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Overview of Quant vs Qual Articles


Submitted By ernrs1
Words 1437
Pages 6
Overview of Quantitative vs Qualitative Articles
NURS 4000/NURS 4001: Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice
March 17, 2015

Overview of Quantitative vs. Qualitative Articles Using two research studies selected from the list of articles provided. I choose A Bundle Strategy Including Patient Hand Hygiene to Decrease Clostridium difficile Infections (2014) and Impact of a Smoking Cessation Educational Program on Nurses' Interventions (2014). The purpose of this paper is to do an overview of both a quantitative and qualitative article. Review each selected article on learning about study design, by identifying information from each component of the study. Then evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each study.
Overview of Quantitative Article
Research Question According to the article, A Bundle Strategy Including Patient Hand Hygiene to Decrease Clostridium difficile Infections (2014), the research question is, does patient hand hygiene included in the bundle strategy help decrease Clostridium difficile infections? According to information found in Chapter 3 (Adams, 2012), using the abstract of problem-solving, nursing process and research process, the information found in this study was impertinent to the outcome. Determining that hand washing does help decrease c-diff infections.
Study Design The article, A Bundle Strategy Including Patient Hand Hygiene to Decrease Clostridium difficile Infections (2014), is a quantitative study, and non-experimental design gathers the information. Non-experimental design as defined in Chapter 6 (Adams, 2012) of the Schmidt and Brown (2012) textbook, "describing a phenomenon in detail, explaining relationships and differences among variables." Also, the researchers in non-experimental design watch the variables of interest while trying to determine relationships and differences between them.

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