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Lily Cate's Interventions: Case Study

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Catherine reported that Lily Cate came to school when Catherine was working in the older daughter Grace’s class. Another adult working there, asked Lily Cate to help her carry some supplies. Catherine reported that Lily Cate spoke with this woman and helped her. That made Catherine feel more hopeful that Lily Cate will do well in Kindergarten. Catherine also shared that she was worried about her other children before they went to Kindergarten and then ended up doing just fine and excelled in school.
Father works from home in his post production sound studio. Mother does the books in an office at home. Catherine liked the suggestion to set up a desk for Lily Cate with supplies from Staples or the Dollar Store. She said, “Lily Cate will love that.” …show more content…
Lily Cate has an interested in cooking, I suggested that one day Lily Cate may become a chef now she could her Catherine with meals. Catherine came up with the idea of buying spaghetti sauce and noodles and the Dollar Store and let Lily Cate make it.
Last week we reframed “hoarding” as “collecting”. This week we reframed (sometime annoying) her behavior of making creations and grouping things together as “creative.” We talked about how Lily Cate’s Dad is very creative. We looked at Lily Cates behavior now and thought about what that could lead to as an adult. For example, her love of pretend selling food and making food could lead her to be a chef. Catherine found a Lemon with colored pencils sticking out of it. We discussed how one day Lily Cate may become an

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