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College Level Writing Analysis

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College level writing to many is a walk in the park on a nice spring day. On the other hand, to me it is a walk in the snow on a slippery slope. As I write; my critical thinking and writing skills are put to the test to deliver the out most "perfect" essay. However; For whatever reason, I get stuck and my thoughts don't make sense. My words and vocabulary don't come together smoothly as you will see in someone's work. Furthermore, college level writing is known to require time, perfect grammar and understanding of your topic. That is why without these essential skills one will end up with a poor unsubstantial essay. Slow and steady is the way to approach college level writing in my opinion. In order to create a great essay, I need time to explore my options. For example, having an idea of the style and approach I will like to take towards the writing I will be working on. Also creating a plan that will help me with putting time a side for my project so that as soon as I get my topic I can take time on my brainstorming. In my case I get off school before noon. I go straight to the …show more content…
If I don't understand the meaning behind my topic it will be useless to write about it. I will just be rabbling down on thoughts and ideas that do not connect with the main idea. Personally, digesting the topic helps with the understanding of it. I separate each sentence or word and try to find the meaning that makes sense to me. By doing this step I see if I can tell it to someone else but, in my own words. Another Step I take to understand my topic is by reading it out loud and analyzing what it is that I want to say about it. For some, it comes easy and they are quick to put in paper what they understand about a topic, but I have to go little by little in the process because I drown in so much wording. Without the understanding and knowledge of my writing it difficult to transmit my point

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