appendix B – Other Researches 1 ABSTRACT In this research material, we aim to know the problems of a senior high school student especially the K+12 coming. A survey was made containing questions about what we have observed among other senior students. We had 100 respondents from different high schools. We consider you to definitely see the answers to the research questions because we can clearly prove that what we experience are just same with what our respondents face. The result recommends more number of students to participate and a wider area including rural areas. 2 INTRODUCTION It is everyone’s dream to graduate high school. It is because it will be their stepping stone to fully realize their dreams. Graduating high school is not as easy as you think especially when we are on the verge of the K+12 implementation. It is a hard thing to do, especially when something bothers or hinders you to do your main purpose in high school. There are many requirements to pass, hard lessons to learn and different problems to encounter. A senior high school student will never say that it is very easy to graduate secondary education because...
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...With all these personal devices it has become more common today for people to listen to their choice of music when shopping, traveling on public transportation, working out or virtually any other task at any given time of the day. Music can be an outlet to escape from a situation, isolate oneself or to reflect on something. People can focus in one genre of music, artist or song and repeat that over and over as much as they want. This can be both a good and bad situation. Music can motivate you at the gym when listening to a high beat tempo while conducting a cardiovascular routine. However, music can also keep someone depressed or emotional after a particular event or situation. Suicide has been an increasing problem in young to middle age people over the last decades. This is can be attributed to a number of factors such as wars, financial distress from global recessions and increases in social platforms and information. Committing suicide has become an increasing problem in our society and in our military. Likewise, there has also been an increase in songs that discuss or are about suicide. All genres of music have some songs that discuss suicide, country, hip-hop, and blues are some examples. The genre of rock music to include alternative, grunge & emmo as they are all part or derived of rock...
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...child soldiers this paper will focus on one country in Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo. The research will describe how and why children are becoming soldiers, what life is like for child soldiers, how some children avoid becoming soldiers, and what happens to the soldiers when they become free. Since 1997 the Democratic Republic of Congo has become something like a never-ending nightmare, one of the bloodiest conflicts since World War II, causing more than five million deaths. It seems inconceivable that the biggest country in sub-Saharan Africa and on paper one of the richest, packed with copper, diamonds and gold, as well as immense farmlands of great fertility and enough hydropower to light up the continent, is now one of the poorest, and most hopeless nations on earth. Unfortunately, there are no promising solutions within grasp, or even within sight. One of the gloomiest parts about this nightmarish conflict is the use of child soldiers. The overwhelming majority of child soldiers in the Congo have been kidnapped from their families by rebel groups. It has been estimated that one in ten child soldiers or 30,000 children are found in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The United Nations believes that 15-30% of all newly recruited soldiers in the Democratic Republic of Congo army are less than 18 years old. One...
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...teacher that understands their students’ physical development may find it easier to identify a possible cause to a problem a child is having in school. Understanding the stages of cognitive development is of the utmost importance. Knowing a child’s starting point is essential for a teacher so they can plan the right way to help move the child through their zone of proximal development. It is a teacher’s job to promote thinking abilities in their students. By asking higher order questions a teacher will help in their cognitive development. A child’s development of personality and self-esteem is important to not only their schooling, but in their whole life. A teacher can help their students establish this personality and give them multiple ways to develop their sense of self. My purpose in this child study is to be able to analyze an individual child’s physical, emotional, and cognitive development and determine how the changes she is going through will affect her learning and behavior. Making my decision on which child to study was not an easy one. I sat with Kimberly Mach, a sixth grade language arts teacher at Memorial Middle School who has become a mentor for me in my internship. We discussed the child study project and the specifics it would entail. We discussed several students that could be used in this study; all of the choices were middle-level, average students, that...
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...Student Growing up in Canada with a life-long fascination for Canadian geography, I have always been interested in returning to the country. Although my family moved to the US before I entered high school, I have always kept my eyes turned north, especially in recent years as I began to read journal articles about research conducted on John Evans Glacier, located about 80° N latitude. Graduating next semester with a B.S. in computer science and engineering and a minor in geographic information systems, I am interested in attending the University of Alberta for graduate study. Geographic information systems (GIS) is a field especially suited to investigating spatial patterns, modeling diverse scenarios, and overlaying spatial data. This semester, in my advanced GIS course, Spatial Data Structures and Algorithms, I am part of a team developing a temporal database and program for tracing historical trading data. My computer science skills have also been put to use in two summer internship projects, where I acquired proficiency with using LIDAR (light detection and ranging) technology, now favored by NASA in its current 10-year study of Greenland and changes in the ice cap extent. Through my coursework and project experience, I have also accrued skills in using Arc/Info, ArcView, Microstation, and RDBMS software packages, and I am equally comfortable programming in Visual Basic, C++, and Java. For my graduate research project, I would...
