Premium Essay

Outbreak of Ww1


Submitted By YAELAST
Words 2383
Pages 10
‘Made in St Petersburg’. Discuss this assessment of the outbreak of general European war in 1914.

The spark that led directly to the outbreak of war was the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914. The events that took place in Europe prior to 1914 have to be focused upon as being pivotal motives in the outbreak of war. Russia deeply influenced and played a key role in the outbreak of World War One, but it is difficult to say she was the sole cause. The different alliance groups, Nationalism, economic stability, domestic tensions and the divergent Foreign Policies in the Central European countries were collectively the reasons that brought about a general European war. Russia’s history preceding 1914 constituted to the decision making of the July Crisis. The Russo-Japanese war of 1904 left Russia defeated and powerless both economically and militarily. [1]‘Russia suffered 400,000 casualties, lost two of its three fleets and denuded its western frontier fortifications of troops and armaments.’ The defeat to Japan caused Russia a major embarrassment and Russia was intent on building up her military strength for the countries social security. By 1910 the ‘Small Program’ followed by the 1913 launch of the ‘Great Program’ enabled Russia to add additional spending to the army and military but Russia’s military strength still lacked its initial power. World War One may have been a way in for Russia to regain her losses, build up her the power she once had and rid the threats of both Germany and Austria-Hungary. Russia had a vested interest in the Eastern Question and the Ottoman Empire. With the decline of the Turkish Empire, Russia would have consequently benefitted from expanding eastwards which would add to her strength. The Russian alliance with France would in effect protect Russia against

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