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Student Nursing Research

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Student nurses can work more efficiently in their preferred area. In a psychological aspect, people tend to stick to their comfort zone. Being familiar with the work area is key to become successful in working as a nurse. Efficiency in a preferred career field can be correlated with a student's perception of that specific work area. Nursing students are highly encouraged to find their personal work area preference but it should not limit them in such a way that they become unfamiliar with the other fields of the nursing profession. Student Nurses are required to build and hone their versatility to adapt in every field. It is best to gain experience in all available related work to know where the student's current skill level. Having a decent amount of experience by working on every field available is good because students will have an idea on where they prefer to work. It is highly recommended to have experience in several fields because that way student nurses become an indispensable asset in their future profession. There are several factors that play a major role in choosing where students prefer to work and one of them is the environment. A working environment that is conducive to learning can boost the productivity of student nurses. A good learning environment aids student nurses to mold their skills to …show more content…
It requires flexible responses to patients with serious illness and trauma, backed with extensive medical knowledge. Though ER nurses typically work alongside medical doctors, they must also be able to work independently and take leadership roles when necessary. During the life of a career of an emergency room nurse, he or she might also work in other fields of Nursing, including home-care, geriatric care, providing medical services in businesses and schools and the administration of other

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