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...presentation and analysis 9 7. Summary of findings 18 8. Secondary data analysis 20 9. Limitations 23 10. Recommendations 24 11. Conclusion 25 12. References 27 13. Appendix 28 About 7 years ago, I remember that my English teacher came to the classroom with a very sad face. She was very upset and was sweating. She was so upset that she could not take the class properly and left the classroom early. Later on when she was asked by one of our senior students, she revealed the reason for which she was so upset. While travelling in the public bus that she uses everyday to come to school, she was literally sexually harassed. She was sitting on the front row of the crowded bus when suddenly two men came in front of her and was somehow touching her chest with their elbows. In the rush, they were acting as if it was not intentional but our teacher understood that it was purely planned by the two. As the bus was going, our teacher tried to complain but she felt silent and nervous and did not react as she was completely numb. Through out the route, the two men explored that area of her body. When our teacher got down from the bus, she realized what exactly had happened. It was later found that she also cried in the school that day while describing the awful experience with her colleagues. She also swore that she will never travel on a public bus again in her entire life. Just like...
Words: 3620 - Pages: 15
...and a child is birthed simultaneously with the child’s entry into the world. The child takes its first breath of life and displays the initial dependent human longing for protection and love in the presence of a mother. As the mother is everything a child needs when it is born, the mother also only needs the child in that moment. That bond is more precious than anything in the world, which is why every mother tries to have her children as close to her as she can. Every mother loves her child. They can argue, discuss intensely, the can even fight, but at the end of the day, a mother will always love her child. Because of the love, a mother has for her child; it is hard for her to let go. Some will tell their children how they feel, and some will just what do they think is the right thing for the child and hope that the child will understand. Motherly love is a topic we find in the short story “Where the Gods Fly”, written in 2012 by Jean Kwok. The short story is from the anthology “The Shortlist” which was one of the short stories that won The Sunday Times EFG Private Bank Short Story Award in 2012. Briefly, the short story is about a mother: fearful that she may be losing touch with her, and that she may be losing all that is inherent in her culture. A Chinese mother takes the drastic step of removing her daughter from ballet school. This paper contains an analysis and interpretation where part of the paper focuses on the structure of the story and the use of contrasts. ...
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...backgrounds are given the same opportunities as those from a higher socioeconomic background. We can do this by eliciting the best teachers, quality schools, and administrators to instruct these disadvantaged children. We can also do this as parents by making sure that we have educational attainment as our goal for our children by providing different instructional avenues in the home to facilitate learning and desire for learning by our children. If all of these parts of the puzzle can be put in place correctly, then at-risk youth at least have an equal opportunity to succeed in this world of inequality that we all live. Equality in the public school system is a joke. In other words, it does not exist. There are certain criterion that must be met before schools can even start to be considered equal: “equal access, common curriculum, differential curriculum, desegregated schooling, and equality of results” (Riordan 2004, p. 2). In some underdeveloped countries, certain people are excluded from an education, from the poor to the women, it just depends. Another extent to where people are excluded is common curriculum. Even though this was set out for the benefit of all children in school, it proved to not be equal because blacks were still segregated. Even under the guise of the “separate but equal” doctrine, the school system was still anything but. Differential curriculum is where...
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...Experience) in our university, which is a very enjoying, thoughtful and unique course in Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB). We are very grateful to IUB for giving us such a practical experience of the rural life of Bangladesh through the LFE. I really appreciate the people of “Maria South” village, Bogra for giving us such an opportunity to explore the area and for helping and guiding us throughout the course and to for the support of accommodation, food facilities, and security. My special regard goes to Dr. Suman Prosad Sahaand Dr. Shabareen Tisha who have supported us and helped us all the way through and took care of all the problems faced by us during the program. Special thanks go to the LFE monitors Ruman bhaiya (Technical), Tutul bhaiya (Technical), Fahim bhaiya (Regular) and Tasnia apu (Regular), they were also very co-operative and helpful. All of them have guided us throughout the course session to achieve our success in collecting the data. Letter of Transmittal: 11, Feb 2016 Coordinator Dr. Suman Prosad Saha Dr. Shabareen Tisha Live-in-Field Experience Program- Jan 2016, RDA, Bogra. Subject: Submission of survey report. Dear Sir, With due respects and humble submission, I am Hadiuzzaman Rasel, the member of Group no-13, would like to submit my LFE report, which was held from 2nd January to 13th January...
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...Career and You8 Which career Interests You the Most8 Transferable Skills8 Skills and Values9 Planning Secondary School Courses10 My High School Plan10 Your Post-Secondary Options11 Resume and Cover 12 Type chapter title (level 2)5 Type chapter title (level 3)6 Type chapter title (level 1)4 Type chapter title (level 2)5 Type chapter title (level 3)6 Self-Assessment My name is Jacob Joshy Kalarickal. I am a 15 year old boy who basically follows the pattern eat-sleep-ball-study–repeat. I know that sounded crazy, well I guess that speaks a little bit about my personality. I am the first born out of two children. Many first borns possess traits such as organization, intelligence, ambition, imagination, confidence, and most importantly responsibility. However I don’t possess most of these traits. Maybe that gives a little foreshadowing to my self-esteem, which I’ll admit isn’t quite at the top of the pack. However with the knowledge I’ve gained throughout the course I hope to change these qualities, along with other qualities that are preventing from going deep within me, and discovering more things about me. Through changing these qualities it will in turn benefit me in the future. I like to refer to myself as a student athlete, and in turn believe that education must come first in life as it is the keys to open many doors in life. I am that person that tries to get involved with as many things as possible, and in turn believe that more transferable...
