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Tanning Skin Cancer

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Current research efforts- potential future develoments are being researched

Because the overall incidence of skin cancer rates continue to increase, scientist continue to look for potential future developments for the risk management of cancer related to tanning and sunbathing. Researchers are currently looking for ways to decrease skin cancer rates and discover new prevention methods. Such areas include drugs, genetics, melanoma treatments, and potential vaccines.13, 14
Current research suggest that exposure to ultraviolet radiation as a young age are more likely to develop malignant melanoma.16 Based on the analysis of much data, individuals exposed to ultraviolet radiation at a young age are more likely to develop skin cancer.16 The …show more content…
Tanning salons use artificial light sources containing UVA radiation, which are five times more carcinogenic than sunbathing.9 Some tanning salons use artificial light sources containing UVB radiation, which causes damage in the DNA. Damage to the p53 gene, a tumor suppressor gene, is caused by UVA damage .9 When this gene is damaged, growth of cancerous tumor cells began to reproduce. The tanning industry has continued to contribute to the increase of tanning activities. Many tanning campaigns recommend tanning as an alternative source to obtain vitamin D.9 Although only minimal exposure to ultraviolet radiation it required to initiate Vitamin D production, health officials recommend other …show more content…
In men, it is common to find for skin cancers to occur on the trunk of the body and on the legs, head, and neck in women.8 Therefore, protecting the body from sources of radiation are fundamental to prevention. Studies show that sun- protective measures can decrease the number of cancer incidences.8 One of such measures include wearing protective clothing with a tighter stitching, thick cotton, and darker colors.8 The Federal Trade Commission and the Consumer Safety Product Commission helps with determining the appropriate ultraviolet radiation protection in clothing for consumer use.8 Hats and sunglasses are also used to protect individuals from the ultraviolet radiation damage of the sun. The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommend lenses have almost 100% protection to reduce radiation exposure to the eyes.8 Sunscreen use is also important in skin cancer prevention. Many clinical trials have shown that the use of sunscreen has been effective in reducing all forms of skin cancer.8 This hat, sunglass, and sunscreen combination provides high level protection against ultraviolet

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