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Ownership In Education

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Taking Ownership of my Learning

Taking ownership of my learning to me, means that I am solely responsible for my educational growth. I need to make an effort in going deeper into lesson studies, searching for more information to make me fully equipped with knowledge. In a Corelaborate blog, Kristen Labrie argued that most teachers knows how to teach their students the standards and content of their grade level, making it engaging for the students as experience grows. However, she does not believe that alone is enough to get students college or career ready and I totally agree with her. Education is an investment in your knowledge development, the foundation of personal growth. A teacher will share his/her knowledge with you, nonetheless it …show more content…
My education, my responsibility.

Now that I am attending this University, I wrote down in my personal journal that my must have my bachelors degree in 4 years, ending in 2021. I also wrote that by 2029 I should have a PhD in Psychology. I am hoping that the University offers this area of study very soon. I have scheduled times to review my goals and questions to evaluate my progress. I need to know by the end of the school year how bright is my goal looking. Will I be successful in the time frame given? Is there anything I need to change/adjust? What is my GPA? Am I taking control of my learning? The list can go on and will vary depending on the …show more content…
I need to work on doing that more often. To me,my instructor is the facilitator of knowledge, someone who is highly educated to give academical guidance. I follow his guidance while digging deeper and taking ownership of my learning to equip myself with knowledge for my personal and professional development. I certainly believe that my instructor is an expert in the subject matter and while I could learn towards being a novice, I happy to say that I am moderate. I am not a beginner, because my personal and professional experiences that helps me to relate and understand the subject matter easier than a novice

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