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...BLAW 2210 Term Paper Career Preparation My top two career choices are corporate financial analysis in investment banking and actuary. I will be discussing the legal environment of my career choices, taxing authorities, entity structure, graduate school in order to obtain certain license, self-assessment of my chosen careers. First, I will discuss how I can work as a corporate financial analysis in investment banking. After that, I will talk about what I need prepare to be an actuary. 1.corporate financial planning and analysis The responsibility of a corporate financial planing and analysis is to support management planning and decision making by identifying, maintaining, and evaluating information,as well as recommending actions. * Legal environment * Entity structure Investment banking is concerned with the primary function of assisting the capital market in its function of capital market intermediation, i.e. the movement of financial resources from those who have them means investors, to those who need to make use of them means issuer for generating profit. Therefore, it can be inferred that investment banks are those institutions that are the counterparts of banks in the capital market in the function of intermediation in resources allocation. Investment banks carried on carious activities it helps companies and governments and their agencies to raise money by issuing and selling securities in the primary market. They assist public and private corporations...
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...ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The completion of this Internal Assessment would not have been possible without the help of the Almighty God, who gave me the strength and health to complete the assignment. Also my family and friends played a major role in assisting me in obtaining the necessary research data for the project. And last but definitely not the least my wonderful sociology teacher Mrs. Candice Pooran, who aided her students’ with well prepared tutorials and guided us every step of the way. I am extremely thankful. STATEMENT OF PROBLEM/INTRODUCTION Page | 1 This study is based on the labeling theory which was created and developed by Frank Tannenbaum and Howard S. Becker; in this research we will look at “the extent to which labels or stigmas negatively impacts on juvenile behavior in Secondary Schools in Sangre Grande”. According to Sociology Themes and Perspectives; labeling is a process of social reaction by the “social audience,” (stereotyping) the people in society, judging and accordingly defining (labeling) someone’s behavior as deviant or otherwise. Labeling theory, consequently, suggests that deviance is caused by the deviant’s behaviour being labeled as morally inferior, the deviants internalizing the label and finally the deviant’s acts in accordance to that specific label. In other words it can be said that the social audience is responsible for forming positive sanctions [reward] or negative sanctions [punishment] whereby creating or diminishing deviants in society...
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...for print and electronic sources and imply their information to ideas and integrate them into the writing projects. The reflecting learning outcome required me to look back at previous works and decide what changes can be made and how future works will be improved. This English course successfully improved my...
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...Hillsborough County Public Utilities Department Leadership Analysis Managing Organizations and Leading People – C200 Task 1 Western Governors University Table of Contents Introduction1 Current Leadership Practices2 Affects on Current Culture3 SWOT Analysis5 Strength #15 Strength #25 Weakness #16 Weakness #26 Opportunity #17 Opportunity #27 Threat #18 Threat #28 Evaluating the Traits of the Current Leader9 Strength #19 Strength #210 Strength #310 Weakness #110 Weakness #211 Weakness #311 Recommendations for the Future12 Recommendation #112 Recommendation #212 Recommendation #313 References14 Hillsborough County Public Utilities Department Leadership Analysis Presently, I work for the Hillsborough County Government in the State of Florida. The first two and a half years of my career with the County, I worked for the Public Utilities Department. This is one of fifteen departments listed under the Chief Development and Infrastructure Services Administrator. Each Administrator has multiple Assistant Administrators and Department Directors within their structure and each Administrator reports directly to the County Administrator who is appointed by the elected officials serving on the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC). While the structure and needs of each agency/department are unique to the area they serve, the term “public utilities” may sound familiar. The name “public utilities” identifies the water and sewer systems that are required to be...
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...Abbas Zia Karachi School for Business & Leadership Arsalansalahuddinkhan@hotmail.com[->0] 1 Abstract The purpose of this paper is to study the consumer behavior of online shoppers in Pakistan in order to gain insights into their attitudes, preferences, decision-making frame work, and life styles. The target population for this study consisted of the urban consumers who are educated and belong to upper and upper-middle socio-economic classes. Within online shopping, two major categories could be established, namely “Electronics” and “Clothing”. As per our analysis, the experience expected from both the medium is different. For purchasing a commodity offline, the customer would rate the overall shopping experience higher as opposed to convenience. Now we had to establish that what type of goods would be preferred online as opposed to through brick & mortar, and vice-versa. Keywords: online, brick & mortar, electronics, clothingl. 2 Introduction To study the consumer behavior of online shoppers in Pakistan in order to gain insights into their attitudes and preferences, decision-making frame work, attributes for store selection and life styles encouraging online shopping. The target population for this study consists of the urban consumers who are educated and belong to Upper and upper-middle socio-economic classes...
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